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Everything posted by Carbonized

  1. Appreciate the help, Sheson. After running DynDOLOD and SSELODGen everything in the game looks mostly alright and with nice long distance visuals. I only have one problem cropping up now. Somehow, in the middle distance, my waterfalls freeze up and become unmoving LODs. If I'm up closer, they unfreeze and move, and if I move even farther back, they also unfreeze. But somehow there seems to be a band out in the middle distance where waterfalls always freeze up. I thought DynDOLOD always made waterfall LODs dynamic, no matter the distance? The esp is at the far bottom of my LO, and the output is overwriting everything else too. I captured the bug on these images: https://imgur.com/a/jqBztGj you can see the middle waterfall is darker and frozen, but when I move farther back, it unfreezes again. I can do this with all the waterfalls I find. Any idea what's going on here?
  2. I'm also not able to auto-zip the output with the recent update. No biggy I can do it manually, but still. Last update made the purple square go away, and I didn't find any new ones, from going around in the world a bit. Didn't experience any CTDs either, after rescaling the bark textures that were in a wrong resolution. Changing uLargeRefLODGridSize=5 in prefsini helped somewhat with the zfighting, no I don't get it in most buildings or bridges, mostly in some water edges.
  3. I've going through all the logs and error messages one more time. First of all, TexGen is complaining about 7 normal map textures from SFO and 1 normal map for Immersive College of Winterhold. Those mods don't come with those normal map textures, so not a lot I can do about that. DynDOLOD is producing more errors. First of all, the only textures I could find with the wrong format were from the "Tree Bark in High Definition" mod. Those were the only ones Dyn said were in faulty format. So I used Cathedral tool to downsize them to a proper format, and I'm no longer getting any errors for faulty textures. "File not found meshes" - I get some missing nifs from DarkFox' Merchants of skyrim mod, Arthmoor's Shor's Stone, some from CACO, some from C.O.I.N, some from Elianora's Halla mod, and a couple others. Not sure what to do about that, those mods didn't come with those nifs, since I haven't removed any meshes from those mods. "File not found scripts" - I only get a couple of these. Half of them are from the official CC content, so cant really do much about that either. "File not found textures" - I get a dozen or so missing texture from SFO, one from CACO, one from Routa, 2 from Elysium Estate. Not sure what to do about that either. "Property not found in scripts" - 9 of those are from JK's Sky Haven Temple weapon rack activation, and I get a handful or so from the official CC content. And finally, "large reference bugs", now I get a ton of these. Cutting Room Floor, JK's Skyrim, Immersive College, iNeed, Unique Border Gates and many others. I did read the large references bug section, that this can cause zfighting, and I do notice quite a lot of zfighting and texture flicking in the lods. The only problem is, I don't know what to do about that, flagging these mods esm is not an option. Also, even with thhe current improvement, the purple square is still there. But you mentioned you found out what was causing this?
  4. Yeah the CTDs aren't gone, I still get them with Dyn activated, just not all the time. There's no option to make Dyn simply ignore or avoid all the textures that doesn't fit with the formula? Like you can see in the log, I get a ton of error messages for textures from pretty well known mods like JK, Bruma and SFO, so simply removing anything that gives an error isn't really an option. The mod I use near that purple block is Elianora's Routa. Using tll toggled the LOD off, and I couldn't select it in the console. It's hard to see exactly what object causes the purple square, but it does sit very closely to Eli's sauna part of the Routa mod, so I suspect that maybe that's the offender. I appreciate the support, I've tried several times to get Dyn to work on my setup, but I always run into a million issues like this. I do have a very large modlist, though it hasn't brought me any trouble before, everything works just fine in my game with no apparent issues and no crashes usually. Maybe I just have too many mods in my list, so something is bound to be incompatible with Dyn or cause errors due to reasons.
  5. The CTDs seem to have vanishes when I reran Dyn. I do get a ton of "Warning: file not found" in the log. From JK mods, from SFO, from BS: Bruma and such. Running around in game, everything seems to look ok, until I noticed this purple block of LOD https://imgur.com/a/BIRsJLa I believe it's a LOD, cause it vanishes when I get close. The location of the LOD seems to be where I have an Elianora mod home, so I assume DynDOLOD somehow couldn't make a proper LOD for a part of that housing mod. EDIT: I think these are the text files you needed? https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1SYLJ7PKXHSqkRuDTNgByiGAWGE1WtNvY?usp=sharing
  6. However, now I've run into another issue. I ran TexGen and DynDOLOD programs through MO2 without any error messages, installed all the output as per instructions, but when I go into the game, the MCM says DynDOLOD is not active, the checkbox isn't checked, and fast traveling from my indoor location to any outdoors immediately crashes in the loading screen. What gives? Well I'm not entirely sure what happened here, but changing some of the settings in Dyn and rerunning it again seems to have fixed the crashing. I assume I chose some settings that were to much to handle for my VRAM, cause lowering the settings a bit seemed to fix it. Oh well.
  7. Thanks for the swift reply. Yeah it was apparently an issue with Windows Defender. Whitelisting the folders and exe made me able to progress.
  8. Hey. I'm trying to run TexGenx64 via MO2 for DynDOLOD3. But when it runs I keep getting this error message: [Window Title] TexGen [Main Instruction] Can not copy resource textures\dungeons\imperial\impwood01_n.dds to E:\Bethesda Games Modding\DynDOLOD\TexGen_Output\DynDOLOD-temp\textures\dungeons\ships\shipwood01_n.dds: [Content] Den angivne sti blev ikke fundet [the designated path was not found] [E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\textures\dungeons\imperial\impwood01_n.dds] Click on this link for additional explanations and help for this message [Exit TexGen] [Footer] Online Help | Support Forum | Copy message to clipboard There is nothing wrong with the texture in the path, I've checked in my MO2, and I've tried using different textures too for the shipwood01_n, from different texture packs, but they all result in the same error message. What to do? Also, is the tool supposed to copy the texture from the imperial folder into the ships folder? That doesn't seem right.
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