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Mod Organizer won't install a FOMOD mod.



Hello! I'm new to these forums so apologies in advance if this is in the wrong place D:


I've read the guidelines/rules before making this post, and I realize there's not really a whole lot I can provide you with because most of those lines don't apply to my issue:


I'm trying to install the mod "Pretty combat Idles" through Mod Organizer (latest version), and the problem is that when I double click the downloaded mod and I choose the animations I wish to install, Mod Organizer's log throws this:


21:32:20 [C] failed to extract PCI_Mythic Collection00 Required Datacb to : 00 Required Datacb not found in archive
21:32:20 [C] failed to extract PCI_Mythic Collection00 Required Datah2h 01 to : 00 Required Datah2h 01 not found in archive
21:32:20 [C] failed to extract PCI_Mythic Collection00 Required DataRanger to : 00 Required DataRanger not found in archive
21:32:20 [C] failed to extract PCI_Mythic Collection00 Required Data2hm_slayer to : 00 Required Data2hm_slayer not found in archive
I've been chatting to a Nexus user who uses MO and the mod in question (via installer as well) and they tell me the installer works just fine for them D:
I'm using the last version of MO and I believe everything is set up right, as this is not the only mod I've installed to date (I've around 150 mods installed).
Thanks so much in advance and please let me know if I'm missing any information you may need!
Edit: Also not sure if this is relevant, but when I look at the left hand side of MO where the mod shows installed on the list, the name is in grey color and Italics. Not sure what that means.
Edit 2: It just occurred to me... I don't use a custom race or the "Exclusive animation path" mod. Could this be the issue? Can I not use these animations without that?


... go to settings, Fomod installer and change the bottom Prefer to false and reinstall the mod.

Edited by monababii
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The mod is not installed right if you are seeing 00 Required Data (folder), Fomod (folder). You should see the meshes folder at the top level.


When you double click the mod in the downloads pane, do you get the install window for the scripted mod, you should see a picture that changes when you mouse over each option, or do you see a window with only the manual, OK and cancel buttons?


Is this the only mod you have a problem with?


I am not using the Exclusive Animation Path or custom race. Those will not interfere with the install of Pretty combat Idles.


Either your MO install is bad, that is why I asked if any other mods are giving you problems, or the mod is bad.


If you haven’t done so already download audio overhaul. That has a scripted installer that will give you options to select from. If you only get the manual, OK and cancel button then your MO install has a problem. In which case download the archive version of MO and overwrite the current install. If you get the installer window with options then your Pretty idles archive is bad.


EDIT: another option to try is to go to settings, Fomod installer and change the bottom Prefer to false and reinstall the mod.

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I just downloaded this and did not have any problems and I tried different options on the installed. You may have a corrupt archive. Try downloading it again and see what happens.

Hey, thanks for the reply.

I already did try and download the mod again twice, and it's always the same :(


Edit: Also not sure if this is relevant, but when I look at the left hand side of MO where the mod shows installed on the list, the name is in grey color and Italics. Not sure what that means.


Edit 2: It just occurred to me... I don't use a custom race or the "Exclusive animation path" mod. Could this be the issue? Can I not use these animations without that?

Edited by monababii
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The mod in the left pane should not be grey. The mod does not use an ESP.


Double click the mod and go to the Filetree pane. You should see meshes folder at the top level. Inside that should be more folders which go down to an animations folder. Inside that folder you should see a three more folders and a bunch of files with the extension of hkx. These are the animation files the game uses. In order to use that you have to install Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS and run that.


If you don't have that folder structure then the mod did not install right.


Are you using MO version 1.2.9?

Can you go to settings, plugins tab and click on the Fomod installer and tell me what it says in the right pane?

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The mod in the left pane should not be grey. The mod does not use an ESP.


Double click the mod and go to the Filetree pane. You should see meshes folder at the top level. Inside that should be more folders which go down to an animations folder. Inside that folder you should see a three more folders and a bunch of files with the extension of hkx. These are the animation files the game uses. In order to use that you have to install Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS and run that.


If you don't have that folder structure then the mod did not install right.


Are you using MO version 1.2.9?

Can you go to settings, plugins tab and click on the Fomod installer and tell me what it says in the right pane?

That just the thing though, everything does indicate that the file didn't install correctly but everything is set up right D: I do have FNIS and got a few mods and animations running through it.

When I install the mod, double click it and head to the Filetree tab, all I see is 3 things: 00 Required Data (folder), Fomod (folder) and meta.ini.

*Inside* 00 Required Data there's a folder for each type of animation the installer would/should install (i.e. ranger, slayer, etc), and within each of those named folders there's the Meshes folders which contain the appropriate subfolders and animations.

Inside Fomod I see a folder labeled Screens and 2 .xml files; Info.xml and ModuleConfig.xml.

That's exactly how I see everything. I could take a picture for you if you wanted, just let me know exactly which tree would you like to see displayed in the screen, say you wanted me to open the Required Data folder or something.


As for the Fomod installer plugin, here's what it says:

Author: Tannin

Version: 1.4.0

Description: Installer for xml based fomod archives. This probably has worse compatibility than the NCC based plugin.

Below that:

enabled: true

prefer: true


As for MOs version, yes I'm running version 1.2.9 and the update button at the top right corner is not highlighted (I'm new to MO but my understanding is that if there's a new update, that button should be enabled yes?)


I appreciate a ton you trying to help me, but I'm starting to think I should just give up. I have no idea why is it not installing it and with you that makes 2 people already that I know use MO and have managed to install this lol >_<


Thanks a ton again in advance and do let me know if you need a screenshot of something, or something!


Edit: Are you using that other mod "Exclusive Animation Path"? That's the only thing I could imagine is missing. I just figured I should be able to use these animations without that, but maybe not :/


Edit 2: Sorry about the delay. I'm in Spain's time zone.

Edited by monababii
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Oh! When I went to the Fomod installer options and set Prefer to False, the installer for the combat animations changed. Upon making my choices and installing it MO's log didn't throw any warnings or errors :o


I'll check in-game to see if they are working and I'll edit this post with the results!


EDIT: Oh God that worked!! Thank you so much!

I guess the mod itself came with an installer of its own and MO was trying to throw a pseudo-installer window or something? Don't quite understand why or how that worked but hey, all good now :D And yes that was the only mod I was having issues with.


Thanks a ton again and apologies for such a long thread for something so silly lol. I'll make a mental note to not ever change that setting ever back to how it was (may have changed it myself manually at some point when trying to get FNIS working, but can't recall)


Cheers! Imaginary kudo points to you!

Edited by monababii
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