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Everything posted by Onyx

  1. OK, with RenderTexturesSingleThread=1 the run succeeded. I've attached all 3 logs that came from this run. Should I just keep that flag in my config and consider this issue solved? DynDOLOD was also able to complete successfully (albeit not free of warnings or errors). TexGen_SSE_singlethreaded_logs.7z
  2. This should be the log from a single threaded run. For better or worse, no change with only single threaded, it's still exiting early with no other logs being generated. I don't really have a good understanding of where to go next from here. Whoops, I had run with only having RenderThreads=1, not actually RenderTexturesSingleThread=1. With that additional flag, it looks like it's going to succeed (still running but it's already gotten past the prior error point). I'll upload the logs from this run once they finish and I wake up. Also that is a really cool feature, thanks for the tip! I see that the textures\architecture\solitude\sstonebase01.dds winner is from loose files. It has, in order: Data, Enhanced Solitude SSE.bsa, Skyrim - Textures1.bsa.
  3. I admit I've reached the end of my limited knowledge (and I'm a decade removed from Skyrim modding, getting back into it now) so I apologize in advance for that. By last mentioned full textures, do you mean the textures from the last line that has a "Loading..." statement like: [02:58] [TwbRender.LoadTexture] <Debug: Loading textures\dlc01\dungeons\castle\CastleWallStone05.dds> Should I be looking in my Vortex staging area to determine from which mod that file exists? Because I think the last texture that had that loading statement in my prior logfile was SERuinsBronzeInlay01_n.dds, which I don't see in my staging folder currently. I suppose that makes sense - I must have removed another mod in my fumbling that had the problem texture and that ""fixed"" the issue. (not really because it just avoided it without me understanding why) I ran again with the test executable you provided and attached the log from that run. If I'm understanding correctly, this time the CastleWallStone05.dds file exists in Skyrim 202X 9.0.1 - Other. Is there anything else I can do to give you more info? TexGen_SSE_realtime_log.zip
  4. Hi Sheson, In trying to troubleshoot before I posted here, I had been running with and without GLListDebug=1 and GLDebug=1 as well already (although come to think of it that may have simply been useless without a test version like that one). I had enabled the real time log because TexGenx64 was indeed terminating without any other log files being generated. I may have solved whatever my issue was by fumbling around with my load order. My issues began after I'd added ELFX Shadows (on top of other ELFX mods), but changing some overwrite ordering with Particle Patch for ENB seems to have done the trick. I previously had Particle Patch loading after most everything else in accordance with Vortex's recommendations, but some more Nexus posts I found indicated that Particle Patch should come much earlier in a load order and tend to be overwritten by most things. Doing that is what seems to have allowed things to work again. I can run TexGenx64 and DynDOLODx64 successfully. If you'd like, I can try to recreate the old load/overwrite order again to try to break it again for troubleshooting. I'm not sure how much value that would add for you.
  5. I'm having problems running TexGen64 with Alpha 122. It's exiting without any error message, warning, pop-up, or anything else when it starts generating textures after gathering billboards. I've attached the realtime log and a Windows Event log. I've tried using BC1 and BC3 compression as detailed on the last page and that didn't help. I've also updated to the latest 531.41 Nvidia drivers. Logs.zip
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