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  1. Good day to you all. It's been a minute (more like 3 years) since I played and modded skyrim and would like to get back to it. I've been reading the STEP guide to get used to it, and some of the mods I like are not in the guide at all. Is it okay for me to add mods not on the list as long as I install them within the section of the mod? Example, adding the additional music project mod while working on the sound and music section of the STEP guide, or adding the CBBE mod and of course looking for CBBE compatible mods included in the list? In the most extreme cases, adding new lands like wyrmstooth or falskaar.
  2. Hey all, I started to follow the STEP guide when installing MO2, the steps were not giving me the results the guide implied I should get. When running MO2, I was not prompted to create a new instance, select SkyrimSE, etc.. It just went straight into MO2. Anywho, as I had previously used MO2 before (only for skyrim), I decided to find any old folder f or MO2 and delete it as I was not using the standalone version before. I deleted the folders in appdata, and when running the standalone version I finally got the new instance prompt. I've followed the guide up to installing SKSE64, the problem is that whenever I add a mod or active it, I get a legend that says MODorganizaer/skyrimse/profiles/step se core v0.1.0./plugins.txt empty. In addition to that, when creating the cleaned mod versions of the master files, I get a flag saying No valid Game data, which goes away if I double click it, and then close the window that pops up. I haven't used MO2 in a while, but I don't recall these messages coming up when following the previous version of the guide. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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