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  1. Awesome, thanks for the quick feedback then! greatly appreciated.
  2. Ok that worked! Is this indicative of something faulty on my end?
  3. Hi, recently got back into modding skyrim and redownloaded dyndolod and all its requirements from scratch. Unfortunately when I try to run TexGen in crashes while generating textures without any popups or logs. Looking at eventviewer shows an error before the program crashes that points to nvoglv64.dll. This is apparently an nvidia driver thing yet even after installing a new driver the issue remains, I should note I have had no driver-related issues with any prior installation of dyndolod. Ill try using display driver uninstaller and see if that helps with the issue... but if anyone else has any idea as to why this is happening feedback would be hugely appreciated! TexGen_SSE_realtime_log.7z Event Viewer Log: EventViewerLog.txt
  4. Awesome! I am using the NSUTR/New Azura Shrine Patch: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/55132 So if I'm understanding correctly should I delete the new reference (xx06EB3) from prometheus_etc.esp and keep the 00033DCB reference given I use the above patch? (Patch replaces NSUTR's azurastatuesnow_only.nif with one that fits the new statue). Or do I delete both and the patch will still work? Thanks again for the quick responses.
  5. I have tried the rule active on the static run, rule active on dynamic run and rule active on both. Seems to give the same result - except for only the dynamic run, which might not have generated any modded lod. DynDOLOD_SSE_Object_Report.7z
  6. Thanks for the response, I'll attach the Object Report in the next reply, exceeding the file size limit atm. DynDOLOD_SSE_log.txtDynDOLOD_SSE_Debug_log.txtbugreport.txt
  7. Currently having issues getting the azura shrine LOD to work properly, I have implemented a mesh mask rule as follows: "Meshes\Clutter\Statues\shrineofazura01.nif" and have set the rules to be as attached. I then run dyndolod and generate the static LOD, after which I follow the steps required to generate the dynamic LOD for open cities. When I play in game however, the LOD for the modded Azura shrine is morphed inside the LOD for the vanilla Azura Shrine - the vanilla LOD disappears when I get close - but using the tfc command really highlights the issue. I posted on the modders page and on the advice of a response there am posting it here. I was told to see if I could select the vanilla mesh to see which plugin might be causing it, but using the TLL command showed that it was all LOD. I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing wrong and would greatly appreciated any feedback!
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