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Everything posted by Whitra01

  1. Is there a mod out there that allows you to recruit the non-circle companions as followers before finishing the quest line? I thought such a mod existed, but I can't seem to find one now. Thanks!
  2. When it's coupled with something like Realistic Needs and Diseases or iNeed it provides a nice brake on crafting. Spamming potions or crafting a full suit of armor will take long enough to cause iNeed's sleep penalty to kick in and slow down experience gain, which I find to be a really nice touch. It's also possible to restrict the looting, inventory, etc. screens while in combat, which is something I can't play without now. It's a great gameplay moment when I'm forced to run away from a fight and leave loot behind, especially when combined with Loot and Degradation. In short, the mod synergizes with a lot of other immersion mods. I did find that it takes a lot of tweaking to get all the time settings right, and it will often take awhile for the mod to register when combat is over, but these are both tolerable trade offs.
  3. I don't usually contribute much to these forums, so please take my advice with a grain of salt, but in answer to Shadriss' question, I'd wait and see how the mod creator will update this.I've been using the early version (pre-lore and added creatures) on a recent playthrough and enjoyed it, but I had to make some heavy modifications to his lists. There are four big problems I've found with the mod. (1) Some of the animals aren't lore friendly, like the pandas, some of the lions, amethyst grouse, etc. (2) Among the lore-friendly animals, there's a wide range of textures and models. Some of the big cats look great, others not so much. Even after I removed all the animals I didn't think were lore friendly from my game, I'd say that for every new animal that I'm excited to find in game there's another that's disappointing. (3) There are some problems with the leveled lists and death item lists. For example, I've seen beavers spawn pretty far from water, and some animals drop leather instead of furs. I'd like to see the modder introduce a generic fur plate at least. (4) Some of the animal AI seems to be too aggressive. I like that moose will turn and fight when attacked, but I also think I've seen them initiate combat, too. When fighting them, it seems like their hit box doesn't correspond to the animals size, either. I like the mod, mostly for the deer/moose/elk and grouse variants it adds. I'd recommend it to people that want a little more variety, but I don't think it has the polish to fit into STEP.
  4. Thanks for the great release! I've been waiting for this one for awhile and in just happened to come as I was setting up a new playthrough. I have a possible bug to report: when I picked up and read "Liturgy of the Duelists," all the world textures (the background textures while reading) dropped and I was left with a big pink field. I picked up another book immediately after without any problem, so it looks like it was limited to just that one. I was testing a heavily modded build, so it's entirely possible the disappearing texture wasn't attached to your mod. Just wanted to mention it in case it was.
  5. Hello, I've recently migrated to using MO with my first full install of STEP and the Requiem Pack. I'm using WB, TES5Edit, and the CK to create a few custom patches and tweaks of my own, but have run into a problem with what I assume is MO's virtual folders. Previously, if I needed to make a patch I would use Wrye Bash to esmify the masters for the "patch".esp, and then open the CK, with WB still open, to make the patch fixes. However, when I try to use esmify Masters in WB when using MO, WB throws this error: WindowsError: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified: u'C:\\Steam\\SteamApps\\common\\Skyrim\\Data\\"Master".esp' And halts the process at the first master. I can't find the esmified plugin until restarting WB, but it's visible in MO, moved to its new location as an esm. However, the process halts before any additional masters are esmified. The same situation occurs if I later espify the "master".esm. It looks like WB is having a problem dealing with files in MO's virtual system. (the same seems to be the case with manually creating leveled lists for bashed patches, but I'm not as concerned about that.) Has anyone had any success using WB to esmify/espify files? I assume I can convert them one by one, but I'm wondering if I'm doing this the right way. Or, to get to the heart of my issue, how do you all edit patches with masters when using MO? Thanks in advance for any help or redirects to previous threads.Â
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