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Everything posted by Rakz

  1. Hi, I tried what you asked: No logs in Event Viewer related to TexGen Managed to get a successful run with version 118 Then, TexGen started closing again without apparent reason (real time logs attached). Thanks! TexGen_SSE_realtime_log-BaseSize256-HDTreeDisabled.txt
  2. Hello, I am new here and I'd like to start by thanking you for developing this tool. I have started using it recently, but I am having a problem with TexGenx64. It closes mid process. Unfortunately, it closes without generating any of the log files requested in the OP (bugreport.txt or any file in the Logs folder). I have been having this problem with versions 114, 115 and 116. The interesting thing (maybe) is that I still have version 106 in my computer and it does seem to work with this version: it completes and generates an output. Is there any useful information you would need to further investigate this issue? Thanks and good work! PS: I am pretty sure that I have installed all prerequisites. I have run SSEEdit and also generated the terrain LOD.
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