NoMansSky:Installing Mods

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Installing Mods

by: Lo2k

How to enable mods

By default, No Man's Sky use a simple file that disables mods (for security reasons). To enable mods in No Man's Sky, just follow these steps :

  1. Go into your No Man's Sky PCBANKS folder
  2. Rename or remove the DISABLEMODS.txt file
Be sure to check the PCBANKS folder after each game update as the DISABLEMODS.txt file is often recreated.

Installing mods

Using mods is as easy as copying the mod .pak file inside a MODS folder (or right-click on your .pak file in NMS Modding Station and choose Copy in my MODS folder).
This folder doesn't exist by default so here are the steps to create it :

  1. Go into your No Man's Sky PCBANKS folder
  2. Create a new folder named "MODS"

Next time you will launch the game, mods inside the MODS folder will also be used.

Mods load order

If you don't witness one of your mods feature, it can be because another mod uses the same file and take the lead over the "missing" mod. Indeed, mods are parsed in alphanumerical order and in the case of mods editing a same file, the last mod read will prevail over any other one read before.
Here is a quick order : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A a B b .... Z z _
So a mod named "0mod" will load before a mode named "bmod" and a "_mod" will load last. If each mod edits different files, they will all apply, but if they all edit the same file, only the _mod will apply.

Mods conflicts

There could be a numerous case of conflict, passed the load order issue. Usualy, mod creators notify users in their mod description about what files are modified by their mods. This will help players to sort if a mod could conflict with others. Ultimately, some tools like AMUMSS can be used to detect which mods are editing the same files and thus conflicting and it can also merge mods in a single mod when changes are not overlapping.