NoMansSky:Reference Guides/XML Files/GcCameraFollowSettings
From Step Mods | Change The Game
- Name - Name of the camera settings. Uppercase;
- MinSpeed - // Unclear //
- SpeedRange - // Unclear //
- OffsetX - Horizontal offset relative to the center. 0 is the perfect center. Negative values bring the camera to the left. Positive values bring the camera to the right;
- OffsetY - Horizontal offset relative to the center. Negative values lower the camera. Positive values raise it;
- OffsetZFlat -
- BackMinDistance - The minimum distance from the player. High values pull the camera back;
- UpMinDistance -The minimum vertical distance from the player;
- BackMaxDistance - The maximumdistance from the player;
- UpMaxDistance - The minimum vertical distance from the player;
- PanNear -
- PanFar -
- UpGamma - // Unclear //
- HorizRotationAngleMaxPerFrame -
- VertRotationSpeed - Speed at which the camera can be tilted up and down. In a way it acts as if you were changing the mouse sensitivity.
- VertRotationMin - The minimum amount of vertical rotation allowed. High negative values allow to look further up.
- VertRotationMax - The maximum amount of vertical rotation allowed. High positive values allow to look further down. Cannot be lower than VertRotationMin.
- VertRotationOffset - This value allows the camera to have a vertical offset during rotation. The higher the value, the higher up the camera will move from its original position during rotation.
- VertRotationOffsetMinAngle - The angle at which the camera will have the maximum offset. Should not go below the value of VertRotationMin if you want to use the full offset;
- VertRotationOffsetMaxAngle - The angle at which the camera will have the minimum offset (original position). Should not go above the value of VertRotationMax if you want to use the full offset;
- VertStartLookingDown - bool
- DistSpeed - // Unclear //
- DistSpeedOutsideMainRange -
- DistStiffness -
- SpringSpeed -
- LockToObjectOnIdle - bool // Unclear //
- CenterStartTime -
- CenterBlendTime -
- CenterMaxSpring -
- CenterMaxSpeed -
- VelocityAnticipate - // Unclear //
- VelocityAnticipateSpringSpeed -
- VertMaxSpring -
- CenterStartSpeed -
- MinClose -
- MaxClose -
- CloseSpring -
- LookStickLimitAngle -
- EnableCollisionDetection - Boolean value that sets if the camera should collide with the world. Setting it to False will make the camera clip through objects as well as the ground.
- NumLRProbes -
- LRProbesRange -
- LRProbesRadius -
- NumUDProbes -
- UDProbesRange -
- ProbeCenterX -
- ProbeCenterY -
- PushForwardDropoffLR -
- PushForwardDropoffUD -
- AvoidCollisionLRSpeed -
- AvoidCollisionUDSpeed -
- AvoidCollisionPushSpeed -
- AvoidCollisionUDUseStickDelay - bool
- AvoidCollisionLRUseStickDelay - bool
- UseSpeedBasedSpring - bool