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  1. After extensive testing turns out the map CTD was caused by Open Cities itself and NOT by DynDOLOD. After all this time i got betrayed by the mod i put at the center of my modlist. I'm not sure what exactly in the mod causes this bug but without the mod the map is super stable despite moving and rotating the camera continuosly. Considering this bug is too big and dangerous to ignore, i'm afraid i'll have to give up on this mod since i prefer stability first. I suppose that if i end up removing OCS and repurposing my modlist then DynDOLOD will not require extra steps and will work straight out of the box. I don't think i will make a problem report about the initial issue since i can't be 100% sure whether it was user error or a bug with DynDOLOD 3 Alpha.d Unfortunately the CrashLog mod didn't really help me but it could still be useful in the future so thank you for the recommendation Sheson. I am sorry for the disturb. Wish you a good day. P.S: I followed this guide which yes is not modern but is still very useful and functioning. If you have a personal favourite (apart from STEP) i'd be happy to hear.
  2. Hello Sheson, while i was reading the link you sent me (the first one) i got into the game again and took note of the ref id to check it up on xEdit. Apparently the bug was caused by DynDOLOD.esp which has set that static object (the building) to be initially disabled. I reverted all the changes to the static object to Open Cities state and when loaded in game the building was there. I wonder if other ref ids could be victim of such weird behaviour. I noticed another problem although this could be much different, when using the map i lag terribly when i am over whiterun (or another city i am currently standing in). And i noticed that if i teleport to Solitude and then check the map, the moment i look back at whiterun the game CTDs. In the FAQ, under the section ILS and CTD it is recommended NOT to use Safety Load which i am in fact using. After deactivating it and creating a new save the problem persists though. I suppose it is a problem of memory? Is there a Crash Logger for LE? Thank you for the advices and availability.
  3. Greetings Sheson, i wanted to ask an opinion on an issue i was having with Dyndolod 3 Alpha-122 (the one available on the Nexus). After following throughly the Open Cities guide and a reddit post with a similar situation, I keep having a part of Dragonsreach building in Whiterun invisible, the LOD is fine but the building when i get close disappears. Here are some pictures of my issue. I have read the first post and managed to find both the bugreport.txt and DynDOLOD_TES5_Debug_log.txt but not sure what other debug file i should send since i have 117 total in the Logs folder. Pheraps Whiterun or Tamriel log files? And sorry but what is a text sharing service? I apologize for the disturb, i tried my best but couldn't make everything work as this is my first time with DynDOLOD, i don't have many hopes but since i found you active here i thought i could give this thread a try.
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