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  1. https://ufile.io/f/dbe2ghttps://ufile.io/f/819ih Not sure if I did this right. I have 1tb of space left this is an issue with creation club. I did a full Gamerpoets clean install Without CC addon, However five of them still come up. I extracted with 7 zip in my folder and read 1 error message CRC Failed : meshes\terrain\objects\Tamriel.8-24-16bto. If I add the rest of the CC content I will get more. There was no summary messages. Also tried with antivirus off. Thanks Just want to add, I know it will be wrong, but I went in to the extracted file found the above object.8-24-16bto and deleted it. I rezipped the file and it installed without error. It tells me nothing else is wrong. Thanks again.
  2. Hi, using Alpha 130. I have never had this problem before. Xlodgen fine, Texgen fine, No error summary. Then I go to install DynDOLOD Outputzip and I get Extraction failed:CRC error. This is in MO2. No other mod nor have yours ever done this. To test I disabled almost all my mods and I still get the error. Any ideas? Thanks
  3. When I start the game, I am getting DynDOLOD.DLL papyrus scripts are the wrong version. I am using 3.0 Alpha, scripts 2.82.3. SSE 1.6.640 and papyrus util. 4.4. My error messages are only large references. I reinstalled 3.0 alpha and it fixed my scripts. Thanks anyway.
  4. Thanks Sheson, Just found this out on my own as I installed USSEP and that error went away. I just got back to edit this when I saw your answer. I have no messages anymore and that's after do the CC downloads. All good and thanks again.
  5. Hi, Testing DynDoLod for error messages. SSE AE 1.6.640, Clean install from Gamerpoets, No CC content yet. Skse, address library and SkyUi. Everything prefect. Cleaned with Sseedit. TextGen perfect. DynDolod run 4 times. With cleaning, without cleaning, again with it and without Dawnguard. Ok, so the only error it kicks off is Error: File not found scripts\dlc1testphilvortextrigscript.pex Dawnguard.esm dlc1testPhilVortexTRIG [ACTI:02010FF5] What to do, can't find this message in google? Thanks
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