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Everything posted by DWM19

  1. Incredible program, fantastic LOD results! Maybe minor, but may as well mention it: there's a spelling mistake under Grid on line Full.
  2. On the latest version of my anti-virus it was detecting TexGen, LODGen, and Dyndolod executables as cryptojacking attempts and I added them to the exclusions. That must not have been enough. I paused all protection for the duration of the LODGen and received no error in the log and the Solstheim island has terrain now. Thank you for the help. The problem seems to be fixed now. I will have to see if I can configure my AV better so I don't have to turn it off entirely for the LOD process.
  3. Logs https://mega.nz/folder/sPNWlbKB#gi8m2k32epFkdjym4jmQMQ
  4. Hi, I have been having trouble getting the WTT mod to work correctly. Game version: 1.6.1179 DynDOLOD DLL NG version: Alpha-32 DynDOLOD 3 version: Alpha-177 I made a new profile in MO2 and wrote down the steps I made, which seem to be according to the instructions of mod page. Yet terrain does not show on Solstheim from a distance (see image) unless I am loaded into that world (e.g., coc dlc1ravenrock01). I based my xLODGen settings on the dyndolod.info page and the ACMOS page for LOD32, but I am not using ACMOS right at this time in case it would interfere. What I did: * Install and enable Worldspace Transition Tweaks. * Generate only terrain for Tamriel and Solstheim in xLODGen64 * Install and enable xLODGen output as mod. * Generate Texgen. * Install and enable Texgen output as mod. * Generate for Tamriel and Solstheim in DynDOLOD with Occlusion plugin checked, terrain underside checked, and object LOD checked. * Install and enable DynDOLOD output as mod. * Plugin order is: Skyrim.esm Update.esm Dawnguard.esm HearthFires.esm Dragonborn.esm Worldspace Transition Tweaks - Skyrim To Solstheim.esp DynDOLOD.esm WTT - Skyrim-Solstheim - Worldsettings.esp DynDOLOD.esp Occlusion.esp * Terrain on Solstheim is missing. Mod load order (left pane): PapyrusUtil - Scripting Utility Functions DynDOLOD Resources SE DynDOLOD DLL NG Worldspace Transition Tweaks xLODGen_Output TexGen_Output DynDOLOD_Output
  5. Hello, I finished a DynDOLOD run and an error came up just after the Summary of Messages opened. Error message box: After clicking OK, a Please Wait box showed for a few seconds of loading then the program saved its output (the esm etc.) Here be my log files: https://mega.nz/folder/hPMkxBIA#srpHjV6hiEUnmRRVUytaOg
  6. After an hour of regular gameplay this problem appears to be fixed. Thanks!
  7. Double clicking on the first entry under 'Referenced By (15)' for xx03AB36, the editor ID is skyrimesm_0EF933_BlackreachElevatorMzinchaleftUpper_Tamriel_DynDOLOD_OBJECT under DynDOLOD.esp. Double clicking on the first entry under 'Referenced By (22)' for xx03AB34, the editor ID is skyrimesm_0EF92E_BlackreachQEMzinchaleftClosed_Tamriel_DynDOLOD_OBJECT under DynDOLOD.esp. Other plugins mentioned in the 'referenced by' list for both entries are: Dragonborn.esm, CompanionArissa.esm, Wyrmstooth.esp. I hope this is the right information you were seeking.
  8. Hello, I have been having frequent CTDs after updating my LOD using the latest TexGen + DynDOLOD + Resources and the NG DLL (which overwrites the Resources). Generation succeeds as usual, but after a few minutes in-game and loading different areas the game crashes. A new save is used every time for testing. With the output disabled, there are no crashes. It appears from the crash logger that mesh issues in the DynDOLOD.esm is the culprit, but I could be reading it wrong. There are many errors that the summary shows at the end which I am working through (some are hard because they are from new lands). It might also be that one of those has caught up with me. Here are my logs: https://mega.nz/folder/0K8yGKDQ#hJ3WcrcLe-VBEDSu_eng9g Please inform me of my mistake if you have the time.
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