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  1. Were you ever able to solve this? I'm having the same exact issue!
  2. After checking everything and deleting everything everywhere even in my recycle bin I got it running thank you!! Facing some stuttering issues in game now, working on that currently and ill make a proper post with logs Ill have smooth 60 for 10 minutes and then my game bogs down to 15-30fps with stutters. I've been really careful installing only a couple mods at a time and testing things out to make sure nothings breaking, going to work on trying to pinpoint the source
  3. I have deleted the old version entirely, every file, even the one in my downloads folder and downloaded the new one fresh. I havent started my skyrim playthrough yet so I have no save to update. Downloading it fresh, I am still getting this error somehow
  4. What is NG?
  5. Same issue here heres copied to clipboard using most recent dyndolod as per the nexus page. Very distraut [Window Title] TexGenx64.exe [Main Instruction] This version of Texgenx64 has expired. [Content] Use a newer version. [Exit Texgenx64] [Footer] Online Manual | Support Forum | Copy message to clipboard
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