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<!-- ############ MAGIC WORDS, TRANSCLUSIONS & CATEGORIES ############ -->
[[Category:INI Guides]][[Category:Advanced Topics]]
__NOTOC__[[Category:Configuration Settings]]
''A comprehensive and advanced guide for editing the "SkyrimPrefs.ini" file for n00bs and gurus alike -- by the S.T.E.P. Team''
<!-- ########## END magic words, transclusions & categories ########## -->
<!-- ########### STANDARD GUIDES HEADER FORMAT ############ -->
''A comprehensive and advanced guide for editing original Skyrim's version of the "SkyrimPrefs.ini" file for n00bs and gurus alike''

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[ '''Skyrim INI Guide''']
[ '''Skyrim INI Guide''']
{{Construction|size=80|text=This guide is a work in progress and is thus incomplete. While all INI parameters are listed (we believe), some of the parameter descriptions may be incomplete or even incorrect!}}
<!-- ######### END standard guide header format ########## -->
=== Guide Scope ===
This guide is intended to be the comprehensive reference to all parameters found within ''SkyrimPrefs.ini'' file for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim game. All of the user-configurable parameters contained within SkyrimPrefs.ini are listed and defined (or hopefully will be). Parameters are presented by INI section headings in the order that they appear by default within SkyrimPrefs.ini. Jump to a relevant INI section using the links below and navigate back to this "hub" using the link that appears at the top of each section page.

=== The Basics ===
{{fs|1.2em|Suggested first reading: [ Skyrim Configuration Settings Guide]}}
SkyrimPrefs.ini has 117 settings separated into 18 working sections. 3 additional sections ([[#&#91;NavMesh&#93;|[NavMesh]]], [[#&#91;BlurShaderHDR&#93;|[BlurShaderHDR]]], and [[#&#91;BlurShader&#93;|[BlurShader]]]) and 40 additional parameters are mentioned here that are commonly placed in this file that are not believed to do anything. Each setting has a lowercase prefix and a name. The name identifies what the setting modifies. The prefix determines what kind of value the setting can accept. Below is a list of the different prefixes and their meanings.
*''b''-prefix accepts a Boolean value of 1 (true) or 0 (false).
*''f''-prefix accepts a floating point numeral value (any rational number, positive or negative, with or without a decimal, such as 5, 0, or -38.0003).
*''i''-prefix accepts an integer value (any whole number, positive or negative, without a decimal point, such as 5, -38, or 0).
*''r''-prefix accepts a color value in RGB format (e.g. 93,216,234).
*''s''-prefix (also ''S'' and ''str'') accepts a string value (usually text, but may contain numbers, punctuation--anything really).
*''u''-prefix (also ''ui'') accepts an unsigned integer value (any whole number, only positive or 0, without a decimal point, such as 5, 38, or 0).

INI settings may be changed in-game by doing the following:
===Guide scope===
#Press the tilde (~) key to access the console.
This guide is intended to be the comprehensive reference to all settings found within ''SkyrimPrefs.ini'' file for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim game. All of the user-configurable settings contained within SkyrimPrefs.ini are listed and defined (or hopefully will be). Settings are presented by section in alphabetical order. Jump to a relevant section using the links below and navigate back to this "hub" using the link that appears at the top of each section page.<br />
#Type <code>setini "parameter:category" value</code> where parameter is the name of the setting, category is the section it is under, and value is the value it is to be changed to.
{{fs|1.3em|→}} [[/Default_INI|{{fs|1.2em|'''Default SkyrimPrefs INI'''}}]] (runtime
#Press enter
#Type <code>saveini</code> and press enter. This saves the INI change to the INI files.
#Type <code>refreshini</code>. This refreshes the INI settings, hopefully applying the change made.

*Tannin for [[Mod Organizer|Mod Organizer's]] Configurator plugin, from which the majority of these values were retrieved.
SkyrimPrefs.ini has 118 settings separated into 18 working sections. 11 of these are believed to be unused by the game, leaving 107 settings to tweak. 31 additional settings are mentioned here that are commonly placed in this file that do not do anything. '''Any additional settings not listed here are most likely invalid.'''

===INI Parameters by Section===
===INI parameters by section===
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== [Imagespace] ==
*Tannin for [[Mod Organizer|Mod Organizer's]] Configurator plugin.
==== bDoDepthOfField ====
*Sheson for some LOD settings.
This enables depth of field.
Default is 1.
==== iRadialBlurLevel ====
This determines the amount of radial blur applied. It is uncertain that this value is used by the game (it does not appear in game-generated INIs--only ones created by the Skyrim Launcher via the preset files. It is believed that this parameter is supposed to be inside Skyrim.ini instead, since the parameter appears in game-generated INIs for Skyrim.ini.).
Low and Medium presets are 0. High is 1. Ultra is 2.
== [Display] ==
==== bDeferredShadows ====
This enables deferred shadows. Dependent upon bDrawShadows.
Default is 1.
==== bDrawLandShadows ====
This enables landscape shadows. Dependent upon bDrawShadows.
Default is 0
==== bDrawShadows ====
This enables shadows.
Default is 1.
==== bFXAAEnabled ====
This enables an almost zero-cost approximation of antialiasing using the FXAA technique. Do not use with SMAA or ENB AA.
Default is 0. Low, High, and Ultra presets are 0. Medium is 1.
==== bFloatPointRenderTarget ====
Enabling this allows lighting to be rendered using floating point (decimal) values rather than only integer values. This increases the precision of lighting. It comes with a medium performance impact, and is recommended to be set to 0 if not using ENB. If using ENB, it MUST be set to 1.
Default is 0 (although default set by the game without the value present is 1).
==== bFull Screen ====
This determines if the game is rendered fullscreen.
Default is 0.
<pre>bFull Screen=(0,1)</pre>
==== bMainZPrepass ====
This enables ZPrepass. Enabling ZPrepass tells the game not to render certain object to try to increase performance. It is recommended to remain disabled and to use ENBoost's ZPrepass instead. If set to 1, ENBoost's ZPrepass will not work.
Default is 0.
==== bShadowMaskZPrepass ====
This enables ZPrepass on the shadow mask. Enabling ZPrepass tells the game not to render certain object to try to increase performance. It is recommended to remain disabled and to use ENBoost's ZPrepass instead. If set to 1, ENBoost's ZPrepass will not work.
Default is 0.
==== bShadowsOnGrass ====
This enables grass shadows.
Default is 1.
==== bTransparencyMultisampling ====
This enables transparency antialiasing. Recommended to be disabled for better performance.
Default is 0.
==== bTreesReceiveShadows ====
This enables tree shadows.
Default is 0.
==== fDecalLOD1 ====
This sets the initial distance that decals are shown on LOD?
Default is 1000.
==== fDecalLOD2 ====
This sets the secondary distance that decals are shown on LOD?
Default is 1500.
==== fGamma ====
This sets the gamma brightness.
Default is 1.
==== fInteriorShadowDistance ====
This sets the distance shadows are rendered indoors?
Default is 3000.
==== fLeafAnimDampenDistEnd ====
This sets the ending distance leaves are animated?
Default is 4600.
==== fLeafAnimDampenDistStart ====
This sets the starting distance leaf animations are lessened?
Default is 3600.
==== fLightLODStartFade ====
This sets the distance when light on LOD will begin to fade.
Default is 1000. Low is 200. Medium is 1000. High is 2500. Ultra is 3500.
==== fMeshLODFadeBoundDefault ====
This sets something to do with meshes in LOD?
Default is 256.
==== fMeshLODFadePercentDefault ====
This sets the default percentage meshes fade?
Default is 1.2.
==== fMeshLODLevel1FadeDist ====
This sets the distance meshes begin to fade in LOD?
Default is 4096. Low and Medium presets are 4096. High and Ultra presets are 1e+007.
==== fMeshLODLevel1FadeTreeDistance ====
This sets the distance tree meshes begin to fade in LOD?
Default is 2844.
==== fMeshLODLevel2FadeDist ====
This sets the distance meshes begin to fade even more in LOD?
Default is 3072. Low and Medium presets are 3072. High and Ultra presets are 1e+007.
==== fMeshLODLevel2FadeTreeDistance ====
This sets the distance tree meshes begin to fade even more in LOD?
Default is 2048.
==== fShadowBiasScale ====
This sets the amount of shadowing applied to objects. Higher values produce less shadowing, and lower values produce more shadowing. Increasing this may help with shadows popping in at expense to the amount of shadowing.
Default is 1. Low is 0.5. Medium is 0.3. High is 0.25. Ultra is 0.15.
==== fShadowDistance ====
This sets the distance of shadows. It also proportionately affects the resolution of shadows.
Default is 2500. Low is 2000. Medium is 2500. High is 4000. Ultra is 8000.
==== fShadowLODStartFade ====
This sets the distance shadows begin to fade.
Default is 200.
==== fSpecularLODStartFade ====
This sets the distance specularity begins to fade in LOD.
Default is 500. Low is 200. Medium is 500. High is 1000. Ultra is 2000.
==== fTreesMidLODSwitchDist ====
This sets the distance trees switch to their LOD versions?
Default is 3600. Low and Medium presets are 3600. High is 5000. Ultra is 1e+007.
==== iAdapter ====
This sets ? It may be used only by the Skyrim Launcher. It is uncertain that this value is used by the game (it does not appear in game-generated INIs--only ones created by the Skyrim Launcher via the preset files).
Low, Medium, High, and Ultra presets are 0.
==== iActorShadowCountExt ====
This might have controlled how many actors in exterior areas are allowed to cast shadows. It is uncertain that this value is used by the game. It is never placed in the game by any normal means, not even by the Launcher, however it appears to exist within the preset files, and would need to be inserted manually.
Low, Medium, and High presets are 2. Ultra is 6.
==== iActorShadowCountInt ====
This might have controlled how many actors in interior areas are allowed to cast shadows. It is uncertain that this value is used by the game (it does not appear in game-generated INIs or in Launcher presets, however it appears to exist within the preset ''files'', and must be inserted manually).
Low is 2. Medium and High presets are 4. Ultra is 6.
==== iBlurDeferredShadowMask ====
This sets the amount of blurring applied to shadows. See also iShadowMaskQuarter. Lower values make sharper shadows. It is dependent upon bDeferredShadows being enabled? Higher values make softer shadows. Lowering this value may help reduce the aura or glow around the player.
Default is 5. Low is 0. Medium is 1. High and Ultra presets are 3.
==== iMaxAnisotropy ====
This sets the level of anisotropic filtering. It is recommended to be set to 0 and force either driver AF or ENBoost AF in its place.
Default is 8. Low and Medium presets are 1. High is 8. Ultra is 16.
==== iMaxDecalsPerFrame ====
This sets the maximum number of decals displayed per frame.
Default is 10. Low is 0. Medium is 10. High is 30. Ultra is 100.
==== iMaxSkinDecalsPerFrame ====
This sets the maximum number of decals displayed on skin per frame. Dependent upon and should be a value equal to or less than iMaxDecalsPerFrame.
Default is 3. Low is 0. Medium is 3. High is 10. Ultra is 25.
==== iMultiSample ====
This sets the level of antialising. Recommended to leave off and use other methods of AA such as SMAA.
Default is 0. Low is 1. Medium is 4. High is 8. Ultra is 16.
==== iPresentInterval ====
It is uncertain that this value is used by the game (it does not appear in game-generated INIs--only ones created by the Skyrim Launcher via the preset files. It is believed that this parameter is supposed to be inside Skyrim.ini instead.). The setting is similar to vertical sync and is believed to fix many engine and physics bugs when left on.
Default is 1.
==== iScreenShotIndex ====
This sets ?
Default is 0.
==== iShadowFilter ====
This sets ?
Default is 3.
==== iShadowMapResolution ====
This sets the resolution of shadows (in pixels?).
Default is 1024. Low is 512. Medium is 1024. High is 2048. Ultra is 4096.
==== iShadowMapResolutionPrimary ====
This sets the primary resolution of shadows. It is uncertain that this value is used by the game (it does not appear in game-generated INIs or in Launcher presets and must be inserted manually).
==== iShadowMapResolutionSecondary ====
This sets the secondary resolution of shadows. It is uncertain that this value is used by the game (it does not appear in game-generated INIs or in Launcher presets and must be inserted manually).
==== iShadowMaskQuarter ====
This changes the clarity or crispness of shadows. Higher is crisper. See also iBlurDefferedShadowMask. Lowering this value may help reduce the aura or glow around the player.
Default is 4. Low and Medium presets are 3. High and Ultra presets are 4.
==== iShadowMode ====
This sets the shadow mode to be used.
Default is 3.
==== iShadowSplitCount ====
This sets how many shadows an object can cast?  It is uncertain that this value is used by the game (it does not appear in game-generated INIs or in Launcher presets and must be inserted manually).
==== iSize H ====
This sets the height of the monitor resolution in pixels.
Default is 480.
<pre>iSize H=</pre>
==== iSize W ====
This sets the width of the monitor resolution in pixels.
Default is 640.
<pre>iSize W=</pre>
==== iTexMipMapMinimum ====
This sets the minimum mipmap for textures to be used.
Default is 0.
==== iTexMipMapSkip ====
This changes the texture quality (determined by the number of mipmaps to skip).
Default is 0. Low quality is 2. Medium quality is 1. High quality is 0. Low preset is 1. Medium, High, and Ultra presets are 0.
==== iWaterMultiSamples ====
This sets the level of antialising applied to the water. Recommended to leave off and use other methods of AA such as SMAA.
Default is 0. Low and Medium presets are 1. High and Ultra presets are 4.
==== sD3DDevice ====
This setting appears to only be used by the Skyrim Launcher to detect the correct preset. It is not accessed by the game itself. If Skyrim is not using the correct graphics card, fix that elsewhere (i.e., the driver).
<pre>sD3DDevice="Name of Graphics Card"</pre>
== [Grass] ==
==== b30GrassVS ====
This enables DirectX 3 filters on grass visuals???
Default is 0. Low and Medium are 0. High and Ultra presets are 1.
==== fGrassMaxStartFadeDistance ====
This sets the maximum distance grass can go before fading.
Default is 7000.
==== fGrassMinStartFadeDistance ====
This sets the minimum distance grass can go before fading.
Default is 400.
==== fGrassStartFadeDistance ====
This sets the distance grass will begin to fade.
Default is 3500. Low is 0. Medium is 3000. High is 5000. Ultra is 7000.
== [Water] ==
==== bUseWaterDepth ====
This enables depth effect to water.
Default is 1.
==== bUseWaterDisplacements ====
This enables water displacement.
Default is 1.
==== bUseWaterReflections ====
This enables water reflections.
Default is 1.
==== bUseWaterRefractions ====
This enables water refractions.
Default is 1.
==== iWaterReflectHeight ====
This sets the height of water reflections.
Default is 512.
==== iWaterReflectWidth ====
This sets the width of water reflections.
Default is 512.
== [MAIN] ==
==== bCrosshairEnabled ====
This enables the crosshair.
Default is 1.
==== bGamepadEnable ====
This enables the use of a controller.
Default is 0.
==== bSaveOnPause ====
This enables autosaves upon pauses.
Default is 1.
==== bSaveOnRest ====
This enables autosaves upon sleeping.
Default is 1.
==== bSaveOnTravel ====
This enables autosaves upon traveling to different locations.
Default is 1.
==== bSaveOnWait ====
This enables autosaves upon waiting.
Default is 1.
==== fHUDOpacity ====
This sets the opacity of the HUD.
Default is 1.
==== fSkyCellRefFadeDistance ====
This sets the distance where clouds will fade out?
Default is 150000.
== [Interface] ==
==== bDialogueSubtitles ====
This enables subtitles for important dialogue.
Default is 0.
==== bGeneralSubtitles ====
This enables subtitles for all dialogue.
Default is 0.
==== bShowCompass ====
This enables the compass.
Default is 1.
==== fMouseCursorSpeed ====
This sets the lock sensitivity of the mouse.
Default is 1.
== [GamePlay] ==
==== bAllowDragonFlightLocationDiscovery ====
This enables the location of a dragon in flight to be discovered? It is uncertain that this value is used by the game (it does not appear in game-generated INIs or in Launcher presets and must be inserted manually).
==== bAllowHavokGrabTheLiving ====
This allows the player to grab a living person as a havok object? It is uncertain that this value is used by the game (it does not appear in game-generated INIs or in Launcher presets and must be inserted manually).
==== bEssentialTakeNoDamage ====
This makes essential characters never take any damage? It is uncertain that this value is used by the game (it does not appear in game-generated INIs or in Launcher presets and must be inserted manually).
==== bHealthBarShowing ====
This makes the health bar always show? It is uncertain that this value is used by the game (it does not appear in game-generated INIs or in Launcher presets and must be inserted manually).
==== bInstantLevelUp ====
This makes levelup instantaneous? Leftover Oblivion anti-sleep setting? It is uncertain that this value is used by the game (it does not appear in game-generated INIs or in Launcher presets and must be inserted manually).
==== bShowFloatingQuestMarkers ====
This enables quest marks on objects? It is dependent upon bShowQuestMarkers being enabled?
Default is 1.
==== bShowQuestMarkers ====
This enables quest markers?
Default is 1.
==== bTrackProgress ====
This enables the ability to track progress? It is uncertain that this value is used by the game (it does not appear in game-generated INIs or in Launcher presets and must be inserted manually).
==== iActorsDismemberedPerFrame ====
This sets the maximum number of characters able to be decapitated per frame? It is uncertain that this value is used by the game (it does not appear in game-generated INIs or in Launcher presets and must be inserted manually).
==== iDetectionPicks ====
This sets the detection of picks range? It is uncertain that this value is used by the game (it does not appear in game-generated INIs or in Launcher presets and must be inserted manually).
==== iDifficulty ====
This sets the game difficulty.
Default is 2 (adept).
== [Controls] ==
==== bAlwaysRunByDefault ====
This determines if the character will always run by default.
Default is 1.
==== bGamePadRumble ====
This enables controller rumble.
==== bInvertYValues ====
This determines if the mouse is inverted over the y-axis (up and down movement).
Default is 0.
==== bMouseAcceleration ====
This determines if the mouse is allowed to accelerate as it moves. Or perhaps it used to, as it appears to no longer have any affect in-game. It is uncertain that this value is used by the game (it does not appear in game-generated INIs or in Launcher presets and must be inserted manually).
==== bUseKinect ====
This enables Kinect.
Default is 0.
==== fGamepadHeadingSensitivity ====
This determines the controller heading sensitivity.
Default is 1.9.
==== fMouseHeadingSensitivity ====
This determines the mouse heading sensitivity.
Default is 0.0125.
== [Particles] ==
==== iMaxDesired ====
This determines the maximum amount of particles to be rendered.
Default is 750.
== [SaveGame] ==
==== fAutosaveEveryXMins ====
This sets the time between autosaves made on a timer in minutes.
Default is 15.
== [AudioMenu] ==
==== fAudioMasterVolume ====
This sets the master volume level.
Default is 1.
==== fVal7 ====
This sets the volume level of sound group #7.
Default is 1.
==== uID7 ====
This is the identifier #7 of the sound group to be increased.
Default is 0.
==== fVal6 ====
This sets the volume level of sound group #6.
Default is 1.
==== uID6 ====
This is the identifier #6 of the sound group to be increased.
Default is 0.
==== fVal5 ====
This sets the volume level of sound group #5.
Default is 1.
==== uID5 ====
This is the identifier #5 of the sound group to be increased.
Default is 0.
==== fVal4 ====
This sets the volume level of sound group #4.
Default is 1.
==== uID4 ====
This is the identifier #4 of the sound group to be increased.
Default is 0.
==== fVal3 ====
This sets the volume level of sound group #3.
Default is 0.5.
==== uID3 ====
This is the identifier #3 of the sound group to be increased.
Default is 466532.
==== fVal2 ====
This sets the volume level of sound group #2.
Default is 0.8.
==== uID2 ====
This is the identifier #2 of the sound group to be increased.
Default is 554685.
==== fVal1 ====
This sets the volume level of sound group #1.
Default is 0.8.
==== uID1 ====
This is the identifier #1 of the sound group to be increased.
Default is 1007612.
==== fVal0 ====
This sets the volume level of sound group #0.
Default is 1.
==== uID0 ====
This is the identifier #0 of the sound group to be increased.
Default is 94881.
== [Clouds] ==
==== fCloudLevel0Distance ====
This sets the distance of the first level of clouds?
Default is 16384.
==== fCloudLevel1Distance ====
This sets the distance of the second level of clouds?
Default is 32768.
==== fCloudLevel2Distance ====
This sets the distance of the third level of clouds?
Default is 262144.
==== fCloudNearFadeDistance ====
This sets the distance where clouds fade as they come close to the player?
Default is 9000.
== [General] ==
==== bEnableStoryManagerLogging ====
This enables story manager logging?
Default is 0.
==== fBrightLightColorB ====
This sets the level of blue bright light? It is uncertain that this value is used by the game (it does not appear in game-generated INIs or in Launcher presets and must be inserted manually).
==== fBrightLightColorG ====
This sets the level of green bright light? It is uncertain that this value is used by the game (it does not appear in game-generated INIs or in Launcher presets and must be inserted manually).
==== fBrightLightColorR ====
This sets the level of red bright light? It is uncertain that this value is used by the game (it does not appear in game-generated INIs or in Launcher presets and must be inserted manually).
==== iStoryManagerLoggingEvent ====
This sets the event for storry manager logging?
Default is -1.
== [TerrainManager] ==
==== bShowLODInEditor ====
This enables LOD in an editor?
Default is 0.
==== fBlockLevel0Distance ====
This sets the distance for the first level of quality of terrain.
Default is 20480. Low is 15000. Medium is 20480. High is 25000. Ultra is 35000.
==== fBlockLevel1Distance ====
This sets the distance for the second level of quality of terrain.
Default is 32768. Low is 25000. Medium is 32768. High is 40000. Ultra is 70000.
==== fBlockMaximumDistance ====
This sets the maximum distance for terrain that falls within the second level of quality of terrain. It is uncertain that this value is used by the game (it does not appear in game-generated INIs--only ones created by the Skyrim Launcher via the preset files).
Low is 75000. Medium is 100000. High is 150000. Ultra is 250000.
==== fSplitDistanceMult ====
This is the distance multiplier for the terrain split between the two levels?
Default is 0.75. Low is 0.4. Medium is 0.75. High is 1.1. Ultra is 1.5.
==== fTreeLoadDistance ====
This sets the distance that trees are loaded with terrain?
Default is 25000. Low is 12500. Medium is 25000. High is 40000. Ultra is 75000.
== [NavMesh] ==
This entire section may not even be used in-game. It and its possible settings are listed here for completion's sake.
==== fCoverSideHighAlpha ====
It is uncertain that this value is used by the game (it does not appear in game-generated INIs or in Launcher presets and must be inserted manually).
==== fCoverSideLowAlpha ====
It is uncertain that this value is used by the game (it does not appear in game-generated INIs or in Launcher presets and must be inserted manually).
==== fEdgeDistFromVert ====
It is uncertain that this value is used by the game (it does not appear in game-generated INIs or in Launcher presets and must be inserted manually).
==== fEdgeFullAlpha ====
It is uncertain that this value is used by the game (it does not appear in game-generated INIs or in Launcher presets and must be inserted manually).
==== fEdgeHighAlpha ====
It is uncertain that this value is used by the game (it does not appear in game-generated INIs or in Launcher presets and must be inserted manually).
==== fEdgeLowAlpha ====
It is uncertain that this value is used by the game (it does not appear in game-generated INIs or in Launcher presets and must be inserted manually).
==== fEdgeThickness ====
It is uncertain that this value is used by the game (it does not appear in game-generated INIs or in Launcher presets and must be inserted manually).
==== fLedgeBoxHalfHeight ====
It is uncertain that this value is used by the game (it does not appear in game-generated INIs or in Launcher presets and must be inserted manually).
==== fObstacleAlpha ====
It is uncertain that this value is used by the game (it does not appear in game-generated INIs or in Launcher presets and must be inserted manually).
==== fPointSize ====
It is uncertain that this value is used by the game (it does not appear in game-generated INIs or in Launcher presets and must be inserted manually).
==== fTriangleFullAlpha ====
It is uncertain that this value is used by the game (it does not appear in game-generated INIs or in Launcher presets and must be inserted manually).
==== fTriangleHighAlpha ====
It is uncertain that this value is used by the game (it does not appear in game-generated INIs or in Launcher presets and must be inserted manually).
==== fTriangleLowAlpha ====
It is uncertain that this value is used by the game (it does not appear in game-generated INIs or in Launcher presets and must be inserted manually).
== [Trees] ==
==== bRenderSkinnedTrees ====
This enables skinned trees.
Default is 1.
==== uiMaxSkinnedTreesToRender ====
This is the maximum amount of skinned trees that can be rendered.
Default is 40.
<pre>uiMaxSkinnedTreesToRender=0 or higher</pre>
== [Decals] ==
==== bDecals ====
This determines if decals are enabled. It is uncertain that this value is used by the game (it does not appear in game-generated INIs--only ones created by the Skyrim Launcher via the preset files).
Low is 0. Medium, High, and Ultra presets are 1.
==== bSkinnedDecals ====
This determines if skinned decals are enabled. This is dependent upon bDecals being enabled. It is uncertain that this value is used by the game (it does not appear in game-generated INIs--only ones created by the Skyrim Launcher via the preset files).
Low is 0. Medium, High, and Ultra presets are 1.
==== uMaxDecals ====
This determines the maximum number of decals. This is dependent upon bDecals being enabled.
Default is 100. Low is 0. Medium is 100. High is 250. Ultra is 1000.
<pre>uMaxDecals=0 or higher</pre>
==== uMaxSkinDecals ====
This determines the maximum number of skin decals. This is dependent upon bDecals being enabled. This is dependent upon and must be equal to or less than uMaxDecals. It is uncertain that this value is used by the game (it does not appear in game-generated INIs--only ones created by the Skyrim Launcher via the preset files).
Low is 0. Medium is 35. High is 50. Ultra is 100.
<pre>uMaxSkinDecals=0 or higher</pre>
==== uMaxSkinDecalsPerActor ====
This determines the maximum number of skin decals per character. This is dependent upon bDecals being enabled. This is dependent upon and must be equal to or less than uMaxDecals and uMaxSkinDecals. It is uncertain that this value is used by the game (it does not appear in game-generated INIs--only ones created by the Skyrim Launcher via the preset files).
Low is 0. Medium is 20. High is 40. Ultra is 60.
<pre>uMaxSkinDecalsPerActor=0 or higher</pre>
== [LOD] ==
==== fLODFadeOutMultActors ====
This sets the actor fade distance.
Default is 6. Low is 2.5. Medium is 3. High is 6. Ultra is 15.
==== fLODFadeOutMultItems ====
This sets the item fade distance.
Default is 3. Low is 1. Medium is 2.5. High is 7.5. Ultra is 15.
==== fLODFadeOutMultObjects ====
This sets the object fade distance.
Default is 5. Low is 2.5. Medium is 3.5. High is 4.5. Ultra is 15.
==== fLODFadeOutMultSkyCell ====
This sets the number of cells the sky will be shown before fading?
Default is 1.
== [Launcher] ==
==== bEnableFileSelection ====
This determines if the Skyrim Launcher will have Data greyed out and unclickable or not. Setting it to 1 will allow Data to be accessed in the Launcher. It is not toggleable in the Launcher, so one must add the line manually. It is probably not used in-game.
==== bShowAllResolutions ====
This determines if the Skyrim Launcher will show all resolutions. Toggleable in the in the GUI. It is probably not used in-game.
==== uLastAspectRatio ====
The aspect ratio shown in the Skyrim Launcher. It is probably not used in-game. 3 is widescreen 16:9. 4 is widescreen 16:10. 1 is standard 4:3 or 5:4.
<pre>uLastAspectRatio=(4, 3, 1)</pre>
== [BlurShaderHDR] ==
==== bDoHighDynamicRange ====
This enables the blur shader to do high dynamic range (HDR). It is uncertain that this value is used by the game (it does not appear in game-generated INIs--only ones created by the Skyrim Launcher via the preset files).
Low is 0. Medium, High, and Ultra presets are 1.
== [BlurShader] ==
==== bUseBlurShader ====
This enables the blur shader. It is uncertain that this value is used by the game (it does not appear in game-generated INIs--only ones created by the Skyrim Launcher via the preset files).
Low, Medium, High, and Ultra presets are 0.
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Latest revision as of 05:29, February 14, 2021

A comprehensive and advanced guide for editing original Skyrim's version of the "SkyrimPrefs.ini" file for n00bs and gurus alike

Skyrim INI Guide

Suggested first reading: Skyrim Configuration Settings Guide

Guide scope

This guide is intended to be the comprehensive reference to all settings found within SkyrimPrefs.ini file for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim game. All of the user-configurable settings contained within SkyrimPrefs.ini are listed and defined (or hopefully will be). Settings are presented by section in alphabetical order. Jump to a relevant section using the links below and navigate back to this "hub" using the link that appears at the top of each section page.
Default SkyrimPrefs INI (runtime


SkyrimPrefs.ini has 118 settings separated into 18 working sections. 11 of these are believed to be unused by the game, leaving 107 settings to tweak. 31 additional settings are mentioned here that are commonly placed in this file that do not do anything. Any additional settings not listed here are most likely invalid.

INI parameters by section


  • Tannin for Mod Organizer's Configurator plugin.
  • Sheson for some LOD settings.