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  1. Discussion thread: Dragon Priest Masks by Pannonian Wiki Link Hy ! I'm still working on my Dragonpriest masks mod : https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/4707 i'm trying to improve it a little bit by making it compatible with Argonian and Khajiit races. My actual problem is i kept the player's head on my latest version...this is working great for all races exept thoses 2 big headed beast races (a lot of clipping of course). I've found an option in the CK that allow to decapitate the player's head when wearing mask / helmet...i tried to add this option (the idea is to remove the head but to keep the neck... i need the neck to be visible on all my masks for a better visual immersion)...but this is not working (still have the head and neck)...i know how to remove the entire head + neck (CK or Nifskope) but that's not what i want. If someone can help me on this one (but i'm not a 3D soft expert) ! My next step (after the ALL race compatible step) will be a total retexture for all masks (with better lore friendly 2K / 1K HD textures and new effects) + 5 new masks (for mages / no armor rate)... but i still want to improve it more... like putting other kind of masks, to make a big mask collection...so if some modders want to help me on that (making new 3D mask models, i can do the textures from a 3D flat pattern) i'll be glad...and why not making a quest mod to find them all (pokemasks) into the wild, dungeons, caves...etc thanks in advance !
  2. hey, after some few tests i can say that my freeze problem with magic and dragon is gone for good...but i still have some random freezes (not CTD) around the main world of Skyrim (not in cities or indoors)...so it's not 100% gone for good (yesterday i was on my horse and when i reached a bandit camp the game just froze...for no reason...i was just riding the horse that's all). My game is still pretty laggy anyway (even in medium settings)...i think my i7 with 6Go of ram is not enought for those skyrim's amazing advanced next gen 3D graphics ;) after a good "vanilla clean" i reinstalled my mods one by one and used BOSS for the correct load order. it's gonna take me some time but i will uninstall mod after mod to see which is messing up
  3. @torminater Thanks dude ! it took me some time but i've made a folder clean and reinstall mod after mod. In fact i had not just 1 problem : > Extended color sliders : making my game to freeze (randomly) if it's placed at the end of the load order list > Deadly spell impact : the "high resolution" decals were making the magic / dragons freezes (i've installed a lower version) > the ini was "corrupted" (i guess) i just have to test my new setting for some times to see if all OK...but apparently it's ok with thoses 3 changes THANKS AGAIN !
  4. i'm experiencing the same crap... for some times i have HUGE numbers of game freezes : > when using destruction magic (i'm playing a mage so it's really annoying) > when NPC or ennemis are attacking with destruction magic (which is often) > when dragons attacking with fire / ice breath (dragons are part of the gamplay...that's a shame) > when opening player menu or contaigner menu (wich is 75% of the gameplay) i used to play with a moded game ...so i've tried to remove mod after mod to see which one was causing those... NONE !...even the vanilla game's doing it (even making a file check with STEAM or changing the sound to 24 bits 44100)... i don't know what else to do :(
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