I am on I've followed 3 different guides (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/articles/6919) (https://github.com/The-Animonculory/Modding-Resources/blob/main/Grass Lods.md)(https://github.com/The-Animonculory/Modding-Resources/blob/main/Grass Lods.md) multiple times and whenever I start the PrecacheGrass tool in MO2, the cache process doesn't begin and it just stays on the main menu as normal and I'm able to play the game. No .gid files are being created in overwrite so I know it's not working. I've already disabled TrueHUD and I tried disabling BEES but that causes CTD. However, miraculously the first time I tried without Backported Extended ESL Support (BEES), FINALLY the Grass folder and a handul of .gid files were created, but after that it has not generated any more and continues to crash as soon as it gets to the main menu. Reverting back to having BEES enabled, there are no crashes but also no precache process. I have a huge modlist, starting with Nordic Souls wabbajack list and adding my own over time if that helps. Do I need to disable BEES, and then also disable nearly all the mods besides landscape and building mods? Or is having BEES okay and there's something else preventing the PrecacheGrass from running? Please help, I'm losing my mind and I cannot find a solution to this anywhere.
Load order: https://pastebin.com/YLzRdYN0
Crash log when BEES is disabled: https://pastebin.com/Nt6Q2NUW