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    Sounds of Skyrim / Better Vampires

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  1. I had this problem as well, but found that continuously running it through MO will eventually allow you to sort your load order and apply the recommended changes. I remember reading on the LOOT GitHub that it was something to do with Chrome or Chromium API or something and therefore out of their control (I think, it's been a minute since I read that). The good news is, I found that as I went through the guide and added more and more mods, the chance of getting LOOT to crash on startup did not increase. It's just a matter of patience.
  2. I love Roy. If you could talk with him about the topic at hand, I would like to hear what he thinks.
  3. Removing the deleted navmeshes and cleaning the DLC ESMs is listed early on in the guide, and links to GamerPoet's playlist on YouTube. I noticed recently that his "Introduction" video has a pinned comment from him advising people to not follow these steps until after all the modding in the guide has been done, since mods that touch the deleted navmeshes could cause a CTD if they're cleaned prior to install. I'd like some advice on the matter, since I respect both Kelmych's and GamerPoet's opinions.
  4. I've read that capping your FPS at 1/2 or 1/3 of your monitor's refresh rate is recommended in Kelmych's guide, but I'm not sure of the reasoning behind it. I've seen a lot more evidence of the game having errors past 60, or just breaking altogether once you get around 70-80 since the game's physics are tied to your framerate for some reason. I have it capped to 60 in my Fallout Stutter Removal's .ini file, and don't really see any problems.
  5. Just making this as a sort of PSA, since Kelmych's guide instructs people to use MO1 as the mod manager for Clear and Present Danger. As of today, May 13th, Nexus has disabled their legacy API that MO1, older versions of MO2, and NMM (I think?) used to download mods. I didn't realize this myself until I was trying to find some kind of server outage today when I couldn't log into the Nexus from MO1. I found the Nexus post about the API changes here: https://www.nexusmod...out3/news/14028 I don't know if this is something that a workaround can be made for, but in the meantime you can just manually download mods and drop the archives into MO's download folder in Windows Explorer to install and follow the guide normally from there. If this isn't the place for this kind of post, feel free to remove it. I just wanted to try and save people the confusion that I already went through.
  6. Just making this as a sort of PSA, since Kelmych's guide instructs people to use MO1 as the mod manager for Clear and Present Danger. As of today, May 13th, Nexus has disabled their legacy API that MO1, older versions of MO2, and NMM (I think?) used to download mods. I didn't realize this myself until I was trying to find some kind of server outage today when I couldn't log into the Nexus from MO1. I found the Nexus post about the API changes here: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/news/14028 I don't know if this is something that a workaround can be made for, but in the meantime you can just manually download mods and drop the archives into MO's download folder in Windows Explorer to install and follow the guide normally from there. If this isn't the place for this kind of post, feel free to remove it. I just wanted to try and save people the confusion that I already went through.
  7. To my knowledge, you should set your refresh rate to 60 if you're using V-Sync and you're consistently getting 60fps in-game. If not, turn V-Sync off and it won't really matter what your refresh rate is.
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