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  1. Forgive me, you’re right, I was being ignorant. I found out the issue was with a Tree and Flora merge and by extension the Smash patch. After I rebuilt the merge and the Smash patch everything was fine and the Occulsion gen went through with out error. The other errors I had were Tint Layer issues which I found out is not an issue and they routinely tell people to ignore them on the discord.
  2. Perhaps i over complicated my question (which by i mean i asked about more than i needed to). I did check for errors for all the plugins. And there were lots, which i thought would be expected when using a guide like Lexy's, and unless I'm mistaken, their is not a place in the guide where it is stated that I need to resolve these issues. All im asking is about this one error during the xLODGEN Occlusion generation. [01:11] <DLC1ForbearsHoldoutExterior01 [CELL:000093A8] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -21,16) Error while updating TVDT data: Load order FileID [05] can not be mapped to file FileID for file "Occlusion.esp"> I tried to provide the whole log earlier but was having issues, but here it is now https://privatebin.net/?e9cdae456a7624de#8QvLSi3JXrq14q5W68czgURGLoMMY7EkuBBKvFt4u7iJ That's the only issue im worried about. I hope this post does not come across with an attitude, that is not my intention, I appreciate all that you do for this community.
  3. Hey, im encountering one small error when generating Occlusion Data in xLODGEN. This is the one and only error i get: [01:11] <DLC1ForbearsHoldoutExterior01 [CELL:000093A8] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -21,16) Error while updating TVDT data: Load order FileID [05] can not be mapped to file FileID for file "Occlusion.esp"> I looked at xEdit with the Hearthstone dlc and Occlusion.esp and this is what i get: I was sort of thinking that copying the location record there over to the Occlusion.esp might help, or maybe deleting the location record altogether. But i don't want to mess anything up so someone on Lexy's Discord said i should ask here. Thanks
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