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  1. Guys, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt looks as promising if not more. Can't wait for next year, saving up to buy a monstrous rig :)
  2. Would be nice to get Neo's feedback on Gekko64's post #3410 . I am still waiting to play the game since i am worried that at high level i will be oneshotting enemies. I have decided to wait and do a full re-install once the guide is almost finalized. Hopefully Neo will add some scaling/combat mods to address this issue.
  3. ESO was a huge disappointment for me. I will not be renewing my sub.
  4. Now I realized that my CPU has been the bottleneck (long with my Mobo)... Time to start saving :)
  5. Ok Daniel. Any mod can move this thread to the appropriate forums? Thanks,
  6. At factory speed will it offer a better performance than the i7 980x?
  7. Ok noted William thx for the feedback.
  8. Hello Step Community, Whilst going through TESO reviews comments (awaiting my copy of TESO atm :) ), I stumbled across this: Skywind. https://tesrenewal.com/skywind-faq What IS Skywind exactly? A: It is a non-commercial, fan made modification for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim that seeks to merge the amazing world of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind with the enhanced graphics and capabilities of Skyrim's engine. Funny, few days ago I was thinking to myself... Why doesn't someone merge the past ES games and Skyrim. Imagine. This is still a WIP but looks so promising. Just wanted to drop this here and see what you guys think about it, or has it already been discussed? In any case, the gaming future looks so bright, specially now with the advent of the 4k screens. Good times are ahead for us gamers, that is for sure!
  9. I am purely a gamer :)
  10. My frame rates are with ENB enabled on High Settings. Maybe i should replace my CPU, what do you guys suggest? How about the 4960?
  11. Well i get exactly the same FPS as Belexandor... With a I7 980x CPU oced to 4.4, a 780 Nvidia GFX card and an SSD, running at 1920 x 1080. Indoors are smooth and my fps is in the 50s, outdoor and heavy demanding areas i dip to low 30s and even high 20s before I decided to OC my CPU. I am doing a fresh re-install and will be trying the new Nvidia drivers once they are out of Beta. Hopefully this will give me a slight boost. Anything below 35 fps is kinda unacceptable tbh, specially with my system which can be considered high end.
  12. Gonna try it once it is out of beta :)
  13. I had the same problem m8, i ended up downloading all the C++ Visual and it worked.
  14. Faylon try to OC your CPU, I gained up to 20% FPS with OCing my i7980x (3.33ghz----> 4.4ghz). Skyrim is highly cpu dependent.
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