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  1. I'd like to try a different audio mod than Audio Overhaul. However, Audio Overhaul is tied in as a master to both core patches. If I replace Audio Overhaul with say Lucidity, what will I need to do to keep the functionality of the patches? Thanks.
  2. Thanks for the reply, and for splitting this into the correct forum. Yes, I am using both patches. I decided to uninstall and reinstall ELE and this was actually effective for some reason--who knows why. Then again, mysteries when it comes to interactions between Skyrim mods are nothing new. At my first attempt at installing with the guide I crashed every time I approached Riverwood and couldn't figure out what was causing it. This time? No problem at all. Very strange indeed!
  3. I am having some issues and hope there may be some thoughts After installing the core guide mods, I started up and ran through Helgen to Riverwood and everything seemed alright, although everyone had very reddish skin. I thought maybe then installing an ENB might help this so I added Ragnar's Vivid ENB per the guide, but it actually worsened everything. Thinking this was a lighting issue, I removed ELE and unchecked the esps dependent on it. Everyone was a lot less red but still had a tinge--unchecking subsurface scattering in the ENB menu was effective in getting rid of it entirely. But I'm confused why ELE would've caused such strange behaviour with actors' skin in the first place. Any insights? I don't *just* have the core guide mods installed but 99%, so I don't know how it could be something besides ELE, especially since removing it solved the problem. Should I try reinstalling it with different options? Try a different lighting mod like ELFX? Thanks for any ideas.
  4. Thank you very much for this guide. In the detailed instructions for SMIM at https://wiki.step-project.com/Static_Mesh_Improvement_Mod_(SE)#Recommendations, under "Lanterns", there is neither a check box nor radio button next to the options for Lanterns. After having completed the rest of the guide I'm still unsure as to whether the Lanterns are missing a checkbox / radio button, or if this is meant to mean, "leave this one blank". None of the other install guides indicate leaving an option blank by having a lack of symbol next to an object, so it is confusing. I went ahead and checked the box, assuming that if lanterns would be subsequently replaced by something else, that would overwrite.
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