Hi sheson, just giving an update.
Your replacement exe worked! Glaciers are looking how they should, thank you.
I'm still having a problem with icebergs though, but I'm pretty sure that this is an issue with the animated ice bergs mod. Does this need custom rules to play nice or do I have to wait on a patch with Faultier's landscapes? Thanks.
They are both from icy mesh remaster https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73381?tab=posts
Disregard the mesh rules then, all I did was using level 0 in the lods but as you said it did not affect the textures.
Still getting access violations with Alpha 184: Error: Access violation at address 0000000001CDD2C9 in module 'DynDOLODx64.exe'
I've tried your test version too (which I assume is the same as 184 but worth a try) and it doesn't work.