I don't usually contribute much to these forums, so please take my advice with a grain of salt, but in answer to Shadriss' question, I'd wait and see how the mod creator will update this.I've been using the early version (pre-lore and added creatures) on a recent playthrough and enjoyed it, but I had to make some heavy modifications to his lists. There are four big problems I've found with the mod. (1) Some of the animals aren't lore friendly, like the pandas, some of the lions, amethyst grouse, etc. (2) Among the lore-friendly animals, there's a wide range of textures and models. Some of the big cats look great, others not so much. Even after I removed all the animals I didn't think were lore friendly from my game, I'd say that for every new animal that I'm excited to find in game there's another that's disappointing. (3) There are some problems with the leveled lists and death item lists. For example, I've seen beavers spawn pretty far from water, and some animals drop leather instead of furs. I'd like to see the modder introduce a generic fur plate at least. (4) Some of the animal AI seems to be too aggressive. I like that moose will turn and fight when attacked, but I also think I've seen them initiate combat, too. When fighting them, it seems like their hit box doesn't correspond to the animals size, either. I like the mod, mostly for the deer/moose/elk and grouse variants it adds. I'd recommend it to people that want a little more variety, but I don't think it has the polish to fit into STEP.