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STEP: Core / Expanded - where do they start/end?



Good morning guys & gals.


First off - hello to everyone and my respects for this massive project.   I found it on friday afternoon - and started following the guide as posted here: https://wiki.step-project.com/STEP:2.2.9.  I finished late Sunday evening. Unsuccessful attempt.   I have previously installed Skyrim Beautification Project successfully but hated the hairstyles and a few other things, tried to redo it with less of those options - resulting in missing textures in game - ie standing on a floor that is not there.


I'm using the suggested MO. (previously i used NMM).  Not at home right now, cant give exact pc specs, but i know this bit:  intel core i7 4th gen, nvidia gefore 750gtx, 16gb RAM.


I installed (almost) everything that is listed on that page, but when the patches down at the bottom came I didnt know what to do, because:


I dont know where STEP:core starts & ends, and STEP:extended starts and ends.   I could not see any clear heading or link that indicated the start of step:extended.


As I didnt see anything that indicated (probably just missed it) the start of STEP:extended, I assumed that the entire page is only for step:core.  and as such, I ended up using the core patch.  


now, if the page contains both parts of STEP: core & extended - then it would explain why my game wont go past the loading screen. it just stays there and pops a new message/quote from the game, zooming in and out of the nice graphic on the left.   i could not exit the game, nor get into task manager to end it.  i had to force restart my pc.   i tried this 3 times without success.


it could also be that the end part, where you have to bash & the dual sheath redux thing and then a new mod gets added to the end (patches etc), which needs to get sorted by loot, resulting in a new bash etc (at least from my understanding) and then FNIS at the end - it could very well be that i got that part messed up completely as i did not get the same results as indicated in the video tutorials.  i also had the problem that my Bash Patch 0.esp did not show up on the left side of MO. (the bash patch took me hours to figure out as i did not know how to disable the fomod installer - i only saw the video link after fruitless attempts to find help on google).


i did a lot of reading during that guide thing, from what the ini changes are to the descriptions of mods (some of which i skipped because i didnt like what it suggested (more towards the end of the guide)). The patching, bash, sheath redux & FNIS parts confused the crap out of me  :blush:



as mentioned above - my question is this: I dont know where STEP:core starts & ends, and STEP:extended starts and ends.   I could not see any clear heading or link that indicated the start of step:extended.


1. what is the answer to this? Where do they start or end?

2. Is there an easier way to install this stuff?

3. I'll have to re-try this - can I keep the current .ini files and just install the mods anew?  not sure on how 'uninstall' the mods or just remove them in one fell swoop and start from scratch.



Appreciate the help & feedback.

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hi again.   been having a blast tonight (finally got to play).  after about 2 hours of play and finding the golden claw, i decide its time to go back to first town via fast travel.


i pressed M for map, and had an immediate CTD - no error message from windows saying there was a problem etc.  just - poof - gone.


i searched the site, and tried to do the forcesteamloader thing in the skse launcher argument - didnt work.

i tried the injector version of enboost - didnt work.


i installed memory block and this is what i get:



logging of blocks enabled

logging max values only
Timer disabled
Block1 Block2
512MB 256MB
85 8
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i cant seem to find anything else that could help me fix this - ideas?

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hi again.   been having a blast tonight (finally got to play).  after about 2 hours of play and finding the golden claw, i decide its time to go back to first town via fast travel.


i pressed M for map, and had an immediate CTD - no error message from windows saying there was a problem etc.  just - poof - gone.


i searched the site, and tried to do the forcesteamloader thing in the skse launcher argument - didnt work.

i tried the injector version of enboost - didnt work.

MO manages my SKSE


i installed memory block and this is what i get:



logging of blocks enabled

logging max values only
Timer disabled
Block1 Block2
512MB 256MB
85 8
85 8
85 9
85 10
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i cant seem to find anything else that could help me fix this - ideas?



what is the [MEMORY] in ENBlocal.ini




should be as directed by ENBoost guide in the STEP.



;64-bit users with >= 8GB system RAM, set to formula: [VRAM] + [system RAM] - [2048]
vram = 4096 
system ram = 16384 (16gb)
total = 4096+16384-2048 = 18432
vram = (system/inspectors says 4gb, but card specs say 2gb: https://www.gigabyte.co.za/products/product-page.aspx?pid=4663#sp)
so i am not too sure what to do about the VideoMemorySizeMb, if i have the right number or not.





here is the rest of my enblocal.ini [MEMORY] section






a further update - my SKSE.ini is in the correct MO folder > SKSE


it is still not working.   


can nobody help me with this?


i am having problems with my setup, i have asked in the thread about CTD's as they said to do it there, but i have not had a response for over 10 hours.


if at all possible could someone please help me.  i would really like to play my game.

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