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  1. I am aware of the error with Kernelbase.dll but it does not always give this error. Drivers are up to date, no programs except background Windows processes. The most common issue I run into is Texconvx64.exe stopping while rendering Texture Atlas and never continuing. Really, I have neither the strength nor the time to deal with Dyndolod anymore. If you really want to fix these problems, try installing a large mod list and creating Lod using AMD graphics card, not Nvidia. Thank you anyway.
  2. I am writing this message using translation, some parts may not be understood, sorry. I've been trying to build lod with Dyndolod 12x versions for about three weeks, I'm constantly encountering the same problems, including the last version. System 1: Ryzen 7 5800, Radeon 6700XT, 16Gb 3600mhz Ram, SSD. Windows 10 pro clean install, pagefile 30GB. Defender is disabled throughout the process, AMD and Radeon processes are terminated from the task manager. Both SSDs in the system were formatted and the operating system was reinstalled, the mod list was installed from scratch. Almost 1500 mods. System 2: Intel i3 12100f, Radeon 6600XT, 16Gb 3200mhz Ram, SSD. Windows 11 730 mod. Symptoms/problems: 1. Completely stopping at different locations while creating the atlas (except for lodgen, it continues to work and dyndolod does nothing when the process is complete.) 2. Dyndolod random crashes while Lodgen is still running. 3. Even though it has not created an atlas of all regions, it goes to waiting as if it has finished. Even though the Lodgen creation process is finished, it stays in the standby state. Unfortunately I can no longer use Terrain underside, occlusion options as the system is completely locked (the setting in the ini file doesn't make any difference). I also gave up on the grass lod option. I didn't have many of these problems in old versions, and lod file sizes weren't that huge. V127 Medium settings, no lod 32, no occlusion, no terrain underside, so only tamriel lods became 13GB. The lod archive I prepared a few months ago for my 670 mod Vortex collection is 12GB unzipped, including tree and terrain lod 32, occlusion and grass cache. Now I run it with the debug option turned on and the program is completely stopped, not frozen. Lodgen isn't running in the background either. I have to terminate the program myself. I'm aware that the program is an alpha version, but it gets worse with each new version, at least on AMD systems. https://mega.nz/file/Ai5UzIab#lNpWrUy_S5GR0gy8lXz389g82Qkm5BPkI9J3OcAKCPY https://mega.nz/file/Zjpz2BLD#5dOl_BQL7aaAH7BND7OX3x1yYwcY51UAa6zFoeCtSqY
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