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  1. (Will post full logs when any paste/upload site wants to work) Was forced to update DynDOLOD today, previous version I was on (think it was 182) worked and ran fine, now it suddenly throws the following error when I try to run it. [00:35] [ProcessSeasonFile] Circular seasonal swap detected in seasons\Unfrozen_SUM.ini. Permanently remove all lines containing "DynDOLOD" from the seasonal INI. [00:35] Circular seasonal swap detected in seasons\Unfrozen_SUM.ini. Permanently remove all lines containing "DynDOLOD" from the seasonal INI. This is not the only file it has thrown it on. Was a new check implemented? Because the line in the mod (Seasonal Landscapes - Unfrozen) in the specified file seems very intentional. ;WordWallHighHrothgarBroken_DynDOLOD_NOFLAG|WordWallHighHrothgarBroken_DynDOLOD_NOFLAG_SUM 0x233B2~DynDOLOD.esm|0xC53CF~Seasonal Landscapes - Unfrozen.esp I now cannot run DynDOLOD at all which is a little annoying since I ran it fine before being forced to update like 20 hours ago, (and I made a mistake before running it which broke my LOD). Any chance of there being a way to bypass this check or do a manual fix while I wait for the mod author to alter it?
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