Guide:SkyrimPrefs INI/General

From Step Mods | Change The Game



bEnableStoryManagerLogging toggles story manager logging. If enabled, these logs shall be written to %USERPROFILE%/My Games/Skyrim/Logs/StoryManager. See iStoryManagerLoggingEvent setting below. An example story manager log when iStoryManagerLoggingEvent is set to 1 is shown below:

[08/29/2015 - 07:16:10AM] StoryManager log opened (PC)
[08/29/2015 - 07:16:10AM] Started processing event 00000071: Kill Actor Event - Victim: ,Killer: ,Location: ,Crime Status: 0,Relationship Rank to Killer Before Death: 0
[08/29/2015 - 07:16:10AM] -Node 'Kill Actor Event' passed
[08/29/2015 - 07:16:10AM] --Node '' failed conditions
[08/29/2015 - 07:16:10AM] --Node '' failed conditions
[08/29/2015 - 07:16:10AM] --Node '' failed conditions
[08/29/2015 - 07:16:10AM] --Node '' failed conditions
[08/29/2015 - 07:16:10AM] --Node '' failed conditions
[08/29/2015 - 07:16:10AM] --Node '' failed conditions
[08/29/2015 - 07:16:10AM] --Node '' failed conditions
[08/29/2015 - 07:16:10AM] --Node '' failed conditions
[08/29/2015 - 07:16:10AM] --Node '' failed conditions
[08/29/2015 - 07:16:10AM] --Node '' passed
[08/29/2015 - 07:16:10AM] ---Quest 'DLC1RV01KillActorMonitor' failed conditions
[08/29/2015 - 07:16:10AM] ---Quest 'DLC1RV03KillActorMonitor' failed conditions
[08/29/2015 - 07:16:10AM] --Node '' failed conditions
[08/29/2015 - 07:16:10AM] Finished process event.

Default is 0.



This applies to Skyrim Anniversary Edition. A '0' value will prompt the user to 'Download' Creation Club (CC) content, and a value of '1' will prevent the prompt. The default setting is '0', and this value is set automatically by the Steam version of the game upon using Verify integrity of game files. The next game launch will invoke the 'Download' dialog. Escaping the game via console command qqq quits the process, and the game automatically sets this value to '1'.

Default is 0.



It has been verified that this setting is completely placebo. The game does not recognize the setting at all. It does not appear in game-generated INIs or in Launcher presets. Its origin is from the SkyrimPrefs.ini file that resides inside the extra Skyrim directory inside the main Skyrim directory, where it is set to 1.



It has been verified that this setting is completely placebo. The game does not recognize the setting at all. It does not appear in game-generated INIs or in Launcher presets. Its origin is from the SkyrimPrefs.ini file that resides inside the extra Skyrim directory inside the main Skyrim directory, where it is set to 1.



It has been verified that this setting is completely placebo. The game does not recognize the setting at all. It does not appear in game-generated INIs or in Launcher presets. Its origin is from the SkyrimPrefs.ini file that resides inside the extra Skyrim directory inside the main Skyrim directory, where it is set to 1.



iStoryManagerLoggingEvent sets the event for story manager logging.

Default is -1.
