Game : Fallout 4
Title : [WIP] Fallout 4 using ModOrganizer 2
Version : 2.2.2 (Patch revision include removal of several mods and out of date patches updated mods to 17/03/2017)
Forum thread : Post here
Author : Gernash
Changelog / Updates : [>>HERE<<]
Progress Report : <<<HERE>>>
This Guide was created for installation of ModOrganizer 2.0.7b including a list of mods running in a stable state.
It's preset is the grassy springtime theme with an overall dark color correction. Weather Preset - True Storms and True Nights (for True Storms with ENB) (with 2 optional weather setups)
I created this guide because I was having issues with my other mod organizing software, so, I thought why not try out MO2. After beating it with a stick, then reading the forums I nutted out a way to make it work well enough for myself to be able to play(JOY!). Seeing all the other people asking the same question I thought to post a guide for anyone to use.
I hope it helps you out while waiting for the next version of ModOrganizer 2.
(17/10/2016 : Oh well. TanninOne has joined NMM so unless somebody takes up the challenge or compiles the 13 commits on the Github we are going to be stuck with this until the new version of NMM brings out a "VFS" like plugin)
Couple of in-game screenshots with the recommended ENB Profile
Reference/Cheat Sheet
If you want to convert an existing install of ModOrganizer 2 to this Wiki then go >>>HERE<<<
- Backup and delete you FO4 ini files.
- Run BethINI set your preferred settings or the ones in the pics provided.
- Check your Fallout 4 default MODLIST (Important) check \local\fallout 4
- Install F4SE F4SE Installation
- Install LOOT LOOT Installation
- Install F04Edit FO4Edit Installation
- Install ENBSeries ENB Series Installation
- Install Shadow Boost Shadow Boost Installation
- Install ENB FXAA SweetFX Manager ENB Management Installation Add xinput1_3.dll,ShadowBoost.ini and ShadowBoost.asi to ENB FXAA SweetFX Manager files.txt if you want to backup or remove ShadowBoost with your profile. (This will make your life easier in the long run)
- Installing ModOrganizer 2 ModOrganizer 2 Installation
- Install mods Organization for ModOrganizer2 loadout and the Mods I run and test in the Wiki.
- Play Fallout 4
This is just a reference/checklist. Please read everything if you are new to the world of modding.
If you have an issue please post on forms I'll answer, as I'm still polishing this Wiki and feedback is essential to make it as foolproof as possible.
Mods installation
Mods in each section should be installed in the order they appear, as this is the order they'll overwrite each other if need be.
Mods are presented as a "card", providing information about everything you need to know about the mod, from download link to mod-specific installation instructions.
Each card is preceded by a flare:
- COREThis mod is a full part of the guide and is expected to be installed.
- TOOLThis isn't a mod, but a modding utility to be used during your modding adventure.
- PerformanceThis mod improve game's performance, but might slightly decrease visual quality.
- OptionalThis mod is optional. This is an addition considered useful to the setup, but might be more of a personal preference.
- HQThis mod is to be used only for users looking for a High-Quality visual experience. This doesn't necessarily mean it should be avoided at all cost by low-end system users, but simply that the performance hit might not be worth the visuals improvements on weaker machines.
- NSFWThis mod contains Not safe For Work content.
There is no
flare for main downloads. Obviously, a mod deserving such flare would just be downgrading Vanilla's visuals.
Options and Alternatives
Listed mods may also have potentials alternatives and options, aside the main files to download.
- When there is Optional files listed, this means you have to install them along with the proposed files if you want them.
- On the contrary, Alternatives files are meant to replace the files from the main download entirely.
Options and alternative usually have flares as well, indicating why they're proposed to complement/replace the main files :
- OptionalThis is a nice feature, but falls under personal preference.
- HQThis is an higher visuals version of theCOREone, worth installing on decent machines.
- LQThis is a lower visuals version of theCOREone, in case the main file is too performance-heavy for low-end machines.
- SAFEThere is a safe for work version available, to prevent sexual or not-so-politically-correct content.
- easyThis version will make gameplay easier.
- survivalThis version will make gameplay harder.
Note that not all the files available on the nexus mod page are listed under options/alternatives. This isn't laziness, it is simply that other files aren't relevant in the context of this page.
Installing Fallout 4
Head to steam, buy the game if you haven't already, and download. Seriously, if you haven't done this yet, what are you even doing here ?
On a more important note : DLCs and updates expand the modding possibilities by providing new features to be used by modders. This Guide is built assuming you're using :
- The latest stable version of FO4, but NOT the beta.
- All of the currently released DLCs
To make sure you have all the DLCs, check the DLC section of FO4's steam page and make sure all of them are ticked and have the installed mention :
If not, right click on Fallout 4 in your game list, select properties, look under the DLC tab, and tick everything.
For easier modding support, make sure that Steam is installed OUTSIDE your program files folder.
This will prevent several modding utilities to be thwarted by windows' UAC.
Installing useful programs
If you don't have them already, there are two generic programs very useful when modding games :
7-zip : This is an archive extractor. It'll allow you to extract archives (.zip, .rar, .7z). Since most mods and other utilities come in this format, it's critical to be able to extract them.
To make it even more convenient to use :
- Locate the 7-zip File manager : 7zFM.exe, (located by default in C:\Program Files\7-Zip, or simply type in 7-zip File Manager in windows' search bar)
- Start it with administrator privileges (right-click -> run as administrator).
- Navigate under Tools -> Options.. and look at the System tab, you'll find the file association manager.
- Associate 7zip with .7z, .zip, and .rar files by simply clicking on them.
This way, you will be able to preview the content of archives and extract what you want out of them by simply double-clicking on it.
Notepad++ : An advanced text editor. Useful to edit various configurations files, as its layout, syntax-coloration, and other built-in search functions are by far superior to what your basic notepad can do.
Since we're going to open a lot of .ini files in this guide, it's a good idea to tell windows that you want to automatically open them with Notepad++ :
- After you've installed it, right click on any .ini file on your system (if you don't have any yet, just read a bit further, you'll discover them ;) )
- Select Open With... -> Choose default program...
- Select Notepad++. If Notepad++ is not on the list, use the Browse... button and navigate to NP++ installation path (by default C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++).
- Make sure that the Always use the selected program to open this kind of file checkbox is ticked in.
I also recommend following the same procedure for regular text files, as NP++ is more convenient than Notepad anyway.
Optionally, you can also install the NP++ Compare Plugin, which is an addon for Notepad++ that allow for easy comparison between files.
Once your computer is ready, the first thing to do is to initialize your game once : Simply press Play in the FO4's steam page and this message will appear :
This will automatically detect your hardware and select a configuration preset accordingly.
It's time to have a look at two important locations on your computer you'll be visiting often :
- The game's installation folder, which depend on where Steam is installed : <Steam>\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\
- The game's document folder, created after the previous step have been completed : <Documents>\My Games\Fallout4
If you intend to dedicate sometimes to modding your games, it is highly recommended that you favorite those two folders in windows explorer to have a quick access to them.
Verifying your Local Fallout4 Validity
If you have used NMM or Bethesda Game Studios mods this Section is mainly for you.
Navigate to C:\Users\%Username%\AppData\Local\Fallout4
The only file that should be in there is (if you have an untouched Fallout 4 installation)
DLCList.txt the contents of which are:
DLCRobot.esm DLCworkshop01.esm DLCworkshop02.esm DLCworkshop03.esm DLCNukaWorld.esm DLCCoast.esm
If you have run FO4Edit in the past then the following will be present
- Plugins.fo4viewsettings
If there is ANYTHING else in there or you just want to reset them to default Please do the following:
- Navigate to C:\Users\%Username%\AppData\Local\Fallout4
- Make a backup of its content (IF you are an NMM user and want to use it again with your mod list as this will break it) and delete the contents
- Start the game through steam when you get to main menu exit to desktop.
- Navigate to C:\Users\%Username%\AppData\Local\Fallout4
- It should now contain only the DLCList.txt with the contents as above.
If you moved here from NMM then this has to be done. Check validity of your factory Fallout 4 setting is important it resolves issues later in the Wiki that can be avoided NOW!
Initializing your Fallout 4 INI files
If you have been playing Fallout 4 or just Starting for the 1st time I’d advise you to reset your INI files back to a default state before continuing.
The rest of the following sections in this portion of the guide will assist in achieving a performance vs quality setup before you take off on your moding adventure.
- If you have launched the game before you will have Fallout 4 INI configuration files present. Navigate to your Documents\My Games\Fallout4. Backup all the files and folders (excluding the Saves folder)
- Delete all the contents of the Documents\My Games\Fallout4 (excluding the Saves folder)
To Speed up the MAIN Screen of Fallout 4 (Shudder) if you have many svave games please do the following
- Go into your Documents\My Games\Fallout4\Saves folder and create a folder called BACKUP.
- Sort the files via the date modified tab. Select all the older Save game you no longer access and Move them to the Documents\My Games\Fallout4\Saves\BACKUP folder. You should be left with 10-20 save games. More than this seems to cause the MAIN PAGE to cough and shudder.
Launch Fallout 4 and select the Ultra Preset then click Play. When the game loads to the main menu, exit the game. (This sets up the 1st run INI files). The following files will be generated.
- Fallout4.ini
- Fallout4Prefs.ini
Once we start doing some changes with will be modifying a 3rd file
- Fallout4Custom.ini
This file overwrites most settings contained in the other 2 so it you delete or clear it out your game will run in a default fashion.
Nvidia Base settings
Preparing the Fallout 4 INI files with the Nvidia tool adjusts the settings of the base files (Fallout4 and Fallout4Prefs) to a preset that will take into account your graphic cards capabilities.
- Open your Nvidia GForce experience if you don't have it then you can get it from >>HERE<<
- Make sure your drivers are up to date
- Go to the games Tab
- Choose Fallout 4
- Click the Optimize button
- Close Nvidia GForce experience
Nvidia Desktop Control Panel
Right-click your desktop and select Nvidia Control Panel
- Go to the Manage 3D settings
- Go to the Program setting tab
- Locate Fallout 4 in the dropdown box (If it's not present then click the add box and find it in that list or use the browse option to select the Fallout4.exe manually)
Change the following settings
- Power Management mode Prefer Maximum performance
*antialiasing - Transparency 8x supersampling (LOWERS FPS the higher the factor) *Multi-Frame Sampled AA (MFAA) - ON (if available) (Helps with texture shimmering LOWERS FPS) *Texture filtering Quality - High Quality (LOWERS FPS) *Antialiasing - Mode - Enhanced the application Setting *Antialiasing Setting 8x (LOWERS FPS the higher the factor) *Texture filtering - Negative LOD bias - Clamp (this is if you see shimmering in the distance while playing)
What do all these settings do and how do they affect gameplay (FPS) and Quality. Ther following link provides a detailed breakdown of all the settings and the affects. Fallout 4 Graphics, Performance & Tweaking Guide
Tailoring your configuration
At this point make a backup of your two INI files.
- Fallout4.ini
- Fallout4Prefs.ini
And call it Fallout4Default.7z (I’m using 7-Zip as it’s seems to be the default standard on the NEXUS)
There are several ways of editing your INI files we will be doing both. First we will use a couple of GUI editors and then add some entries manually.
Installing the TOOLS
These are the main two GUI Configuration Tools I use.
BethINI - Inifile configurator
Files to download :
Description : BethINI (pronounced "Bethany") is an attempt to restore decency to the INI configuration files for games created by Bethesda. It currently supports Oblivion, Skyrim, Skyrim Special Edition, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, and Fallout 4 Installation
BethINI Default Settings
Fallout 4 Configuration Tool
Files to download :
Description : Fallout 4 Configuration tool. Installation :
Fallout 4 Configuration Tool Default Settings
Basic GUI Setup
First open BethINI. .
Under the Setup TAB
- Check the Make INIs Read-Only (you do not want these files modified by anything other then yourself)
Under the Basic TAB
- Check the Windowed Mode (If you ALT-TAB without it and you use ENB’s the response time will be the same as 1st load to menu i.e. 15-60sec on a fast computer)
- Check the Recommended Tweaks (This will auto configure the rest of the tabs to the Authors recommendations.)
- Check Load Loose Files
Under the General TAB
Under the Gameplay TAB
- Check Sprint Fix
- Remove Borders
Under Interface TAB
- Autosize Quick Containers
Under Detail TAB
Under View Distance TAB
Under Foliage TAB
BethINI Modified Settings
Go to the Basic tab and click Save and Exit.
At this point make a backup of your two INI files.
- Fallout4.ini
- Fallout4Prefs.ini
And call it Fallout4BethINI.7z (I’m using 7-Zip as it’s seems to be the default standard on the NEXUS)
At this point You have a Speed optimized base configuration. If you want to lean towards Graphical you will have to
- make your INI files readable
- Open the NVIDIA Gforce experience
- click Optimize to gain the benefits for your graphics card.
- Open BethINI and in the basic TAB select Windowed Mode and Borderless.
You can at this point try out the game and see how it runs and looks. )
The Next step
Now we will have a look at Fallout 4 Configuration Tool. It will generate the Fallout4Custom.ini and place “most” of its configuration in there. Doing this may feel a bit of a repeat of what BethINI has done but you will be able to see the DEFAULT settings and the ones you enter through the interface. I find it handy to see if setting that are posted on forums are “KNOWN”.
Open up Fallout 4 Configuration Tool. Fallout 4 Configuration Tool Under the Tweaks TAB
- Uncheck Enable intro Movie
Mouse Options
Y Axis - fMouseHeadingYScale changes based on the aspect ratio of your monitor. 16:9 use .03738 16:10 use .0336 4:3 use 0.28 21:9 use 0.42
- I use a 16:10 24” Monitor ( Enter your Y AXIS info from the above chart.
- Make sure Enable Plugins and Invalidate Archives are checked
Under the Performance TAB
- set iNumHWThreads to the number of cores your CPU has (there is a note under it informing you of the number)
Under the Texture/Decals TAB
- Check the Texture Loading Recommended Box
Under UI
- Check the Pipboy Colors Disable FX Box
- For Pipboy and HUD Colors I use LightSteelBlue
Fallout 4 Configuration Tool Modified settings

This template is deprecated. Please revise markup to use Template:GallerySimple instead.Tweaks TAB
Performance TAB
Camera TAB
Texture/Decals TAB
GamePlay TAB
Audio TAB
Settings TAB

This template is deprecated. Please revise markup to use Template:GallerySimple instead.
This template is deprecated. Please revise markup to use Template:GallerySimple instead.
This template is deprecated. Please revise markup to use Template:GallerySimple instead.
This template is deprecated. Please revise markup to use Template:GallerySimple instead.
This template is deprecated. Please revise markup to use Template:GallerySimple instead.
This template is deprecated. Please revise markup to use Template:GallerySimple instead.
This template is deprecated. Please revise markup to use Template:GallerySimple instead.
This template is deprecated. Please revise markup to use Template:GallerySimple instead.Now click Save and exit the program. You now have a nice clean Base configuration to start moding with.
At this point make a backup of your two INI files.
- Fallout4.ini
- Fallout4Prefs.ini
And call it Fallout4DefaultOptimized.7z (I’m using 7-Zip as it’s seems to be the default standard on the NEXUS)
Further INI tweaking
Go to the game's documents folders and start tweaking your INIs
In Fallout4(Custom).ini

It is recommended that you create Fallout4Custom.ini and make your tweaks to the Fallout4.ini settings in there instead of directly editing the original file. Bethini should of created one but if it didn't, created it and proceed.Put bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 and blank out sResourceDataDirsFinal in the [Archive] section, so loose files will load through the game.
[Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFinal=
If you've already played the game enough, you'll probably want to disable tutorials message for your future playthrough:
[Interface] bShowTutorials=0
You can improve the usability/readability of the console by expanding its size and modifying its font color and size with the following settings:
[Menu] iConsoleSizeScreenPercent=65 iConsoleTextSize=16 rConsoleHistoryTextColor=153,160,153 rConsoleTextColor=255,255,255 rDebugTextColor=255,235,222
[General] bUseCombinedObjects=0
On a side note, I've read around and people are complaining about performance issues with this enabled in their games. At this point I believe it's because the meshes are enabled and their video card is rendering more, ShadowBoost should assist with this issue but if you get to much frame drop then remove the entry and use the vanilla Meshes.
In Fallout4Prefs.ini
Make sure iShadowMapResolution is at least 2048. Even if it cost some FPS, 1024 is way too ugly to play. 4096 is the default Ultra setting. You can even raise this setting to 8192 if you've got an ultra-powerful computer.
[Display] iShadowMapResolution=4096
External sources :
A lot of interesting settings are exposed here : Useful INI Settings, thanks to InsanePlumber.
There is especially a lot of priceless information for UI configuration.
Nice UI colors presets can be found in the Vogue UI Colors nexus page.
Setting up your modding environment
Installing ModOrganizer 2 beta 3
The following is a guided method of installing ModOrganizer 2.0.7 to the C: (Primary HDD) of your computer
The following issues are resolved when following this Wiki
- Issue MO2 not starting after the 1st run.
- Issue profiles are unreachable or incomplete file structure in them once symbolic link created functions normally
- Issue overwrite folder in MO not showing files that are in the Directory
- Loot not showing more than main and DLC files
- Unable to create Default profile

If you are Intending to use this Guide and are currently using mods then you will in most likelihood have unexpected results.
- You need to start with a clean installation of FO4.
Default installation path
- Install ModOrganizer2 (Change Path in the Installer to C:\ModOrganizer2)
- Run ModOrganizer2
- Add the C:\ModOrganizer2 folder to Windows Defender Exclusions
- Make ModOrganizer.exe run as an Administrator
Modifying location of Base Directory
- make a Folder C:\ModOrganizer2Data
- make a Folder C:\ModOrganizer2Data\Tools
- Move the Contents of C:\Users\%Username%\AppData\Local\ModOrganizer to C:\ModOrganizer2Data
- Delete C:\Users\%Username%\AppData\Local\ModOrganizer
- Open an administrative command prompt, then create a symbolic link with the following command "mklink /J C:\Users\%Username%\AppData\Local\ModOrganizer C:\ModOrganizer2Data"
- Your C:\Users\%Username%\AppData\Local\ModOrganizer folder should look like this(the pic below) now if it doesn't then you need to work out why as the rest of the guide will not work.
- Go into MO2 Settings and in the NEXUS tab enter your login Information.

To resolve download manager issue from Nexusmod site I recommend deleting the nxmhandler.ini from C:\ModOrganizer2 and C:\ModOrganizer2Data then run nxmhandler.exe in C:\ModOrganizer2 folder to generate the nxmhandlers.ini files
If you have issues with your profiles you can try (make sure you backup) deleting C:\ModOrganizer2Data\Falout4\ModOrganizer.ini when you restart MO2 it will remake it.Advanced Tools
(F4SE) Fallout 4 Script Extender
F4SE have already become critical to your modding setup, as it will allow you to bypass the Launcher, preventing the launcher from the last official update to reset your list of loaded plugins to none, and offering extended possibilities to customize keybindings.
Files to download :
Fallout 4 runtime 1.9.4 - Current build: : 0.3.0 - 7z archive Installation :
f4se_1_8_7.dll f4se_loader.exe f4se_steam_loader.dll Copy these three files into your Fallout 4 installation folder If you want to use the Achievements enabling mod to install it with MO2 Utilization : |
(Not Required for Wiki) To customize keymapping (extract from F4SE readme) : Extract CustomControlMap.txt to Data\F4SE\CustomControlMap.txt Edit that file with Notepad++ to set your bindings. You have to specify what is known as Virtual-Key codes. A full list of VK Key is available here : MSDN Virtual-Key Codes. Note that 0xff means unbound. If using non-qwerty keyboards, you will also need those official Look-Up tables : Translating Scan Codes to Virtual-Key Codes Do not use the space-bar when editing the file, columns have to be separated by tabulations only. The first column is the name of the internal keybind. The second column is the Virtual-Key code that should activate the bind. The third column is for mice. The fourth column is for controllers. The next three columns control whether or not a control should be written to the user's config file. The final column specifies which input layer the bind is associated with. You will probably not want to change that. Delete Custom_MapControl.txt from Documents\My Games\Fallout4\ if you have one here.
Install and Configure LOOT
LOOT (Load Order Optimization Tool) is a utility that aims to sort your load order in the most optimized way possible. This will ensure that mods with dependencies are loaded before their masters properly without having to sort them manually.
Installation :
NOTE: If you want to be on the bleeding edge of development the nightly builds are located here. Just download,extract and copy over the top of your LOOT install folder and replace the files
Installation :
Merge Plugins xEdit Script
Description : Oldie but a goodie lets you merge files in FO4Edit Installation :
Champollion PEX to Papyrus Decompiler
Description : Champollion decompiles .PEX binary files to a human-readable .PSC Papyrus script file. Installation :
Merge Plugins
Description : Standalone File Merging. Installation :
Run Merge Plugins from within MO2
Installing ENBSeries
Personally, I do not Use ENB's while playing I install the ENBSeries and set up the INI files but nothing else.
ENBSeries Core files
Files to download :
Description : Video card texture memory manager Instructions :
![]() NOTE If you're in-game light sources flicker on and off when looking around make sure UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=false otherwise set it to true.![]() NOTE This >>>guy<<< seems to have most informative install video, IMO. His other videos will take you through a lot of advance setting. Worth a look. |
ENB Preset
I use a GTX580 and I have reviewed a variety of ENB presets, and in the end have settled on one in particular. The main issues I've been having is with enb v307 is blooming from light sources, inconsistent light flicker and overuse of "FILM" effects in some ENB Presets. These issues(and the age of my video card) have made the selection process very tedious. So here it is My recommended ENB Preset for this Guide (I need to have a name for this loadout/Wiki).
Subtle ENB - Immersive Wasteland Preset
Files to download :
Description : From the mod Author: Subtle ENB is optimized for gameplay and performance (not just for pretty screenshots). All effects were carefully configured to work smoothly in real-time and tested extensively to correct any distortions or aberrations that would distract from immersive gameplay. All effects were also optimized for performance as that is an integral part of an immersive gameplay experience. Therefore, you really need to try the preset yourself to experience all of its advantages. |
ENB Management
To manage My ENB's I use
ENB FXAA SweetFX Manager
Files to download :
Instructions :
Description : The newer ENB Presets seem to be quite complex as they are not fully packaged and This will help you clean out your FO4 if you Muck it up.
ENB Manager will ONLY Backup files in that list, if you use an exotic ENB with odd files and folders, YOU need to make sure you add the folders (and files if in the root directory) that it needs to backup. |
Increasing Performance
Shadow Boost
Files to download :
Description : Dynamically adjust Shadow Distance to increase frame rate. |
- Here is a video all about what it is and how to install ShadowBoost >>>VIDEO<<< by Gopher
Link to the ShadowBoost software is >>HERE<<
:Add xinput1_3.dll,ShadowBoost.ini and ShadowBoost.asi to ENB FXAA SweetFX Manager files.txt if you want to backup or remove ShadowBoost with your profile.
Installing Mods
Before installing any mods it would be best to setup ModOrganiser 2 to sort out what you download and install. The next 2 sections should be done so everything becomes neat and tidy. The whole reason for using ModOrganizer IMO.
Organizing ModOrganizer
Adding all the Nexus categories
Go to Settings--->General--->Configure Mod Categories Right-click anywhere inside the popup box. Choose option add then press OK
Step 2
Preset Dividers for ModOrganizer
Files to download :
Description : The Zip contains all the Named Divider folders For Fallout 4 Only. Instructions : Just extract the files into your c:\Modorganizer2Data\Fallout 4\Mods directory. |
Adding Styling(skin) to ModOrganizer 2
Vault 101 StyleSheet - Green Theme
Files to download :
Instructions :
- You can change your Style at any time to choose your own personal preference.
The following section is an example of Overhauling Fallout 4. I've decided after the feedback in the forums to Split it up so the "MODWiki CORE" does not receive many, if at all, Alterations or changes. It will be be focused On "Enhancing" the vanilla experience. The Plugins will be there for further alteration.
When you install the CORE set of mods at the end of the section there will be optional "Plugins" available(Color coding on it's way). These are fully compatible with the MODWiki CORE and you can choose 1 pack (At this time) from each section to add extra features. The patches in the Plugins section just get added to the bottom of the load order.
Core Files
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch
Files to download :
Description : This is the unofficial patch for Fallout 4. This fix several bugs, glitches, issues and inconsistencies not dealt with by Bethesda in the official version of the game. |
Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR)
Files to download :
Description : This is a community framework that creates and assign a new set of keywords for armors and weapons, offering enhanced possibilities for everything related to the crafting of weapons & armors. |
Settlement Mods

Missing Workshop Menu Item Fix
- TODO: remove duplicate items from item lists. Look for mods that add new elements or address issues.
Settlement Resources Rebalanced
Files to download :
Description : This mod aims to re-balance all of the settlement resources such as power, water, food, defense, named settlers, population, etc. It also provides an unlimited settlement budget and increased vendor money. |
NSO - New Snap Order - snap points for furniture and decor
Files to download :
Description : This adds modified meshes which have snap points for furniture and decor. Information : Top of the Settlement Mod List. Meshes only. Install before other building mods and let them overwrite this. |
Homemaker - Expanded Settlements
Files to download :
Description : Homemaker - Expanded Settlements |
OCDecorator - Static Loot
Files to download :
Description : OCDecorator - Static Loot |
Snap'n Build
Files to download :
Description : Snap'n Build |
Modular Kitchen
Files to download :
Description : Build kitchens in your settlements |
CWSS Redux - Craftable Working Showers Sinks Baths Toilets Urinals etc
Files to download :
Description : This mod adds about 42 different craftable working showers, baths, toilets, urinals, sinks, shower-bath combos, and bubblers. |
Build Your Own Pool
Files to download :
Description : build pool and shower at your settlement!!! |
Simply Modular Housing - SMH
Files to download :
Description : Extra Settlement objects in the Structures Menu. |
Settlement Objects Expansion Pack
Files to download :
Description : Extra Settlement objects in the Structures Menu.
Place Everywhere
Files to download :
Description : This F4SE plugin allows building and placing objects in workshop mode everywhere. Save game often if you oops your navmesh you will CDT. Aditional : Place.ini - togglable is the configuration file for moving objects via the keyboard and F8 is the ON/OFF (Thanks LordKee). |
Functional Displays - Display Your Collection (The Original Display DLC)
Files to download :
Dog Bed for Dogmeat.
Files to download :
Description : Dog Bed for Dogmeat |
Clean Settlement Greenhouses
Files to download :
Description : Restore Graygarden and Greentop Nursery to new condition, along with some effects like planters, flower pots, and garden hoses. |
Renovated Furniture
Files to download :
Description : Added more than 100 items, including loose kitchen counters, garage cabinets, stools, dressers, doors and some more mellow options. |
Do It Yourshelf - clutter for shelves and bookcases
For version 2.1.0
Files to download :
Description : The aim of this mod is to offer an easy way to fill up those empty bookshelves and make a settlement look a little more lived in. |
CREAtive Clutter
Files to download :
Description : This mod adds over 200 decorations, furniture, food resources, and more for you to build using its own custom menu. Installation : Install MAIN File (Overwrite) install Additional file (Merge) |
Where Did I Put That...
Files to download :
HQ Alternative :Description : This mod adds labels which can be placed vertically on any surface (walls, containers, etc.) as an organizational tool. |
Auto Doors
Update for Version 2
Files to download :
Description : Ever been bothered by opened everywhere doors in you settlements? |
Auto Doors Vault-Tec Unofficial Patch
Update for Version 2
Files to download :
Description : This adds the keyword necessary for Auto Doors support to the various doors added by various DLC |
Workshop Rearranged
Files to download :
Description : This Mod is not just a "MENU" replacer it has resource adjustments and a very in-depth snap system for most vanilla objects in game(d81 is still actively developing this mod). It will be the main Settlement 'Controller" from this point on. Additional Instructions(Optional) :
Landscape Texture and LOD Replacements

The Landscape mods Listed will give a vanila feel (dead trees and open landscape) with encroaching regroth and vines.
- TODO: Review Mods to create a Heavier loadout to be a more Complete overhaul of the Commonwealth outdoors.)
FAR - Faraway Area Reform
Files to download :
Description : Improved textures of the distant terrain, also improving performances, killing two pidgeys with one stone. |
Tookie's Textures-Grass and Plants
Files to download :
Description : Textures-Grass and Plants Hide the following \Textures\Landscape\Dirtcliffs Hide folder \Textures\Landscape\Trees TreeSMarch_s.DDS {Lighter trees with Green Moss} TreeSMarch_n.DDS {Lighter trees with Green Moss} TreeSMarch_d.DDS {Lighter trees with Green Moss} WildRazorgrain01_d.DDS {Lighter Color} WildMutfruit01_d.DDS {Lighter Color} Fern01_d.DDS {Lighter Color} {Finer vine} {Finer vine} {Finer vine} |
Vivid Fallouts - Landscapes
2K Optimized Recommended Download :
LQ Alternative :
MQ Alternative :
HQ Alternative :
Description : Improved ground textures. Albeit those textures are higher-res and better looking than vanilla's, they still contribute to improve performances thanks to compression format magic. |
Vivid Fallouts - Rocks
2K Optimized Recommended Download :
LQ Alternative :HQ Alternative :Instructions for HQ version : Merge normals with Recommended Download Description : A quick overhaul of original rock textures in original size... Installation : Rock overhaul covers more textures. If you like Vivid rock textures more, then overwrite the rock overhaul with these. |
Vivid Fallouts - Trees
2K Optimized Recommended Download :
LQ Alternative :MQ Alternative :HQ Alternative :Description : Maple woods and Blasted Forests are covered. Hide the following \Textures\Landscape\trees {Lifeless Appearence} {Lifeless Appearence} {Lifeless Appearence} |
Vivid Fallout - Roads and Bridges
2K Optimized Recommended Download :
LQ Alternative :HQ Alternative :Description : Vivid Fallout - Roads and Bridges. Hide the following \Textures\Landscape\Roads \Textures\Architecture\PierShack {Smaller Tiles not very worn} {Smaller Tiles not very worn} {Smaller Tiles not very worn} |
Haul'd Out 4K
2K Optimized Recommended Download :
LQ Alternative :HQ Alternative :Description : High-quality retextures of two architecture sets, warehouses and pier. Hide the following \Textures\Lanscape\Pier {Detailed Very Mossy light green} {Grey Hinge} {Grey Hinge} {Grey Hinge} {Wide Style Planks} {Wide Style Planks} {Wide Style Planks} {Dark Grey with Green Moss} {Dark Grey with Green Moss} |
Better Quarry Sites
2K Optimized Recommended Download :
HQ Alternative :Instructions for HQ version : Merge normals with Recommended Download Description : Improved quarry sights with higher res textures, contributing to rectify some visual glitches/stretching. Hide the following \textures\architecture\quarry |
A Little Bit of Green (Realistic Touch of Green Edit)
Files to download :
Description : A Little Bit of Green Hide the following \textures\landscape\Roads {lighter in color} {lighter in color} {lighter in color} {lighter in color} \textures\landscape\plants {Dryer Look} {Dead Vine} {Dryer Look} {Dryer Look} corn01_d.DDS {Dryer Look} {Dryer Look} {Dryer Look} \textures\landscape\grass \textures\landscape\trees {Yellow Leaves (NOTE:If you want to use this then you have to disable Tookie's Elm lods as well)} {Yellow Leaves (NOTE:If you want to use this then you have to disable Tookie's Elm lods as well)} {Yellow Leaves (NOTE:If you want to use this then you have to disable Tookie's Elm lods as well)} \textures\landscape\trees\GlowingCreepLichen {Greener version} \textures\landscape\ground northernfoothillsrubblerock01_d {Green Moss, to use this you will need to disable Vivid landscape version inc n&s types} {Green, to use this you will need to disable Vivid landscape version inc n&s types} {Greener version} {Greener version} {Greener version} {Lighter Color} {Greener version} {Green, to use this you will need to disable Vivid landscape version inc n&s types} |
Delightful Ivy - HD Vine Retexture - a natural and realistic green and brown plant overhaul
Files to download :
Description : HD Vine Retexture - a natural and realistic green |
Hide the following \Textures\Landscape\plants {Full Greenery} {Full Greenery} {Full Greenery}
Landscape Texture and LOD Replacements -PLUGINS Section-
PLUGIN: Landscape Texture and LOD Replacements - Original Landscape Texture and LOD Replacements
Misc Item Textures

The following mods give a lot of impact to most items in the commonwealth.
- TODO: Create a more comprehensive list of item Texture replacers.
[General] bUseCombinedObjects=0
Langleys HD Textures Workshop
Files to download :
Hide the following \textures\architecture\Buildings Debris01_d.DDS Debris01_n.DDS Debris01_s.DDS Debris02_d.DDS \textures\architecture\Shacks ShackPlywood01_d.DDS ShackPlywood01_n.DDS ShackPlywood01_s.DDS textures\architecture\unique (Hide Folder) \textures\setdressing\Trashbin (Hide Folder) Description : stone and wood house walls, floors, various wood, metal and stone surfaces, household items. |
exShinras Better Brick Textures - 4k
Only 1 texture in use and it looks odd with the other ones in the other pack
High Resolution Texture Pack - Valius - 2k and 4k
2K Optimized Recommended Download :
HQ Alternative :Description : This mod is an ongoing project to replace various textures within Fallout 4. Hide the following \Textures\interiors\Institute (IF you have Evil Instatute installed) \Textures\interiors\building BldWoodFloor01_d.DDS BldWoodFloor01_n.DDS BldWoodFloor01_s.DDS \Textures\setdressing |
FlaconOil's HD ReTexture Project in 4k 2k - Made from Scratch
Performance Recommended Download :
HQ Alternative :Description : Texture Mod Information : These are large files, if you have difficulties downloading them or receive a "failed to extract" message via MO2 you will need to manually download the files and copy it into your MO2 download folder. Instructions : Merge Part 2 over the top of Part 1 Hide The Following \textures\Vehicles\Automotive Hide Folder \textures\AnimObjects\pipboy Hide Folder \Textures\setdressing\TrafficLights TrafficLight01_d.DDS TrafficLight01_n.DDS TrafficLight01_s.DDS \Textures\setdressing\WoodCrate all \Textures\setdressing\VaultBoyBobbleheads all \Textures\setdressing\Trashbin all \Textures\setdressing\Garage GarageCabinet01_d.DDS GarageCabinet01_n.DDS GarageCabinet01_s.DDS \Textures\setdressing\Doors (Hide Folder) \Textures\Landscape\Roads (Hide Folder) \Textures\Architecture\Warehouse (Hide Folder) \Textures\Architecture\Shacks ShackPlywood02_d.DDS ShackPlywood02_n.DDS ShackPlywood02_s.DDS ShackPlywood03_d.DDS ShackPlywood03_n.DDS ShackPlywood03_s.DDS \Textures\Architecture\Buildings Everything excluding LatticeWork01_d.DDS LatticeWork01_n.DDS LatticeWork01_s.DDS MetalRoofTrim01_d.DDS MetalRoofTrim01_n.DDS MetalRoofTrim01_s.DDS MetalRoofTrim02_d.DDS |
HD Retexture Pack - Miscellaneous Props
Performance Recommended Download :
HQ Alternative :Description : This mod fixes the pixelated and ugly textures from the vanilla game on some of the props. All textures are higher resolution and remade with better details and sometimes remade from scratch. Hide The Following \textures\SetDressing MetalBarrel01_d.DDS MetalBarrelBlue01_d.DDS MetalBarrelRad01_d.DDS MetalBarrelRed01_d.DDS MetalBarrelRust01_d.DDS \textures\SetDressing\Toolbox (Hide Folder) \textures\SetDressing\Office (Hide Folder) \textures\SetDressing\Garage (Hide Folder) \textures\SetDressing\CigaretteMachine (Hide Folder) \textures\SetDressing\Building (Hide Folder) \textures\props BurntBook_d.DDS \textures\props\Garage (Hide Folder) |
4K Trash Bin by Wolf7808 ver.1.1
Files to download :
Description : Optional looking Trash Bin |
Fallout 4 HD Reworked Project Revised
For Version 2.0.2
Files to download :
Description : Hi rez textures with Hi poly Meshes. If you intend to use this file you will need to disable the following meshes in WorkshopRearanged. :Meshes\Setdressing\Tires Hide folder :Meshes\Setdressing\MetalBarrel MetalBarrel01.nif MetalBarrel02.nif MetalBarrel03.nif MetalBarrel04.nif |
Industrial Objects Retexture
For Version 2.0.2
Files to download :
Description : Industrial Retexture |
Comics Got Back-CGB 2.0
For Version 2.0.2
Files to download :
4K HD Textures - Power Armors
For Version 2.0.2
Files to download :
Description : 4K Textures for Power Armors |
Fallout Texture Overhaul Power Armors UHD 4K
For Version 2.0.2
Performance Recommended Download :
HQ Alternative :Description : Overhauls the Power armors including all paint jobs in fallout 4 to high res with a choice to choose between 4K and 2K. |
White and carbon power armor frame
For Version 2.0.2
Files to download :
Description : Power Armor frame with carbonfiber - looks like it will protect you. |
Street Signs Retexture
For Version 2.0.2
Performance Recommended Download :
HQ Alternative :Description : Street Signs Retexture |
Electrical Tower 8K 4K 2K
For Version 2.0.2
Performance Recommended Download :
HQ Alternative :UHQ Alternative :Description : Electrical Tower |
Better Computer Terminals - 4K or 2K
FlaconOil's HD ReTexture has Spec and normals this mod has different textures only
Park Benches Retextured
For Version 2.0.2
Files to download :
Description : Park Benches Retextured |
Metal Box 2K Retexture
For Version 2.0.2
Performance Recommended Download :
HQ Alternative :Description : Metal Box texture |
Jesters Better Destroyed Vehicles
For Version 2.0.2
Files to download :
Description : Jesters Better Destroyed Vehicles |
Jesters Better Rusty Old Generators
For Version 2.0.2
Performance Recommended Download :
HQ Alternative :Description : 2k and 4k generator retextures. |
For Version 2.0.3
Performance Recommended Download :
HQ Alternative :UHQ Alternative :Description : OJO BUENO TEXTURE PACK - All textures in 1 PACK |
OJO BUENO Better Nuka-Cola Machine
4K 2K Ice Machine by Wolf7808 ver.1.1
For Version 2.0.2
Performance Recommended Download :
HQ Alternative :Description : Ice Machine |
Retextured Chems - Ephla's Unique Chems v.1 - All-In-One
For Version 2.2.0
Recommended Download :
Description : Retexture of Chems/Aid and some new items. |
Retextured First Aid Kits - Ephla's Unique First Aid
For Version 2.2.0
Recommended Download :
Description : First Aid Kits to tie in with Chem Retextures. |
WET - Water Enhancement Textures
NEW for Version 2.2.0
Files to download :
Description : WET enhances all the bodies of water in the game, as well as adding new water and rain effects. |
Waterworld - Blue and Translucent Water
Wasteland Water Revival
Photorealistic Commonwealth
NEW for Version 2.2.0
Files to download :
Vivid Weathers - Fallout 4 Edition - a Weather Mod and Climate Overhaul
Files to download :
Description : This is a complete Weather and Climate Overhaul for Fallout 4! Information : Vivid is loaded after all the lighting Mods. |
Pip-Boy Flashlight (Pipboy - Power Armor - Lamp Overhaul)
Current for Version 2.2.0
Files to download :
Description : Pip-Boy Flashlight transforms your Pip-Boy 3000 into a fully functional directional light source with a large emphasis on customization. |
Enhanced Lights and FX
Current for Version 2.2.2
Files to download :
Description: Enhanced Lights and FX has the goal to create a more atmospheric and realistic lighting. It overhauls the interior lights, effects, ambient light and creates a new mood. |
Darker Nights
Files to download :
Description : Increase nights darkness, and provide additional tweaks to re-adjust NPC detection and Night vision. NOTE: Do not install this if you don't like the DARK!!!! |
Interiors Enhanced - Darker Ambient Light and Fog
Updated for 2.0.3
Files to download :
Description : This mod edits all cell lighting data and templates to make ambient light and fog brightness inside all interiors 60% darker, without touching any directional light sources, keeping lighting 100% true-to-vanilla, except those dark corners and unlit areas. Subways are actually dark and scary! |
Dynamic Interior Fog Removal
Files to download :
Description : This mod will modify all fog in interior cells dynamically, either making it disappear or toning it down to look more subtle. Instructions : Make sure you use a terminal and set the Fog level via Holotape. |
Fallout 4 Enhanced Color Correction
Note: Found it to be causing some lighting and effect issues. Notably Weapons of fate effects seem to not function when this is enabled.
User Interface
Files to download :
Notes :
Description : This mod comes with a lot of improvements to the Inventory, Pipboy, and Barter menu, from bigger containers to DPS and Value/Weight indicators, with customized categories for holotapes and notes as well. Everything is configurable through .xml files. Tags in item's names can be replaced by icons. Aditional : In the DATA Tab of MO2 expand interface.
Hide: \interface\lyrConf.xml \interface\iconlibs2.swf \interface\DEF_CONF\DEF_INV_TABS.xml \interface\DEF_CONF\DEF_INV_TAGS.xml |
Gold Kit for Color Pipboy -anti-Black and White Screen
Current for VERSION 2.2.0
Files to download :
Description : Provides an automatic removal of the monochrome display in the Pipboy, making it ready to show colors. Hide: \interface\iconlibs2.swf \interface\Pipboy_InvPage.swf \interface\PipboyMenu.swf |
Updated ICONLIBS2 for DEF_UI
Current for VERSION 2.2.0
Files to download :
Additional Information : If you want the Colored Icons to display correctly in Loot/Barter windows you need to set the HUD color to white (It affects the icon color) Hide: \interface\DEF_CONF\DEF_INV_TAGS.xml |
Current for VERSION 2.2.x
Files to download :
Description : HUDFramework is a UI framework that makes it possible for mods to add new UI elements to the HUD in a conflict-free way. Additional :
Immersive HUD - iHUD
Current for VERSION 2.2.0
Files to download :
Description : The aim of iHUD is to provide the immersive feel you get from having no HUD, whilst keeping the usefulness of having one. It takes the permanantly visible HUD elements such as compass and crosshair, and hides them when not needed. Hence the motto: HUD when you need. HIDE when you don't. |
Immersive maps 2K - 4K
Current for VERSION 2.2.0
Files to download :
Description : This mod changes the looks of the default vanilla map. |
Zoom-out Extended Unofficial for1.7.9 Large or Halfsize Icons 2k-4k-8k
Current for VERSION 2.2.0
Files to download :
Description : This mod changes the looks of the default vanilla map. |
Valdacil's Item Sorting
Files to download :
Note: This is the simplest installation for VIS as most patches are generated from it. IF you want a different sort order you will have to generate the patches yourself (this mainly affects armor as default is TYPE>CLASS) Description : This mod will allow taking full advantage of DEF_UI by modifying Item's names so they can be displayed with icons in the menus, and have a better item sorting in menus. Additionally, the "Not Junk" feature prevent valuable junk or collectible to be treated as such, and instead being "Misc" so they can't be scrapped automatically and can be sold or collected instead. |
Weaponsmith Extended - VIS Icons Patch
Files to download :
Description : Just a simple patch to add icons to the many wonderful weapons added by Weaponsmith Extended as well as adding icons to a few things from New Calibers, so as to create a more streamlined inventory experience. Aditional Info : I'm using this mod as a base for the weapon INNR the CORE version havs a cutdown version for vanilla weapons. If you choose the Modern Weapons at a later date all teh naming and weapons won't bug. |
Button Lowered Weapons - First and Third Person
Files to download :
Description : Hold sheathe to lower your weapon. If your weapon is already lowered, hold it again to sheathe. |
Better Mod Descriptions
Files to download :
Description : Better Weapon Mod Descriptions |
Clean Black Pip-Boy Screen
Current for VERSION 2.2.0
Files to download :
Description : Removes the "Glass" Screen from the Pip-Boy. Information : I've included this as there is a PipBoyScreen.BGSM overwriting Pipboy screen in NAC's BA2, also it has the No CRT. |
Fallout Texture Overhaul PipBoy (Pip-Boy) UHD 4K
Files to download :
Description : Overhauls the Pip-Boy in fallout 4 to high res with a choice to choose between 4K and 2K. |
If you want an ULTRA-CLEAN PipBoy screen hide /Textures/animobjects/pipboy/ and allow the Clean Black Pip-Boy Main File version to verwrite.
ETSGS - Easy To See Glowing Stuff
Files to download :
Description : Want more glowing stuff! |
Enhanced Blood Textures
Files to download :
Description : Enhanced Blood Textures |
Shaikujin's Better warning for settlements being attacked
Note:Superceded by Settlement Resources Rebalanced
Move (Get Out the Way)
Files to download :
Description : It increases the distance traveled by followers or NPCs when you bump into them |
Files to download :
Description : This mod adds a trade menu option to vendors that opens the buy/sell menu, and an inventory option for your settlers. |
Full Dialogue Interface (NewDialog English and CN-DE-ES-FR-IT-JA-PL-PTBR-RU translations)
Files to download :
Update 1 : (English) Nuka World DLC support - Revised 9-6-2016 Update 2 : (English) Revised Far Harbor DLC support - Fixes some missing lines Description : Extended Dialogue Installing |
Player Mods
Files to download :
Description : Requires F4SE to function. This allows the customization of your characters appearance. Features : Feature list is much larger, allowing to see more items at once, Facial features can now be selected from the list, rather than selecting the actual face aka select part by name,Presets can now be saved/loaded |
Wasteland Salon - Hair Texture Improvement Mod
Files to download :
Description : This mod modifies the vanilla hair appearence. |
LooksMenu Customization Compendium
Files to download :
Description : Hundreds of New Customization Options! |
Enhanced Vanilla Bodies
Files to download :
Description : This mod modifies the male and female vanilla bodies. |
Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer -CBBE-
Files to download :
Description : Together with BodySlide, you can customize your character's appearance to the limits of your imagination, and make any outfit fit well! |
Additional Body Textures - Ghouls and more for CBBE and EVB
Files to download :
Description : for ghouls, old people and others with their own body textures. |
BodySlide and Outfit Studio
Files to download :
Description : Unprecedented flexibility coupled with marvelous ease of use allows you to have all the outfits and shapes you've ever dreamed of. |
The Eyes Of Beauty Fallout Edition
Files to download :
Description : Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. |
Immersive Mouth and Teeth
Files to download :
Description : This is a tweaked replacer for the human mouth and teeth. |
Armorsmith Extended
Files to download :
Description : Crafting Armor Additional Installation : you need to right click mod and open in explorer make a copy of Armorsith All DLCs Patch.esp and rename the copy to Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp so you have 2 files and both need to be activated as some moders use the typo and some use the corrected esp. |
Crafting Workbenches - Craftable Weapons Armor Clothing Ammo Junk
Updated for Version 2
Files to download :
Description : This mod adds three workbenches you can place in your settlement from the settlement mode. |
Craftable Armor Size
Files to download :
Description : This mod enables Light, Sturdy and Heavy armor mods in the armor workbench. |
Grab the Damn Mag
Files to download :
Description : Better Animation for reloading your weapon |
Shell Rain
Files to download :
Description : It increases the duration and amount of shells when firing a gun. |
Power Armor Animation Changes
Files to download :
Description : These mods change the power armors empty idle stance and/or the enter and exit animations. |
Live Dismemberment
Files to download :
Description : Better Limb damage and mutilation. Additional config : Only enable 1 esp recommend Live Dismemberment - RegularNoHeadshots for a "Normal" Play through. |
Realistic Death Physics - No Animations
Files to download :
Description : This mod decreases the amount of force of both melee and ranged attacks (especially crits) to more realistic levels. |
Idle Hands - Male and Female Idle Customization
Files to download :
Description : It increases the duration and amount of shells when firing a gun. FOMOD : Select the different Idles, Read the descriptions there are Many pages to choose, Do not select to many different ones as the Author says it looks odd. |
Lazy Dogmeat
Files to download :
Description : Dogmeat lounges around more when idling. |
Armor, Clothes and Items
PreWar Binoculars
Files to download :
Description : This mod adds some much needed binoculars to the game. |
Scavver's Toolbox - Portable Junk Scrapping
Files to download :
Description : This mod adds the Scavver's Toolbox to your game. If your a clepto like me it adds the ability to scrap on the run in an "immersive" way. |
Salvage Beacons
Files to download :
Description : Placing one of these beacons in a container sends a team of settlers to come pick up everything you put in that container and lug it all back to a workbench for you. |
Concealed Armors
Updated for Version 2.0
Files to download :
Description : This mod adds a category to armor pieces called Visibility. I've included this for the Role-players. |
Concealed Armor for Far Harbor and Nuka World DLC
Updated for Version 2.0
Files to download :
Description : Added compatibility with Far Harbor & Nuka World DLC |
Raider Overhaul Restored Content I Super Mutant Redux patch
ADDED 21/01/2017 (Moved from Modern Weapons)
Files to download :
Description :This mod adds craftable armor size for Supermutants. Aditional Information : Hide : Raider Overhaul - AE Patch-Restored Content.esp |
Raider Overhaul - Valdacil's Item Sorting (VIS) - Compatibility Patch
Current for VERSION 2.2.2
Files to download :
Description :Adds current missing Item Tags for Raider Overhaul 12.4 to Valdacil's Item Sorting 9.0.2+ Food, Chems, Alcohol, Armor, Weapons etc.. |
K-9 Harness -- Tactical Body Armor and Backpack for Dogmeat
Updated for Version 2.0
Files to download :
HQ Alternative :Description : K-9 Harness: Tactical Body Armor (and Backpack) adds a new modular body armor with brand new meshes & textures for Dogmeat |
Dogmeat's Backpack
Updated for Version 2.0
Files to download :
Description : Dog Backpack and Character Backpack. Three sizes, 7 color, and craftable. Information : Moved to AKWord Armor Bench under Dog Armor |
Wearable Backpacks and Pouches
Updated for Version 2.0
Files to download :
Description : Adds 6 craftable and upgradable equipments with independent textures: Traveler’s Backpack, Wanderer’s Backpack, Venturer’s Backpack, Adventurer’s Bandolier, Survivor’s Vest, and Mercenary’s Belt. Note : Make sure No crafting PERKS is disables as it's Not AWKCR compatable |
Laurent's Robot Skins
NEW for Version 2.2.0
Files to download :
Robot Armor Retextured (4K and 2K)
2K Optimized Recommended Download :
HQ Alternative :Description : This Mod adds a retexture to the Robot Armor. |
Metal Armor Black Re-color
NEW for Version 2.2.2
Download :
Description : black re-color of the Metal armor set |
Power Armor
NOTE: Only one Plugin can be used per section
PLUGIN: ZephyrWarrior's F4 Power Armor Overhaul I
Version 2.1.1 Updated
Mods Used: FO4 War Tags+Consistent Power Armor Overhaul+Operation Anchorage Power Armor V4+ZephyrWarrior's F4 Power Armor Overhaul - Update In Progress - Extensive and Lore Friendly+ZephyrWarrior's PA Overhaul - Nuka World
Modern Scope Reticles - Scope reticle overhaul
Files to download :
Description : This mod Replaces all scope reticles with custom made reticles in the swf file(NOTE: Does not affect 3D Scopes). |
See-Through Combat Scopes - 4x Magnification
Files to download :
Description :This mod either adds new scopes or replaces the short scopes, depending on your choice. } |
Tracers. Light 'em Up
for Ver 2.2.2 brought over from modern weapons
Files to download :
Description : Ever wanted to your characters to run through a hail of tracer fire like in the movies? |
Realistic Guns and Bullets Overhaul
for Ver 2.2.2 brought over from modern weapons
Files to download :
Description : This mod is a painstakingly done overhaul of ALL PLAYABLE RANGED WEAPONS in Fallout 4 |
Better Explosives
Files to download :
Description : Better Explosives tries to enhance your experience with explosives, grenades, mines, missile Launchers etc. |
NOTE: Only one Plugin can be used per section
PLUGIN: Modern Weapons (NON-Law friendly Mods)
Intense Realistic Gun Sounds Overhaul (IRGSO) - Energy Weapons Update
Files to download :
Description : This overhaul replaces ALL gun sounds. |
Atomic Radio and Tales from the Commonwealth
Files to download :
Description : Atomic Radio is a Pre-War radio channel. Includes 5 hours of lore friendly commercials of Fallout Universe products, as well as PSAs, TV shows, movie trailers. Aditional installition Info :Install this into a Atomic radio Mod. Note: the Patch is in the Settlement section under Workshop Rearranged. |
Update for Version 2.1.0
Files to download :
Description : This station will be hosted by the world's best Christopher Walken impressionist, Timothy Banfield! |
Nuka World Radio (The Nuka-Cola Broadcast System)
P.A.M.S - Power Armor Movement Sounds
Files to download :
Description : Sounds doesn't make Power Armor feel heavy, this mod fixes that. |
Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul
Files to download :
Description : Makes weapon sounds more realistic for player and NPCs. Information : This mod get installed before vivid Weather. |
Everyone's Best Friend (Dogmeat and Companion At Same Time - No Console - No Hack)
Files to download :
Description : This mod allows you to have Dogmeat and a standard companion at the same time using in game functionality (nothacks or console commands). |
Companion Fall Damage Immunity
Files to download :
Description : This mod adds immunity to fall damage to companions so that are not injured when fast traveling or falling off buildings. |
NPC and Monster overhauls
Immersive Vendors
Files to download :
Description : Immersive Vendors improves all craftable stores with visible products and new variants for the level 3 vendors.
Don't Call Me Settler(Names-Jobs-Tools)
Files to download :
Description : Automatically gives names to settlers, covers pre-existing settlers, existing settlers , random-events settlers and new settlers. Installation : I just use the install option (I have not played with the hotkeys) when you enter a town it plaus music and shows you the keys to press for different actions. |
Better Settlers
Files to download :
Description : At its core, Better Settlers is a lore friendly mod that adds more than 160 new settlers to the vanilla settler selection. Additional : Version info wrong manually edit to 1.1beta |
Version 2.2.x Updated
Mods Used: Vanilla Patrolman Sunglasses replacement, Hoodless BOS Field Scribe's Hat, Ponytail Hairstyles by Azar v2.0, Eli's Armour Collection Remade - Vanilla and CBBE, Eli's Rugged Outfits - CBBE , Apocalypse Accessories - Glasses - Scarves - Bags, Apocalypse Attire - CBBE, Commonwealth Shorts Vanilla-CBBE-JB, Adventurer Outfit
Protectron HD - 2K and 4K
Files to download :
HQ Alternative :Description : This mod is a High Resolution Texture replacer for the Protectrons. |
D.E.C.A.Y - Better Ghouls
Files to download :
Installation : Install D.E.C.A.Y 2.0 overwrite with D.E.C.A.Y 2.1 then Overwrite with D.E.C.A.Y 2.1 VIS Description : Are you tired of the same old boring ferals |
Glowing Animals Emit Light
Files to download :
Description : This mod simply attaches a light source to every glowing animal variant, making them emit light. Installation : load before Super Mutant Redux (Till I make a patch) |
Super Mutant Redux v1.1
Files to download :
Description : Who doesn't like destroying super mutants right? |
Raider Overhaul WIP
Files to download :
Description : Raider Overhaul |
Synth Overhaul - C.A.S.T (Retexture - 4k 2k)
Files to download :
Description : This mod aims to give every Synth a unique look by using multiple retextures for every Synth armor piece, weapon and uniform |
Varied Diamond City Guards
Update for Version 2.2.2
Files to download :
Description : There have been a few mods uploaded that change the headgear of the DC security. However, underneath these helmets, there were only two faces in the DC lvlcharacter list! This mod adds about a dozen more faces for the guards, so you won't keep seeing the same two people patrolling the city. |
Randomized Diamond City Guard Outfits
Update for Version 2.2.2
Files to download :
Description : This adjusts the outfit for the Diamond City guards to use leveled lists for their Helmets, Left Arm Pieces, and Right Arm Pieces. |
Gunners Overhaul - Initially Friendly Gunners
Update for Version 2.2.2
Files to download :
Description : The faction mod you never knew you needed! |
Wasteland Grunts - Gunners reimagined
Update for Version 2.2.2
Files to download :
Description : What started out as a quest to bring a simple helmet cover to the fallout universe has evolved into a full blown conversion of fallout 4's military apparel. |
Better Coursers Pack V2
Update for Version 2.2.2
Files to download :
Description : Ever thought Coursers didn't look quite cool enough? This mod fixes that. |
GamePlay Changes
No Combat Boundaries
Files to download :
Description : This is a plugin to remove combat boundaries, so enemies will follow you indoors from outside and vice versa. |
Search and Destroy - Extended Combat Range and Stealth Searches
Files to download :
Description : This mod only does two things: increases the length of time enemies will hunt for you, and increases the range over which they will detect and follow you. |
FO4 Hotkeys
Files to download :
Description : Hotkey any piece of equipment / consumable to any key! E.g. F1, F2, Shift-1, Ctrl-Shift 1, Z, B, etc. Instructions' : Navigate to <Documents>\My Games\Fallout4\ Edit Fallout4Custom.ini add [Menu] bUseConsoleHotkeys=1 sConsoleINI=Data\Hotkeys.ini |
Take Cover
Files to download :
Description : Take cover behind objects and automatically lean out to shoot when you aim down sights! Additional Setup : Double click FO4 Hotkeys Under the INI-Files tab you will see Hotkeys.ini select it. In the right panel add at the bottom Shift-Mouse2=cqf cover activate click save |
V.A.F.S. - VaultTec Accelerated Focus System - Manual Criticals AND Bullet Time
Files to download :
Description : V.A.F.S. is the VaultTec Accelerated Focus System. It's an alternative way to spend your AP during combat that is more engaging and fun than watching V.A.T.S. cutscenes. |
Wasteland Imports - Goodies from all across the Wasteland...
Files to download :
Description : added new items mostly from Fallout New Vegas, but also some from the Fallout Lore, Fallout 2, Fallout 3 and Fallout Tactics. Additional : If you are intending to use Beantown interiors please Expand the BA2 Archives hide the following
Generator - Fusebox-Powerbox with 3-5-10 and 100 energy
Files to download :
Description : realistic version of the Fusebox for players with a more realistic touch and that doesn't feel like you are cheating. |
New Recipes
Updated for Ver 2.2.2
Files to download :
Description : Additional RAD Free cooked food. Awesome addition for Survival mode.
Start Me Up - Alternate Start and Dialogue Overhaul
Updated for Ver 2.2.2
Files to download :
Description : This mod provides a menu at the beginning of the game, after the bathroom scene, with three options: |
Settler Sandbox Expansion
Updated for Ver 2.2.2
Files to download :
Description : expanded the Settler AI range and fixed a couple of bugs |
Quests and Adventures
Atomic Radio and Tales from the Commonwealth
Files to download :
Description : 20 extra Quests, 9 encounters, 3 followers (from the guy who braught us interesting NPC's). |
House and zone overhaul
Evil Institute HD
Files to download :
LQ Alternative :HQ Alternative :Description : This mod is a texture replacer to make the institute look like a more evil place. |
Prydwen 2K Textures
Files to download :
HQ Alternative :Description : Reflective and shiny textures for the Prydwen's floor ! Plus texture improvements to the overall Prydwen's textures. Hide The Following if you are using FlaconOil's HD ReTexture \textures\Interiors\Subway Hide Folder |
Red Rockets' Glare REDONE - Lighting
Files to download :
Description : Red Rocket Illumination (Pic At the top of Guide) |
Really Red Rocket
Files to download :
Description : Really Red Rocket - Red Walls |
Starlight Drive-In And Diner - Lighting
Files to download :
Description : Diners all over the Commonwealth gets some flair. |
Plenty 'o' Exploration - More Interiors and Exteriors
Files to download :
Description : This mod opens up those boring boarded houses. Installation: you will have to select the 2nd Data folder, Right Click and choose set as data folder. |
Stumble Upon Interiors
Files to download :
Description : Stumble Upon Interiors is a collection of new, immersive interiors added to the Commonwealth. |
Lexington Interiors
Files to download :
Description : 26 new building interiors, in Lexington, which add a significant amount of good looking challenging gameplay content."Tina's Cookiepocolypse" mod compatibility menu to the "Lexington Interiors: Settings Holotape", along with minor changes to the relevant building. No other changes. |
Beantown Interiors Project
Files to download :
Description : The Beantown interiors project, the sister mod to Fallout 3's D.C. Interiors Project and Fallout New Vegas's. |
Subway Runner
Files to download :
Description : This mod connects 90% of the standard subway stations, and creates a network of subway tunnels. |
War Of The Commonwealth - Spawns (Now with Far Harbor)
Version 2 Updated
Files to download :
Description : Survival Mode too easy? This mod creates spawn all over the commonwealth with extra campsites. |
MODWiki CORE Patch
Files to download :
Description : This is only the CORE Section there are no patches for any of the addons Issues : DO NOT UPDATE IF you WANT to use the ADDONS. AUTO Patcher will become avaliable in the next few weeks.
Make sure you have the color icon pack installed Make sure you have Fallout4Custom.ini has [Pipboy] bPipboyDisableFX=1 make sure your ini files are not read only and when in game change the gui to a light color (Not PIP-Boy) make sure you let this patch overwrite the def_ui and VAL swf files. Any items in the Pip-Boy that do not have an Icon please report it's name. But 1st Drop and store in workshop to update the Innr Record. NOTE: This excludes and armor or weapons you have modified or Legendary Unique Items in the game. |
Files to download :
Description : Re-enable steam achievements even when playing a modded game. Installation : If it fails to install correctly from MO2. (MO2 hangs and has to be killed). Folder structure will be created but the dll is 0 size. Solution is to copy the achievements.dll from the downloaded archive manually to the mod folder. |
- Renaming folder should work generating new empty mode requires a refresh to show up.
- Bodyslide works F4SE works : it gets Autodetected By MO2. Don't manually create an executable!
- FO4Edit works - generates a file in the overwrite section and the mod can then be created
- LOOT works : it gets Autodetected By MO2. Don't manually create an executable!
- FO4Edit issue IF I'm generating patches I've found I have to exit MO2 letting it crash, then start MO2 and save MODS from the overwrite otherwise I can have unusual results (Mods saving to random folders.) this is when I'm running scripts in the latest version, It may be just me or mo2 or fo4edit hmmm a Mystery.......
MO2 creates a c:\Progam folder on my HDD on WIN 10 you get a popup error when you log in - Maybe just my system. No harm no foul. If f4se won't start I usually find one of these folders there, once deleted F4SE runs normally.
MO2 Issues I have with no known resolution (to me)
- ini files not managed By MO2
- save files not managed by profile manager in MO2
- 32bit Skyproc patches not functioning as intended in MO2
- Came across a Win7 computer that would load mods but not display mods in FO4edit or Loot. I had a similar issue with my Win10 Pro I was able to get it working with a System restore and reinstallation of the service pack (occurred with anniversary update.) : Was unable to get the Win 7Pro functioning.
Converting to My wiki is easy.....

This section is a 1st draft I may not have thought of every way you can break it. If I get feedback in the forums I'll streamline it more.The following is a guided method of Moving your existing ModOrganizer 2.0.7 installation to the C: (Primary HDD) of your computer to align it to the Wiki
- DO this 1st
- Save your load order and mod order 1st in ModOrganizer2
- move your ModOrganizer2 folder to C:\ModOrganizer2
- make a Folder C:\ModOrganizer2Data
- make a Folder C:\ModOrganizer2Data\Tools
- Add the C:\ModOrganizer2 folder to Windows Defender Exclusions
- Make ModOrganizer.exe run as an Administrator
- If you were running ModOrganizer2 in portable mode you need to run it with Profiles.
- Start MO2 and click the little blue mo2 icon in the top left
- now you will have no mods displayed like the book says DONT PANIC!
- Close ModOrganizer
- Your C:\Users\%Username%\AppData\Local\ModOrganizer folder should look like this(the pic below) now if it doesn't then you need to work out why as the rest of the guide will not work.
- Start MO2 Go into MO2 Settings and in the NEXUS tab enter your login Information.
- Exit MO2

To resolve download manager issue from Nexusmod site I recommend deleting the nxmhandler.ini from C:\ModOrganizer2 and C:\ModOrganizer2Data then run nxmhandler.exe in C:\ModOrganizer2 folder to generate the nxmhandlers.ini files
If you have issues with your profiles you can try (make sure you backup) deleting C:\ModOrganizer2Data\Falout4\ModOrganizer.ini when you restart MO2 it will remake it.Post-installation
LOOT should be working but there must not be enough references made out there for these mods
Order should look something like this (the patches will tell you if you have it wrong if you run FO4EDIT!!!!!)
General "Rule" :- for a load order with the least amount of conflicts (from what I've seen so far)
- Settlement Mods.............
- Enemy Overhauls...................(these usually have worldspace edits that affect lighting)
- Crafting Mods..............
- Weapon Mods...............................(require to have combined patches for weapon tables and VIS)
- Weather and Lighting.............(require Priority load order and patch as they all affect light (look at underwater lighting to get an idea)
- VIS...........................................(Excellent MOD need soo much patching if you have chosen anything outside of the box)
- Weapons Rack.........................(Because I like it)
- Loose Mods..................Un-catagorized mods that don't affect other mods in any meaningful way
- Better Mod Descriptions.........
- Workshop Rearranged.................. Menu control
Below is My actual load Order for V2.2.2 (I had a profile fail and I just rehashed the list.(So it's going to be different to before.)
# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer. *Fallout4.esm *DLCRobot.esm *DLCworkshop01.esm *DLCCoast.esm *DLCworkshop02.esm *DLCworkshop03.esm *DLCNukaWorld.esm *Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp *ArmorKeywords.esm *HUDFramework.esm *NewCalibers.esp *Loads.esm *ConcealedArmor.esm *ZW's F4 Overhaul Master.esm *Arbitration - Resources.esm *Homemaker.esm *Snap'n Build.esm *Settlement Resources Rebalanced.esp *Homemaker - Greenhouse and Bunker Disabler.esp *Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp *OCDecorator.esp *OCDecoratorDLC.esp *OCDispenser.esp *OCDecorator - No Experience.esp *AutoDoors.esp *AD_DLC.esp *SettleObjExpandPack.esp *SettleObjExpandPack-AutoDoorsPatch.esp *CleanSettlement Greenhouse.esp *AES_Renovated Furniture.esp *AkaWaterWorld.esp *Evan_Modular Kitchen.esp *CWSS Redux.esp *SMH.esp *DogBed.esp *OctaviusSentibar_Labels.esp *CREAtiveClutter.esp *dinoshelf.esp *dinoshelf_extra_ammo.esp *dinoshelf_retex.esp *OWR.esp *OWR_CraftableDecor.esp *OWR_CraftableDecor_CW.esp *hdreworkedprojectrevised.esp *D.E.C.A.Y.esp *RaiderOverhaul.esp *Glowing Animals Emit Light.esp *SuperMutantOverhaul.esp *Synth Overhaul.esp *GunnersOverhaul.esp *ImmersiveVendors.esp *Armorsmith Extended.esp *Armorsith All DLCs Patch.esp *Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp *Crafting Workbench.esp *Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp *Crafting Workbenches - Faction and Quest Requirements.esp *Craftable Armor Size.esp *Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp *Crafting Workbenches - Removed Crafting Experience.esp *ConcealedArmor.esp *Realistic Guns and Bullets Overhaul.esp *TakeCover.esp *3dscopes-framework.esp *3dscopes.esp *3dscopes-FarHarbor.esp *3dscopes-NukaWorld.esp *3dscopes Add+DLC+BMD Sollus91 Custom.esp *Better Explosives - Normal.esp *Better Explosives - Enhanced Grenades.esp *Better Explosives - Far Harbor.esp *Better Explosives - Grenade Frequency 30.esp *Extended weapon mods.esp *CutWeaponModsRestored.esp *CutWeaponModsRestored-Automatron.esp *CutWeaponModsRestored-FarHarbor.esp *CutWeaponModsRestored-NukaWorld.esp *CWMR-Patch-AWKCR.esp *CWMR-Patch-Extended weapon mods.esp *Compatibility patch - AWKCR - RGBO.esp *LegendaryModification.esp *LegendaryModification2LM.esp *LegendaryModificationCSA.esp *LegendaryModificationGroknak.esp *LegendaryModificationMisc.esp *LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp *LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp *LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM Concealed).esp *LegendaryModification Combined - 2LM and DLC's.esp *NewCalibers_extendedWeaponMods.esp *Weaponsmith Extended 2.esp *Tracers - Light em up.esp *VaultTecAcceleratedFocusSystem.esp *VaultTecAcceleratedFocusSystem - FarHarbor.esp *VaultTecAcceleratedFocusSystem - NukaWorld.esp *MojaveImports.esp *ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-DLCVersion-VanillaWeight.esp *FunctionalDisplays.esp *FunctionalDisplays-Collectibles.esp *No Fusion Core Drain.esp *QuickEnterFromStand.esp *QuickExitToStand.esp *ShellRain.esp *Live Dismemberment - BrutalNoHeadshots.esp *QuickTrade.esp *LooksMenu.esp *LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp *CBBE.esp *Realistic Death Physics - ALL DLC.esp *The Eyes Of Beauty.esp *EveryonesBestFriend.esp *dD-Enhanced Blood Basic.esp *Move (Get Out the Way).esp *FO4Hotkeys.esp *AtomicRadio.esp *Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp *Arbitration - Button Lowered Weapons.esp *BetterSettlers.esp *AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp *Hoodless Scribe Hat.esp *Eli_Armour_Compendium.esp *3DNPC_FO4.esp *Armorsmith Deserter X.esp *Armorsmith Elianora.esp *PoliceGlassesStandalone.esp *Evil Detective Outfit.esp *Survivalist.esp *WastelandFashion.esp *WastelandFashionAccessories.esp *Wasteland Fashion Armorsmith Patch.esp *RaiderFaceVariety_2.0.esp *TrapperFaceVariety.esp *AA Lots More Settlers and Enemies.esp *AA LMSE_BetterSettlers11c_Patch_Mortal.esp *AA LMSE_FarHarbor.esp *AA LMSE_FarHarbor_BetterSettlers_Patch_Mortal.esp *AA LMSE_VariedRaiders_Patch.esp *Clothing Of The Commonwealth.esp *Crimsomrider's 1950s Feminine Outfits.esp *Settler Sandbox Overhaul.esp *Grunts.esp *Guards.esp *Randomized DC Guard Outfits.esp *SettlersRename.esp *AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches.esp *AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - Ballistic Weave.esp *AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - Power Armor Carry Capacity.esp *AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - AWKCR.esp *SalvageBeacons.esp *Dogmeat's Backpack.esp *Generator Fusebox - More realistic version.esp *K9TacticalHarness.esp *Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul.esp *Immersive HUD.esp *No more monochrome - Color setting for the Pipboy!.esp *Scavver's Toolbox.esp *Binoculars.esp *NewRecipesFH-VIS.esp *Arbitration - Recommended Core.esp *Arbitration - Automatron AI.esp *Ephla's Unique Chems.esp *Laurent's Robot Skins.esp *Anchorage Power Armor.esp *Consistent Power Armor Overhaul.esp *FALLOUT4WT.esp *ZW's F4 Overhaul - Power Armor.esp *Raider Overhaul - AE Patch-Restored Content-VIS.esp *Weaponsmith - VIS Icon Patch.esp *SuperMutantOverHaul-Armorsmith.esp *Loads of Ammo - Leveled Lists.esp *3dscopes-AddToSpawnList.esp *WET.esp *FAR.esp *NAC-PRC.esp *NAC-PRC-FarHarbor.esp *NAC-PRC-NukaWorld.esp *UltraInteriorLighting.esp *UltraInteriorLighting_Automatron.esp *EnhancedLightsandFX.esp *Pip-Boy Flashlight.esp *WorkshopRearranged.esp *WorkshopRearranged_AtomicRadio_Patch.esp *WorkshopRearranged_MojaveImports_Patch.esp *WorkshopRearranged_RenovatedFurniture_Patch.esp *WorkshopRearranged_SnB_Patch.esp *BetterModDescriptions.esp *plenty 'o' exploration.esp *StumbleUponInteriors.esp *subwayrunnnerdynamiclighting.esp *BTInteriors_Project.esp *WorkshopRearranged_BTInteriors_Patch.esp *MODWiki - CORE - Patch.esp *MODWiki -Power Armor-Patch.esp *MODWiki-ModernWeapons-Patch.esp *MODWiki-BettersettlersClothing-Patch.esp *MODWiki-CraftingRedirect-Patch.esp *MODWiki-WorldspaceV4-Patch.esp
Credits and Thanks
Kesta (Boston Atomic Bomb Yankee) - For allowing me to use this layout and embedded code(Yea I still haven't redone the top section, I haven't forgotten).
D81(WorkshopRearanged) - For giving me a Headache!!! and Workshop Rearranged framework to work from. Also the time he spent explaining the mysteries of the universe.
Ashnal(V.A.F.S) - For the use of his mod and allowing me to share my integration patches for ZephyrWarrior's F4 Power Armor Overhaul.
Jerros (FO4 War Tags) - For allowing the use of his amazing textures with my integration patches for ZephyrWarrior's F4 Power Armor Overhaul.
valdacil (Valdacil's Item Sorting) - For allowing the use of his Mod for the engine that drives our Pip-Boy Sorting functions.
valdacil (DEF_UI) - For allowing the use of his Mod.
Takaru Minari (Better Mod Descriptions) - To allow the merging of his Description into the modwiki.
ZephyrWarrior (ZephyrWarrior's F4 Power Armor Overhaul) - For allowing the use of his Unique mod in being the PA controller for the MODWiki so extra modules can be added.
Chucksteel (Beantown Interiors Project) - For allowing his mod to be patched into the MODWiki.
Ghostfc3s (Subway Runner) - For allowing his mod to be patched into the MODWiki.
DangoSan (Plenty 'o' Exploration - More Interiors and Exteriors) - For allowing his mod to be patched into the MODWiki.
Chiaro22 (Stumble Upon Interiors) - For allowing his mod to be patched into the MODWiki.
DaedalusProspect Weaponsmith Extended - VIS Icons Patch - I'm very thankful somebody added keywords in such a clever way and allowing his mod to be patched into the MODWiki.