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Community Answers

  1. Ok, something was wrong with the way i set up complex grass. I reinstalled all my grass mods, including NGIO and such. Deleted grass cache just in case. ENB ComplexGrass Fake light now works and it somewhat solves the issue - now the grass looks way better
  2. Greetings! I have Cathedral+Folkvangr+OriginsOfTheForest (and patches for them, including complex grass). I've tried for hours to think about the solution but I think i just don't have enough knowledge about this stuff. So, here's the problem: some of my grass is really dark, even if i turn off ENB and ReShade. Complex grass certainly helps but some of the grass (and plants) are still dark but from the underside. I had similar issue with Verdant in the past. Disabling vertex colors on landscape didn't help at all. Here are the pics: The problem without ENB and Reshade: https://imgur.com/a/UZ0lo5r With ENB and complex grass: https://imgur.com/a/jnENbgt, https://imgur.com/a/7idJlRQ Thanks for assistance
  3. The video is recorded with in-game TAA and nothing else
  4. For anyone with the same problem: DLAA helped me, it works perfectly but you'll need RTX-capable card https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/80343
  5. Eh, I've tried different AA options via reshade - none of them really help and that video is recorded with in-game TAA enabled I think i'll just need to get used to it
  6. Quick update - it seems that the problem involves moving foliage and antialiasing
  7. Greetings, i get a lot of noise/grain on the screen and it's really noticeable on foliage The noise remains even if i turn off enb and reshade but it becomes less noticeable (because i have sharpening in reshade) Here's the example: Any ideas what causes it or how to fix/minimize it? My only guess rn is to add a denoise via reshade but maybe i'm missing something
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