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Trying to get the hang of this whole ENB thing...

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I'm still having a spot of trouble with what I presume to be the ENB settings (I'm sorry - I know I'm being a pest here. I really AM trying to learn though).


The outside world is very nice, but interiors are a bit too dark, and in some cases, lighting sources don't seem to be working the way I would anticipate they should. In the Live Another Life starting cell, for instance, the torch doesn't seem to light up the pillar it's mounted on, and the statue of Mara is in shadow if you look anywhere to her left, but lights up if you look directly at her or to the right of her. It's a little hard to explain, so I've attached some screen shots. I'm hoping someone can tell me whether this is "normal" or not.


And, even better, what to do about it!







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OK I guess in the first instance that you do not have ELE-Interior Lighting Merged.esp in the right place. If you are using LOOT you will need to load this after Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp. When using SR:LE avoid LOOT. Potentially it provides a load order that has less conflicts than BOSS provides but Neo has built his pack on BOSS and so LOOT will not fit perfectly yet. I'M sure that NEO is testing LOOT, not literally as I type but it would mean a good deal of editing in the guide as well as confidence in the results.



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Thanks for the input!


I'm not using Loot, and (as per Neo's guide) ELE-Interior Lighting Merged.esp is Boss sorted to load at the bottom of "Extra Late." Currently, that places it about 4th from the bottom, about 10 mods below Live Another Life.  


I take it that this is not how it would normally appear? That's actually good news, as I was seriously considering giving up on the whole ENB thing.

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I'm actually experience the same thing with the lighting on the statue without using an ENB. I am however using LOOT. I wasn't really sure what to be looking for in tes5edit in terms of a conflict.


I assume I should be looking for a conflict with the cell, but not sure which block exactly.


If anyone knows the form ID I'd be glad to take a look.

Edited by supra93
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The conflict in the cell is ELFX + AS:LAL... I didn't figure it was that big of an issue so I didn't bother looking into it. As for the darkness, I find it appropriate for the space (though yours seems more dark then mine, did you change your in game brightness?) but you can use the brighter interior option in the Vividian installer.

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The conflict in the cell is ELFX + AS:LAL... I didn't figure it was that big of an issue so I didn't bother looking into it. As for the darkness, I find it appropriate for the space (though yours seems more dark then mine, did you change your in game brightness?) but you can use the brighter interior option in the Vividian installer.


I didn't change my in-game brightness - I had read somewhere that you were supposed to leave it in the middle. At any rate, I took your advice and reinstalled Vividian, using the brighter interiors option. It made considerable difference in the opening cell, while still being plenty dark in a cave interior (Helgen). Thanks, again, for all your help!

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The conflict in the cell is ELFX + AS:LAL... I didn't figure it was that big of an issue so I didn't bother looking into it. As for the darkness, I find it appropriate for the space (though yours seems more dark then mine, did you change your in game brightness?) but you can use the brighter interior option in the Vividian installer.

Do you mind telling me which records specifically if you don't mind. I'm trying to learn as much as I can with tes5edit and cells were one of the things I wasn't really sure about on how to approach. Just the form ID would be enough to help me find the conflict to examine. Thanks, and great job with SR;LE! ðŸ»
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I'm guessing the conflict is in Cell->Block 6->Sub-Block 9->AbandonedPrison01

Thanks. I've looked at this record before actually. I'm not really sure if this is the conflict, though as the only thing ELFX is doing is setting the candle to initially disabled. Not sure what else could be causing the light source to turn on and off with a specific view angle.


It's nothing too important anyhow. Just wanted to take a closer look.

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  • 2 months later...

I was recently reminded that I had started this whole thing, but never followed up with it, for which I apologize.


In my case, the Brighter Interiors option in Vividian didn't do much to resolve my issue, but after a bit of research and some trial and error, I realized that I had activated the ELFXEnhancer.esp when I installed Enhanced Lights and FX. Disabling that .esp file in MO resolved most of my issues with darkness in the dungeon. The lighting in that cell is still a little odd, but it's bright enough to see now, and that greatly reduces how dramatic the oddness appears to be.  

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  • 4 weeks later...

This light bothered me as well. The problem is that the lights down the hallway leading away from the cell are shadow casting, which is capping the number of shadow emitting visible lights when the statue is to the left of you and you can see the hallway lights. Changing those lights to not be shadow casting would fix this, which is in part what I thought ELFX was supposed to do (optimize light sources)

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