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  1. ipmlj's post in [question] MO with Skyrim Performance Monitor was marked as the answer   
    Edit: Have you tried moving MO outside of the Steam folders? Not sure it will work if it is nested.
    I haven't check if SPM has updated...I'm currently using 3.54. Great tool when I want to monitor real time.
    For the Launcher file path: It will need to be where you have MO installed.
    For example: F:Mod OrganizerModOrganizer.exe
    Then for the
    Skyrim INI file path: F:Mod Organizerprofiles"insert profile name"skyrimprefs.ini
    Skyrim Main Program file path: F:SteamSteamAppscommonSkyrimTESV.exe
    Once MO starts, just launch your skyrim as you normally would. Hope that helps.
  2. ipmlj's post in CK doesn't see mods installed in Mod Organizer was marked as the answer   
    Alright, well I don't know why but its working now (thru MO) and the CK sees all the plugins.
    What I did:
    Unchecked the "run as administrator" for both MO and CK executables. Unchecked compatability mode for the CK.exe (I had set it to Win 7 --I'm running Win7 Ult 64bit) Moved (edit: a copy of) the plugins.txt from my currently loaded profile to the F:Steam...Skyrim installation folder This removed the elevation prompt when launching the CK from MO however the CK failed to launch and MO hung at the "MO is locked while running the executable" msg.
    Then I cut the plugins.txt that I had pasted into the F:Steam...Skyrim folder and pasted it to desktop. Now the CK launches fine and sees everything installed for my current profile. I'm at a loss as to why its working though.
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