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Range of FPS if I follow S.T.E.P




CPU - i5 4430



Ram - Crosair XMS3 4GB ( 2pcs )

PSU - Silverstone Strider Plus 600W

Heat Sink - cooler master si seidon 120v

Casing - Cooler Master CM Storm Scout 2

Hard Drive - 1TB WD Black


Currently I'm just using the Steam workshop for my mods. subscribed to some. And I did not touch .ini files. sometimes fps is a solid 60 fps. but outside white run and some other places, sometimes is drops to 30 and sometimes would stutter. is my PC not that strong enough? 


if I follow S.T.E.P would it guarantee me a solid 60 fps if not 50-60 fps or at least a smooth drop rather that a stutter?

please enlighten me before I follow the long process.


thank you for your time! Solid! XD




soooo the white run lag thing was because of open cities. soo had to remove it. applied SSME, antilag something something. hmmm touched .ini files a bit esp. on shadows. still FPS sometimes drop to 40 but hey it's not 30! :D

and still have the annoying stutter issue even when it's 50-60 fps. >.,<

Edited by manuelitosimoi
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You need to run ENBoost. Also, I would drop Steam as a platform for modding and use a mod manager. We recommend Mod Organizer. You're system should run in the 50-60FPS range most of the time. That's not saying that it won't drop down into the high 40's from time to time, but your average should be where you are wanting it.

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You need to run ENBoost. Also, I would drop Steam as a platform for modding and use a mod manager. We recommend Mod Organizer. You're system should run in the 50-60FPS range most of the time. That's not saying that it won't drop down into the high 40's from time to time, but your average should be where you are wanting it.

i see thank you!


do you have an "ultimate" fix for the micro stutter? it's really annoying hehe

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Do you have 4GBs of ram or 8GBs of ram that's two sticks?

If you only have 4GB of ram I would expect some stuttering.


if I follow S.T.E.P would it guarantee me a solid 60 fps if not 50-60 fps or at least a smooth drop rather that a stutter?

Probably, also there are some low quality options when installing STEP you can use if you need to.

Edited by SynthetikHD
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