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  1. Greetings, Sorry for three posts right in a row, but I wanted to say that I believe I have fixed the problem. I disabled all my mods and reactivated them one by one, deleting mods that I didn't really have an interest in as I went. I ended up getting rid of about 50 mods. Although I am only a few minutes into the game, it appears to be working now. I don't know what exactly was causing it, perhaps system stress, but it looks like I will get to actually play which is the end result. Thanks again for your time and help.
  2. Greetings, Quick follow up. I left the Lone Wanderer outside Vault 101 for about 20-30 minutes while I went and grabbed some food, no change. Out of curiosity I decided to go to Megaton and I found a lot more than my pipboy are missing textures or at the very least are replaced by the exclamation point at some point during loading. The terrain, every npc in Megaton, etc. I was able to load into Megaton (sort of), which surprised me though.
  3. Greetings Kelmych, Thanks again for the quick response. I did wait for a minute or two before moving as I was looking stuff up on my other monitor. Should I give it longer than that? I don't remember this being a problem when I played years ago on a much worse pc. At any rate, here are my specs.. Intel Core 17-6700k @ 4 GHz GeForce GTX 1070 with 8 GB of VRAM 16 GB of RAM Windows 10 Home 64 Bit Both the game and all the utilities I am using for it are installed to an HDD (Not enough room on my SSD). Regards, Keen7981
  4. Greetings, Allow me to apologize in advance if this turns out to be a common problem. I did not search the forums beforehand because I was honestly not sure what to search for. My issue is happening just after leaving Vault 101 for the first time. If I stay near the little wood door to the cave or even go a little ways down the path, everything is fine. I get all my mod and dlc popups. I am using the Ties That Bind mod and the scripted event happens correctly. But as soon as I get too far away from Vault 101 and the distance is random, sometimes it is the end of the path and sometimes I can get a little ways down the road, a myriad of issues start. I can no longer use my pipboy (pipboy readius) as it gets replaced with the missing texture exclamation point, even though it was working fine before. My weapon makes no sound when fired, but the casing falling on the ground still makes a sound. I can't use the menus anymore, pressing escape no longer does anything, and while I can bring up the console and type in it the commands no longer do anything. I am honestly at a loss for where to even start troubleshooting this. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I will leave my load order below, if any other information is needed please to not hesitate to ask. Regards, Keen7981
  5. Wow, I was right, I was doing something wrong. Somehow I had gotten the option "Hide no conflict and empty rows" clicked. Don't know how I did that but it is fixed and now I feel like an idiot. Thanks again for your time. Regards, Keen7981
  6. Thank you for your reply Kelmych (also for your Clear and Present Danger guide, which is the one I am following). Yes, it is the same for other records, at least for all the Navmeshes listed in the video for both The Pitt and Broken Steel. The other navmeshes (the non-deleted ones) seem to be okay, although at this point I could be missing information and not know it. And yes, I did make the changes to the options, including the ones on the expert tab. I have also overwritten the ESM's with vanilla backups I made, in case I did something wrong, re-installed xEdit, and deleted xEdit's overwrite files in MO. I've also tried opening xEdit on its own (not through MO) and get the same result. I am a little lost, to be honest. Thank you again for your help. Here is what it looks like when I click on a navmesh not mentioned in the video. Regards, Keen7981
  7. Greetings, I am attempting to clean up the DLC's using the GamerPoets guide here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69hyaD9Efvw&list=PLlN8weLk86XhW4DeotXq0BvY4dBpnphVE&index=4&t=354s. The problem I am running into is that there seems to be information missing in my xEdit window. When I type in the formid for the fist Navmesh in the guide there is almost no information in the tab for ThePitt.esm save for the Record Flags, which say "Deleted" and there is no FormID column whatsoever on the right pane for me to click on as the video suggests. I am positive I am doing something wrong, I just don't know what. Any help would be appreciated. Regards, Keen7981
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