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Everything posted by Farsveinn
I was referring to models like fxwaterfallbodytall02.nif, Water Effects Brightness and Reflection Fix and patch for Realistic Water Two use a SLSF2_No_Fade flag for them. There are 2 identical waterfall models in the screenshot, but the top one is flickering. The original Realistic Water Two doesn't have this flag and the waterfalls are fine. So yes, I'll just remove it from this model and it will fix this bug (but it's strange that it only occurs to me and some other people). I know this was an off-topic question, I just don't know any more people knowledgeable on this subject. So I wanted to clarify, can I try to experiment and remove this flag from the fxwaterfallbodytall02_1AF8A0C0_dyndolod_lod.nif model, since after your recommendation I got the opposite effect and now the static waterfall is ok but dynamic LOD flickering? if it helped me with that problem, it will help me with this one, since the visual bug is the same. Thank you for your reply. Cheers.
Hi, just wanted to let you know that I also have a similar problem with full 3d when installing the Water Effects Brightness and Reflection Fix. But this problem is not present in 99% of users. I tested this on vanilla skyrim without mods and with the default ini file and it's pretty funny. It got me so frustrated that I started digging into the mods and comparing their changes. The problem was in the SLSF2_No_Fade flag, so I can also fix my waterfall lodes problem. But I'm just curious, what the heck is that flag? I couldn't find a description on google.
Hmm, that didn't work, rather odd since logically it should have been. After hiding the files (I keep them in a separate folder in MO2, checked twice), they still flicker as well.
Now it's having the opposite effect. Flickering at a great distance is gone, but it appeared at the waterfalls highlighted in the console.
Logs.7z DynDOLOD - Fix.7z Hi. This is probably going to be funny, but the problem is back. I updated DynDOLOD to the latest version and put your fixed meshes. But this waterfall is flickering again (static only! 1 screenshot). I don't want to distract you anymore, which parameter in the nif is responsible for this so I can experiment. With fly cam everything is great, but that's probably how it should be.
Yes, that completely fixed the problem! Thank you. Hope this helps someone else.
1 - yes 2 - yes 3 - My mistake, I didn't use fxwaterfallbodytall02passthru_lod.nif for the last test. The small artifacts are completely gone 4 - Yeah, it's clean, nothing left 5 - Yes, I know, I just decided to do a test in case the problem is in the generated static objects, I also checked by disabling the terrain. Nothing has changed. As a result fxwaterfallbodytall02passthru_lod.nif fixed static lod flickering and the last fxwaterfallbodytall02_dyndolod_lod.nif (13,230 bytes) fixed flickering in tll mode. But in normal mode the flickering fxwaterfallbodytall02_dyndolod_lod.nif is not gone. Sorry if I write illiterate, it's not my first language, but I try. Thanks for your help.
Double check that the size and path are correct. I compared the default and the latest .nif. The default is flickering with tll. The latest one stops flickering with tll. Disable 0EB29F removes strong flickering, only minor artifact remains. It turns out the problem is when I look through the waterfall at static lods. As I understand it. I would have thought I made a mistake in the generation, but no. I even tested by prioritizing static lods from xlodgen, but the result is the same.
No, it seems to have gotten worse (unless my eyes deceive me). Strange, a similar waterfall doesn't have this problem like fXwaterfallbodytall_dyndolod_lod.nif
Unfortunately, nothing has changed.
No, the flickering remains, it's a dynamic LOD problem. Static lods are fine.
It's the same waterfall as before. Yes, if I disable it via console or disable DynDoLod in MCM, the flickering stops. It's fxwaterfallbodytall02_dyndolod_lod.nif Tested on default settings, no graphics mods, just skse tweaks, interface tweaks and unofficial patch (and some minor things that couldn't affect the result). It's most likely my problem as I haven't seen similar bugreports, but I don't know where I could be wrong as I've been using your wonderful program for a few years now and it's always been ok.
Hi, it's me again. As I wrote, this fix didn't help, moreover, now I have the opposite effect. I have now disabled all graphics mods, community shaders, generated texgen and dyndolod using only resources. (yes i know, the terrane texture is not vanilla, i didn't regenerate the terrane). The animated waterfalls flicker, as does this section of the mountain. It's insane. logs
Hi, after these actions came the opposite effect, now dynamic lods flicker (static - all ok), this model dyndolod\lod\effects\fxwaterfallbodytall02_1af8a0c0_dyndolod_lod.nif Last logs https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pjzB473ybCjuAzXaJy5KHIMIQllL1Q1e/view?usp=sharing
Video In addition to my post, maybe this will help. It looks like those side waterfalls are just not switching to the dyndilod correctly. The center waterfall is visible from any distance, and the others are just off by a long distance.
Yeah, that's right.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/14IcQEirKc6B9pQo8A_h-o6APLwGDBZE-/view?usp=sharing Oh, I'm really dumb, here's the log.. I also double-checked it again. Yes, in the far distance, the dynamic lodes of waterfalls are turned off and the flickering is very visible, on average they turn on and overlap the flickering static lodes.
logs "Which mod is Meshes\effects\fxwaterfallbodytall02.nif from? Its CRC32 in the files you provided does not match what I have for Water Effects Brightness and Reflection Fix - Realistic Water Two Patch 2.1" It was RWT without Water Effects Brightness and Reflection Fix - Realistic Water Two Patch 2.1. Yes, there's flickering in both cases. Now I generated everything without RWT, the problem is definitely in the static waterfall lod, I only used DynDOLOD - Resources. In the screenshot above 1 - flickering, 2 - full model, 3 - I disable DynDOLOD model and the flickering came back. The problem is definitely the static lod waterfall and it flickers at medium and long distance. I used the default DynDOLOD settings. There is only a problem with the "tall" static lods of the waterfalls, in Riverwood it's ok. There is also flickering of some rocks, but it is not critical.
DynDOLOD_SSE_Object_Report and DynDOLOD_SSE_Debug_log Oh, sorry, I meant that I checked with and without RWT. I did everything as usual RWT + Water Effects Brightness and Reflection Fix - RWT Patch. Before the NG version I never had problems with waterfalls. I tried leaving only your resources, disabling RWT, but the result was exactly the same. All waterfalls flickering in the middle and far distance. No ENB.
Hi, I didn't find an answer in the FAQ. With the latest updates of the program there is a strong flickering of dyndolod waterfalls. It is not RWT, I used DynDOLOD - Resources - the effect is the same
Hi, I noticed that in recent versions of DynDOLOD there is norbridgewoodplanks01 lod which creates floating lods (for example, at Valtheim Towers). The support beams have no logs, will they be added in the future? Thanks for your work, guys.