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CTD caused by Racemenu and nioverride.dll


Posted (edited)

You might remember I was asking earlier about an issue with shield placements and you showed me how to fix racemenu weapon placement sliders for my custom race by replacing the custom skeleton with the one from xp32.


I do experience the occasional CTD, but since this change they were more frequent.  One in particular I was able to reproduce reliably.  It simply involved running along a road, it would always CTD more or less in the same area, just before Fort Greenwall comes into view.


Don't ask me how I concluded it was racemenu, but I did.  I removed racemenu and that particular CTD stopped.  I re-enabled racemenu and again experienced the same CTD


Then I found this :  https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/35it9d/ctds_with_racemenu_and_nioverridedll/


I re-enabled racemenu and disabled nioverride.dll and again the CTD stopped.


I've also been experiencing some of the symptoms described in the post.  Re-loading a saved game during the game also frequently causes an CTD and this was prior to modifying my custom race skeleton.


EDIT:  I played several hours after this and did not experience a single CTD, even reloading the game from within the game itself.


This was premature, as I still experienced those type of crashes

Edited by MartineV

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Posted (edited)



Racemenu has been updated and this issue was fixed in Version 3.2.2


Fixes NiOverride occasional crash when loading other saves of the same session


Hopefully this will fix my issues, as I was still getting crashes when loading a save during a play session. 


EDIT :   After some testing, this update appears to have resolved the issue

Edited by MartineV
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Posted (edited)

That's interesting and I'll read through. I had already discovered this on my own however. I had the classic symptoms. My game would freeze while scrolling through inventory and crafting menus. I know about the memory fix and had double checked that it was there. step incorporates this. However enabling logging showed that the fix was not working. I eventually ended up editing directly the data folder instead of going through MO and that fixed it.


This is something else. I'm conviced I found the culprit. Why this is not affecting everyone and only some people the real mystery

Edited by MartineV
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