Greetings Sheson, i wanted to ask an opinion on an issue i was having with Dyndolod 3 Alpha-122 (the one available on the Nexus). After following throughly the Open Cities guide and a reddit post with a similar situation, I keep having a part of Dragonsreach building in Whiterun invisible, the LOD is fine but the building when i get close disappears. Here are some pictures of my issue.
I have read the first post and managed to find both the bugreport.txt and DynDOLOD_TES5_Debug_log.txt but not sure what other debug file i should send since i have 117 total in the Logs folder. Pheraps Whiterun or Tamriel log files?
And sorry but what is a text sharing service?
I apologize for the disturb, i tried my best but couldn't make everything work as this is my first time with DynDOLOD, i don't have many hopes but since i found you active here i thought i could give this thread a try.