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  1. Thank you so much for this information. I got it works! I really appreciate it!
  2. I am about to finish making a mod level for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. I used DynDLOD to generate my LODs and I got my DynDOLOD_Output.zip file. But when I was testing my stuff on another computer. I have the following issues: 1. I found that to have "DynDOLOD is successfully initialized", I have to include two DynDOLOD scripts DLLs at least to get the LODs in my level to work. I know I can include them as dependencies of my mod on NNM when I upload it, but is there a way to get rid of them? 2. I found that I have to use mod manager (MO2, Vortex) to install my mod's files. I tried unzipping the DynDOLOD_Output.zip files to my game's Data folder directly and have all the other files (DLLs, esp, bsa) in there also. But in this way, the DynDOLOD didn't work at all. Is there a way to get it to work? I mean I wonder if there is a way that the downloaders don't need a mod manager to play my mod in Skyrim. They can just unzip my zip files to the Data folder and have fun.
  3. I got my restrictions of attaching images and log files removed now. Here are the updates of the images and debug files: Edit: Fixed My issue is actually an out-of-space floating objects issue. I found the solution from the DynDOLOD website. It can be fixed by adding rules to use Mesh Mask.
  4. I tried ctrl V and drag a photo in the post but I got this warning: "You cannot paste images directly. Upload or insert images from URL".
  5. Sorry about describing the issue so vaguely. I am new to here. I just tried to make a mask reference following a solution in Something-does-not-have-lod page. But I still cannot get my scaled-up objects LODs to work. The link includes some images showing what my DynDLOD settings and the object I am using look like and the logs of DynDLOD. Also, I include the logs of DynDLOD after a generation. I took a look at it and tried to search for the nif that this object is using. But I cannot find it in the object log. It seems that it is not generated for some reason. In addition, I used different models in the same position before and I got the same case. They had no LODs also. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1pEpcpoQ4Ua9TJTJ34xhwA5plQ4iLFluE?usp=drive_link Btw, it seems inserting images in a post is kind of annoying. Is there a way other than URL to embed screenshots? Edit: Fixed My issue is actually an out-of-space floating objects issue. I found the solution from the DynDOLOD website. It can be fixed by adding rules to use Mesh Mask.
  6. I encountered an issue with lods: in my world space, some assets' lods were not generated or were missing while all the others worked well. These assets are all scaled up to 10.0 times size of the original size. Will it be the possible reason that their lods are missing, because they are not expected to be so large in the world space? Also, the Dyndlod plugins are initialized successfully as the popping-up message indicates in the game. Edit: Fixed My issue is actually an out-of-space floating objects issue. I found the solution from the DynDOLOD website. It can be fixed by adding rules to use Mesh Mask.
  7. I was trying to test out generating LOD for my Skyrim SE project. But I got a Debug test telling me that "Persistent cell not found for worldspace". "Log [00:15] [LoadWorldSpaces] <Debug: Parent worldspace LiD_Thesis_AB.esp 00C32LDABWorld "ABZooWorld" [WRLD:070012C2]> [00:15] [NewWorldspace] <Debug: Bounds SW [-7,-4] to NE [5,8] LiD_Thesis_AB.esp 00C32LDABWorld "ABZooWorld" [WRLD:070012C2]> [00:15] [LoadWorldSpaces] <Debug: Persistent cell not found for worldspace LiD_LunaricParchment_WB.esp 00C32LDLakeLunar "Lake of Lunar" [WRLD:09000D62]> " I made my lodsetting file by duplicating and renaming the Tamriel.lod extracted from the Mesh0.bsa file. I did that same thing days ago when I was learning how to generate lods for a testing map by DynDOLOD. I am pretty sure the setup for DynDOLOD is correct cuz I can still see my old worldspace that I used when I was learning the process on the worldspace list generating LOD in DynDOLOD. Does anyone have idea of what is going on? Also, I use source control to keep my file safety and I am sure I checked them our before I was working on them in DynDOLOD.
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