Hey all, I started to follow the STEP guide when installing MO2, the steps were not giving me the results the guide implied I should get. When running MO2, I was not prompted to create a new instance, select SkyrimSE, etc.. It just went straight into MO2. Anywho, as I had previously used MO2 before (only for skyrim), I decided to find any old folder f or MO2 and delete it as I was not using the standalone version before. I deleted the folders in appdata, and when running the standalone version I finally got the new instance prompt. I've followed the guide up to installing SKSE64, the problem is that whenever I add a mod or active it, I get a legend that says MODorganizaer/skyrimse/profiles/step se core v0.1.0./plugins.txt empty. In addition to that, when creating the cleaned mod versions of the master files, I get a flag saying No valid Game data, which goes away if I double click it, and then close the window that pops up. I haven't used MO2 in a while, but I don't recall these messages coming up when following the previous version of the guide. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!