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  1. Everything else seems to be working just great, but on the latest version I am unable to see the Solitude Windmill Rotor from Windstad manor nor from the Dragonbridge anymore. I know that I used to be able to see it from those locations, and at sunset it would even cast a dynamic moving shadow on Windstad manor. Now it only appears if I am very close. I honestly want to say I remember a chat about this a year ago, but all I could find was our convo about Azura, which turned out to be an ini issue with the fBlockMaximumDistance. Everything else is working great, and I can see most large things from all the way across the map. Just this one rotor is no showing up until I am half way across the Morthal swamp. Please find my attached log file, and link to the debug_log. No bugreport. It is running flawlessly. Thanks. I appreciate the help. https://ufile.io/mteydkwg TexGen_TES5VR_log.7z
  2. Nevermind. I don't know why I am trying to make a mod that already exists. Seasonal Aspens took care of the winter. Not sure why it works, and even though I was doing the same thing with different names, it didn't. Unless it was because I needed to unpack the textures from the BSA. Oh, well. I am a results guy, so I cannot argue with this working. Now I just need to clean up the mess I made in my folder and mods.
  3. I cannot seem to get my Aspen tree lod working with Seasons of Skyrim. In the winter, the close trees change, but the far trees stay leafy. xEdit shows there is no dyndolod_base for treeWinterAspen, even though those are DLC01 objects that are all over the falmer valley. TreeAspen01_dyndolod_base exists, but without treewinterAspen01_dyndolod_base, how can I swap them in the winter? There is only one tree swap in the dyndolod_win.ini, and that is a treepineforest03 to treepineforest03snow and yet all of the pines are working correctly. I have attached some logs, but the debug is 14MB as a 7zip, so it is too big. This section of it shows that it is processing the winter aspens "[00:16] [LoadRecordsString] <Debug: Processing DLC1TreeFloraMountainFlower02Yellow,False Dawnguard.esm DLC1TreeFloraMountainFlower02Yellow "Mountain Flower" [TREE:02002A77]> [00:16] [LoadRecordsString] <Debug: Processing TreeWinterAspen01 Dawnguard.esm TreeWinterAspen01 [TREE:02003AC5]> [00:16] [LoadRecordsString] <Debug: Processing TreeWinterAspen02 Dawnguard.esm TreeWinterAspen02 [TREE:02003AC9]> [00:16] [LoadRecordsString] <Debug: Processing TreeWinterAspen03 Dawnguard.esm TreeWinterAspen03 [TREE:02003ACA]> [00:16] [LoadRecordsString] <Debug: Processing TreeWinterAspen04,False Dawnguard.esm TreeWinterAspen04 [TREE:02003ACB]> [00:16] [LoadRecordsString] <Debug: Processing TreeWinterAspen05 Dawnguard.esm TreeWinterAspen05 [TREE:02003ACC]> [00:16] [LoadRecordsString] <Debug: Processing TreeWinterAspen06 Dawnguard.esm TreeWinterAspen06 [TREE:02003ACF]>" So they are being processed (except 4, too small?). The . I included the falmer valley log, because it mentions them, and the tamriel log, because it does not. Is there a command I can put in the dyndolod_win.ini to force the change whether it wants to or not? Something like "[Trees] ;TreePineForest03_DynDOLOD_BASE|TreePineForestSnow03_DynDOLOD_BASE 0x64972~DynDOLOD.esm|0x64973~DynDOLOD.esm" from the bottom, but for treeAspen01_dyndolod_base to treeWinterAspen01_dyndold_base? What is the editor ID for the lod of the DLC01 winter aspen? I can't find one at all. TreeAspen01_dyndolod_base is there, but no winter version. Thanks for the help. Let me know if you need any more logs or anything. Logs.7z
  4. Thanks for the clarification. Easy to remove that.
  5. This is just a question. If I were to use Base Object Swapper to change treePineForest03dead into treeBaldCypress01 in the WeatherTundraSwamp location only, would dynDOLOD detect that and swap the lod, according to Base Object Swapper | DynDOLOD? treeBaldCypress is in _resourcepack.esl and I have the billboard for it. Also, do you know of a 3D tree lod for resourecepack.esl, or do I have to make those? example of swap.ini [Forms|WeatherTundraMarsh] TreePineForest03dead|TreeBaldCypress01|scale(0.9/1.1)
  6. Yes, I did generate terrain lod with xlodgen with that exact mod installed. My map is giantic now, which is cool. I can always run it again, because I did run it since then to bump up the lod4 texture quality, but had that mod turned off in the list to save time. I assume I will need to regenerate the occlusion data after that. Should I just do that with xlodgen at the same time? Edit: That was it. I reactivated SSE_Terrain-Tamriel-Extended.esm, reran xlod gen for tamriel, deleted the esm, reran dyndolod for occlusion only and the hole is gone. Thank you.
  7. That must be it then. I checked my prefs ini and fBlockMaximumDistance is set to 102500, and not maxdistance. I am going to check that out and I bet that's the answer. Confirmed. That was it. Statue and college now appear from everywhere, including the world map. You're a legend. That only leaves one last thing, and it is not a big deal, but it is a big hole. There is this occlusion hole in a Morrowind mountain that the player character cannot even get near. It will disappear for a moment while on the road out of Winterhold, but the reappear 10 steps south again, and I have confirmed that loading the game without the occlusion.esp will make the hole go away, so I think it must be occlusion related. It is only visible from Winterhold and the surrounding waters. Like I said, it's not like I can go there, so it not a big deal, but it is the last thing. This has been a persitent thing, so the logs I already sent may have some idea why it is there. Thanks again.
  8. I'll do that stuff for you and get back to you. Here, try this link to the debug log. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TT_w94HwSwRKzdjsTfRdUKZFKtVmdxnc/view?usp=sharing. Edit: lod settings L0-35000, L1-70000, tree-102500. Edit2: running a regular high settings build without the occlusion.esp doesn't change anything about the visibility of the college, the statue, nor the mountain peaks.
  9. Never mind. I set a mesh rule that works for me. VWD None None None None NeverFadeFull Original. I can it from everywhere, and I don't care so much about the mountain peaks. Aedra and Daedra together at last The view from Shor's Watchtower.
  10. I fixed the college of Winterhold with a meshmask rule, and now I can't unsee the missing Azura statue. Debug @ Googledrive link. Log hereDynDOLOD_TES5VR_log.txt. I tried both ideas for meshmask rules from here Replaced Full Model - Example Azura Statue | DynDOLOD, and neither one seemed to work for me. I am not replacing Azura with a mod, and there is no light or anything. It might be a higher quality mesh, but it is the right nif name and has the lod in lod\clutter\ that it should have (and they match), and I verified in xEdit that nothing effects 0033dcb or 0033dca after dyndolod. Only BDS2.1 messes with 003dca, and only UESP modifies 0033dcb. In either case, dyndolod is last. This is also an issue with the mountain tops near Azura, so maybe it is a large reference issue. I am definitely closer than 100 cells away. Example: "architecture\winterhold\winterholdextcenter01.nif None None None None NeverFadeLOD Unchanged" works and I can see that mesh from anywhere it is not blocked from view, like from Shor'sWatchtower for example. The same meshmask rule for Azura changes nothing. This is different from None None None None NeverFadeFull Unchanged and the Full Full Full None FarLOD Unchanged in the linked dyndolod explainer, but I tried those already with the same results. Azura pops in at the top of the mountain behind Winstad manor from the west and at the flat rock by Cragslane Cavern located here. And yes, I am amazed that dyndolod is so good that I can see the rock on the map. This is the view from the rock and if I take one step backward the tops of the mountains and the statue disappear, but the college remains. I am stumped.
  11. Yeah, that's the gist of it. I appreciate your help. Brightening noise.dds I got from the hd noise download link by like 90 made it white, and now my landscape matches and doesn't pop in from grey to white, so that was a big win I wasn't expecting, and I can deal with an invisible Azura and college from 100 cells away. They appear at about 90 cells away, and that's really far, so I am happy with the results, and once again I appreciate your help. You're a mad mod god legend.
  12. I cleaned out my scripts and reinstalled NG scripts and ran it again, log now says it is using NG. See pic. I can no longer see Azura from Solitude, which is what I wanted until you convinced me That I should see it. VR so pic is awful, but Azura and College are now not visible from inside Solitude. There is a bit of flicker on the college, and I think maybe those are windows in the pic. Thanks again for all your help. I'm going to call this issue closed. It looks really good, so I don't know why I am pixelpeeping. DynDOLOD_TES5VR_log.7z
  13. I'm probably just wrong. It is working like it is supposed to work. If I were on the ground, like you said, there would be something blocking my view, but from way up on solitude, I would see over that. Thanks for the info about the snow ash shader.
  14. Thanks for the reading. A video is worth 1000 pics. This is a hidden video. The only way to find it is with this link. You can see the testing I'm doing. Just set the speed to 2x or something. I will say that the solitude rotor actually does appear from farther away than it used to, though you say it shouldn't. It used to disappear halfway to Morthal, and is now visible from everywhere in the solitude area, and that makes me very happy. My suspicion is that Azura is a large reference, and before I swapped dlls I was not using the large reference workaround. So it is drawing it, like it is supposed to, but I kind of preferred it before. As, you can see in the video, Azura is visible from inside solitude, but not from the same place when outside solitude. Can't attach debug log. It is too big as a 7z and it crashes the pastebin site. Here is the regular log. No bug report, because it seems to be working as intended. I don't think this is an error or a bug, just that this one large reference is being put somewhere that I personally think that it should not be. And if you have ideas for brightening up the lod snow, I am open to them. I kind of gave up on that, because it is a snow lod is MATO form and does not seem to use a texture. Just a shader. Followed all the steps from other posts about that. I use the suggested noise.dds and cathedral snow, and well, it's also in the video. log.7z
  15. I recently switched from dyndolod.dll to dyndolod-NG.dll, and there is this one minor occlusion issue I am having. The statue of Azura is visible from Solitude, and I don't think it should be. It is way too far away. Also, if starting from the door to the windmill underneath the big arch, it is visible, but then disappears when crossing the water north of the arch and reappears on the other side of the water. I went halfway between Solitude and Azura, to the top of a mountain I think should block the statue from solitude's line of sight, things look more correct from up there. From solitude, it just seems to be floating above that mountain. What's the fix for this? Is it just a setting in the lod data for the statue in dynDolod? If I can see Azura from solitude, I would figure I should be able to at least see the Solitude windmill from Morthal, but really, I would just like to not see Azura from Solitude. It makes the world feel small.
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