NoMansSky:Reference Guides

From Step Mods | Change The Game


The following are references for the various files and types of files used for No Man's Sky:

  • A list of all internal names for things in game can be found in the Reference Table.
  • For all the commands and object types supported by the model importer see this Guide.
  • Some basic information about the input system is collated in the Input/Actions Reference.
  • A list of all the exosuit voice files with their WEM IDs can be found in the Voice Reference Table.

Game File Types and Associations

Users can find the game's different file types with descriptions below:

  • SCENE Files - similar to a prefab and holds information about in-game objects all the way from models, behaviors to audio, particle effects and more.
    • ENTITY - the MBIN that defines interactions and behaviors of objects.
    • GEOMETRY - the format in which 3D models are stored in
    • MATERIAL MBIN Files - defines the texture maps and shader flags to be used
    • DESCRIPTOR files - handles the nested hierarchies of procedural generation in-game
    • ANIM (Animation) files - (minimal research on this currently)
    • LSYSTEM - a facet of procedural generation that introduces more control with custom rule sets on procedural objects in-game, such as how outposts with enterable interiors are generated (needs more research)
    • WEM format
