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  1. As requested, the logs from using the provided TexGenx64 Logs.7z
  2. Well, the setting was: Allow access to the GPU performance counters to all users However, that seems to have been a temporary fix, because now it went back to crashing(which results in no logs whatsoever for some reason). So now I rolled back the driver, which stops the crashing but still gives the error. Here are the fresh logs after adding GLListDebug=1 GLDebug=1 to TexGen_SSE.ini, there is no bugreport.txt though Logs.7z
  3. So, I was trying to run TexGen, and got the following error: framebuffer objects unsupported. Here is the debug log for one of these attempts: [ https://paste.ee/p/2HlXe ] I tried this multiple times, and it was not always ridgedstone08patternlod that it failed on, it was seemingly random as to when it would fail. So, after searching this forum for a while, I figured I would update my graphics driver, as you seemed to have suggested that to others, however, instead of fixing the problem, this only made things worse. Now when I try to run TexGen, as soon as it starts on the 'creating textures' section, it immediately crashes without even creating a debug log. Please help. Edit: I was able to fix the crashing issue, which happened to be due to a setting in the geforce control panel. However, the 'framebuffer objects unsupported' problem is still present. (p.s. I couldn't figure out how to edit the original post, sorry)
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