The papyrus flags file isn't present in my version of the scripts archive found in SSE. I had to copy the TESV_Papyrus_Flags.flg from Oldrim over to SSE. Whether or not this was advisable, I don't know. One remaining question that I do have is with regard to an issue where MergePlugins.exe appears to still be running even after closing it, or at least MO2 thinks that it's running. I get the little window that says "MO is locked while the executable is running". This happens not just after using Merge Plugins, but after launching any app from MO2 (like LOOT or DynDOLOD). If I bring up the task manager, MergePlugins.exe is not listed as running, so something is making MO2 think that MP is running. Any thoughts as to what might be making this happen?