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TES5Edit Script Plugin Merge - Unresolved Reference Errors


Posted (edited)

I am currently trying to merge mods using the Merge Plugins TES5Edit Script v1.6 by Mator.


With some great help from the folks from the REGS thread, I have already done a little bit of troubleshooting, but as of yet the problem remains unresolved. I decided to post a new thread on the issue since the subject was a little off topic for the REGS thread.


The script seems to have installed fine (tried twice already), it executes fine, and my Tes5edit is up to date.


Currently I am trying to merge these mods, none which are masters and are therefore technically safe to merge;


  ETaC - Complete LoS Patch.esp
  ETaC - BFT Patch.esp
  REGS Patch - NSutR.esp
  REGS Patch - CRF.esp
  REGS Patch - ORS.esp
  REGS Patch - STEP Extended.esp
  REGS Patch - 3DNPC.esp
The merge works fine. However, when reloading the merged plugin via tes5edit, and checking for errors, I get quite a few unresolved reference errors;
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Checking for Errors in [12] REGS Merge wo renumbering.esp
[00:00]                       Door -> [0F301192] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]                     Above errors were found in :Door Triangle #4
[00:00]                   Above errors were found in :Door Triangles
[00:00]                 Above errors were found in :NVNM - Geometry
[00:00]               Above errors were found in :[NAVM:0004B66C] (in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of WindhelmCandlehearthHallExterior [CELL:00038382] (in WindhelmWorld "Windhelm" [WRLD:0001691D] at 32,8))
[00:00]             Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of WindhelmCandlehearthHallExterior [CELL:00038382] (in WindhelmWorld "Windhelm" [WRLD:0001691D] at 32,8)
[00:00]           Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of WindhelmCandlehearthHallExterior [CELL:00038382] (in WindhelmWorld "Windhelm" [WRLD:0001691D] at 32,8)
[00:00]                       Door -> [151F1109] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]                     Above errors were found in :Door Triangle #4
[00:00]                   Above errors were found in :Door Triangles
[00:00]                 Above errors were found in :NVNM - Geometry
[00:00]               Above errors were found in :[NAVM:000660C6] (in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:00038381] (in WindhelmWorld "Windhelm" [WRLD:0001691D] at 32,9))
[00:00]             Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:00038381] (in WindhelmWorld "Windhelm" [WRLD:0001691D] at 32,9)
[00:00]           Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of [CELL:00038381] (in WindhelmWorld "Windhelm" [WRLD:0001691D] at 32,9)
[00:00]                       Door -> [0F301191] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]                     Above errors were found in :Door Triangle #2
[00:00]                   Above errors were found in :Door Triangles
[00:00]                 Above errors were found in :NVNM - Geometry
[00:00]               Above errors were found in :[NAVM:000ED015] (in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of WindhelmPalaceOfTheKingsExterior [CELL:00038380] (in WindhelmWorld "Windhelm" [WRLD:0001691D] at 32,10))
[00:00]             Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of WindhelmPalaceOfTheKingsExterior [CELL:00038380] (in WindhelmWorld "Windhelm" [WRLD:0001691D] at 32,10)
[00:00]           Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of WindhelmPalaceOfTheKingsExterior [CELL:00038380] (in WindhelmWorld "Windhelm" [WRLD:0001691D] at 32,10)
[00:00]         Above errors were found in :GRUP Exterior Cell Sub-Block 1, 4
[00:00]       Above errors were found in :GRUP Exterior Cell Block 0, 1
[00:00]                       Door -> [0F301193] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]                     Above errors were found in :Door Triangle #1
[00:00]                   Above errors were found in :Door Triangles
[00:00]                 Above errors were found in :NVNM - Geometry
[00:00]               Above errors were found in :[NAVM:000F7797] (in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of WindhelmMarketplaceExterior [CELL:00052580] (in WindhelmWorld "Windhelm" [WRLD:0001691D] at 31,8))
[00:00]             Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of WindhelmMarketplaceExterior [CELL:00052580] (in WindhelmWorld "Windhelm" [WRLD:0001691D] at 31,8)
[00:00]           Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of WindhelmMarketplaceExterior [CELL:00052580] (in WindhelmWorld "Windhelm" [WRLD:0001691D] at 31,8)
[00:00]                       Door -> [0F301194] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]                     Above errors were found in :Door Triangle #1
[00:00]                   Above errors were found in :Door Triangles
[00:00]                 Above errors were found in :NVNM - Geometry
[00:00]               Above errors were found in :[NAVM:0002E50F] (in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:00038385] (in WindhelmWorld "Windhelm" [WRLD:0001691D] at 31,9))
[00:00]             Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:00038385] (in WindhelmWorld "Windhelm" [WRLD:0001691D] at 31,9)
[00:00]           Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of [CELL:00038385] (in WindhelmWorld "Windhelm" [WRLD:0001691D] at 31,9)
[00:00]         Above errors were found in :GRUP Exterior Cell Sub-Block 1, 3
[00:00]       Above errors were found in :GRUP Exterior Cell Block 0, 0
[00:00]     Above errors were found in :GRUP World Children of WindhelmWorld "Windhelm" [WRLD:0001691D]
[00:00]                 NAME - Base -> [0C00969B] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]               Above errors were found in :[REFR:000D6825] (places [0C00969B] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DawnstarExterior08 [CELL:00008EB6] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 6,25))
[00:00]             Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DawnstarExterior08 [CELL:00008EB6] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 6,25)
[00:00]           Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of DawnstarExterior08 [CELL:00008EB6] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 6,25)
[00:00]                 NAME - Base -> [0C00912A] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]               Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C99D5C1] (places [0C00912A] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Dawnstar03Exterior [CELL:00008EB5] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 7,25))
[00:00]             Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Dawnstar03Exterior [CELL:00008EB5] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 7,25)
[00:00]           Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of Dawnstar03Exterior [CELL:00008EB5] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 7,25)
[00:00]                 NAME - Base -> [0C009694] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]               Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C99D5D5] (places [0C009694] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DawnstarExterior04 [CELL:00008E96] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 7,26))
[00:00]             Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DawnstarExterior04 [CELL:00008E96] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 7,26)
[00:00]           Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of DawnstarExterior04 [CELL:00008E96] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 7,26)
[00:00]         Above errors were found in :GRUP Exterior Cell Sub-Block 3, 0
[00:00]       Above errors were found in :GRUP Exterior Cell Block 0, 0
[00:00]               Door -> [0F302259] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]             Above errors were found in :XTEL - Teleport Destination
[00:00]             NAME - Base -> [0F301B1B] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]           Above errors were found in :[REFR:1130225B] (places [0F301B1B] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:00000D74] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 0,0))
[00:00]         Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:00000D74] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 0,0)
[00:00]       Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of [CELL:00000D74] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 0,0)
[00:00]                 NAME - Base -> [0D002985] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]               Above errors were found in :[ACHR:0F002986] (places [0D002985] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of IvarsteadExterior01 [CELL:000097A0] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 18,-16))
[00:00]             Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of IvarsteadExterior01 [CELL:000097A0] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 18,-16)
[00:00]           Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of IvarsteadExterior01 [CELL:000097A0] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 18,-16)
[00:00]         Above errors were found in :GRUP Exterior Cell Sub-Block -2, 2
[00:00]                       Door -> [0F019AB0] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]                     Above errors were found in :Door Triangle #1
[00:00]                       Door -> [0F100016] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]                     Above errors were found in :Door Triangle #0
[00:00]                   Above errors were found in :Door Triangles
[00:00]                 Above errors were found in :NVNM - Geometry
[00:00]               Above errors were found in :[NAVM:000A3449] (in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of WhiterunExterior15 [CELL:0000963B] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 3,-4))
[00:00]             Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of WhiterunExterior15 [CELL:0000963B] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 3,-4)
[00:00]           Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of WhiterunExterior15 [CELL:0000963B] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 3,-4)
[00:00]                       Door -> [0F100017] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]                     Above errors were found in :Door Triangle #1
[00:00]                       Door -> [0F100003] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]                     Above errors were found in :Door Triangle #0
[00:00]                   Above errors were found in :Door Triangles
[00:00]                 Above errors were found in :NVNM - Geometry
[00:00]               Above errors were found in :[NAVM:000B8335] (in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of WhiterunExterior16 [CELL:0000963A] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 4,-4))
[00:00]             Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of WhiterunExterior16 [CELL:0000963A] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 4,-4)
[00:00]           Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of WhiterunExterior16 [CELL:0000963A] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 4,-4)
[00:00]                       Door -> [0F301B1C] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]                     Above errors were found in :Door Triangle #0
[00:00]                   Above errors were found in :Door Triangles
[00:00]                 Above errors were found in :NVNM - Geometry
[00:00]               Above errors were found in :[NAVM:000EA098] (in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of WhiterunExterior04 [CELL:000095FC] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 4,-2))
[00:00]             Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of WhiterunExterior04 [CELL:000095FC] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 4,-2)
[00:00]           Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of WhiterunExterior04 [CELL:000095FC] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 4,-2)
[00:00]         Above errors were found in :GRUP Exterior Cell Sub-Block -1, 0
[00:00]       Above errors were found in :GRUP Exterior Cell Block -1, 0
[00:00]                 NAME - Base -> [0C000D62] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]               Above errors were found in :[REFR:00077E31] (places [0C000D62] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior02 [CELL:000093BD] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -9,15))
[00:00]             Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior02 [CELL:000093BD] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -9,15)
[00:00]           Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of MorthalExterior02 [CELL:000093BD] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -9,15)
[00:00]         Above errors were found in :GRUP Exterior Cell Sub-Block 1, -2
[00:00]                 NAME - Base -> [0C00A17A] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]               Above errors were found in :[REFR:12005902] (places [0C00A17A] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior03 [CELL:0000939C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -9,16))
[00:00]                 NAME - Base -> [0C000D6D] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]               Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C94122C] (places [0C000D6D] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior03 [CELL:0000939C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -9,16))
[00:00]                 NAME - Base -> [0C00912B] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]               Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C94122B] (places [0C00912B] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior03 [CELL:0000939C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -9,16))
[00:00]                 NAME - Base -> [0C008BC6] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]               Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C94122A] (places [0C008BC6] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior03 [CELL:0000939C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -9,16))
[00:00]                 NAME - Base -> [0C00912A] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]               Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C941229] (places [0C00912A] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior03 [CELL:0000939C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -9,16))
[00:00]                 NAME - Base -> [0C008BC6] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]               Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C941228] (places [0C008BC6] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior03 [CELL:0000939C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -9,16))
[00:00]                 NAME - Base -> [0C00864C] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]               Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C941227] (places [0C00864C] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior03 [CELL:0000939C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -9,16))
[00:00]                 NAME - Base -> [0C00912B] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]               Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C941226] (places [0C00912B] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior03 [CELL:0000939C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -9,16))
[00:00]                 NAME - Base -> [0C00912B] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]               Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C941225] (places [0C00912B] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior03 [CELL:0000939C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -9,16))
[00:00]                 NAME - Base -> [0C008BC5] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]               Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C9400D9] (places [0C008BC5] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior03 [CELL:0000939C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -9,16))
[00:00]             Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior03 [CELL:0000939C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -9,16)
[00:00]           Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of MorthalExterior03 [CELL:0000939C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -9,16)
[00:00]                 NAME - Base -> [0C00A197] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]               Above errors were found in :[REFR:12005904] (places [0C00A197] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior05 [CELL:0000937C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,17))
[00:00]                 NAME - Base -> [0C00A192] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]               Above errors were found in :[REFR:12005903] (places [0C00A192] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior05 [CELL:0000937C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,17))
[00:00]                 NAME - Base -> [0C00A195] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]               Above errors were found in :[REFR:0E00A194] (places [0C00A195] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior05 [CELL:0000937C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,17))
[00:00]                 NAME - Base -> [0C00969B] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]               Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C9409F1] (places [0C00969B] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior05 [CELL:0000937C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,17))
[00:00]                 NAME - Base -> [0C0080E3] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]               Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C9409F0] (places [0C0080E3] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior05 [CELL:0000937C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,17))
[00:00]                 NAME - Base -> [0C009129] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]               Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C9409EA] (places [0C009129] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior05 [CELL:0000937C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,17))
[00:00]                 NAME - Base -> [0C000D6D] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]               Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C9409E9] (places [0C000D6D] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior05 [CELL:0000937C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,17))
[00:00]                 NAME - Base -> [0C008BC5] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]               Above errors were found in :[REFR:00077EAE] (places [0C008BC5] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior05 [CELL:0000937C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,17))
[00:00]                 NAME - Base -> [0C002313] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]               Above errors were found in :[REFR:00077E2E] (places [0C002313] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior05 [CELL:0000937C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,17))
[00:00]             Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior05 [CELL:0000937C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,17)
[00:00]           Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of MorthalExterior05 [CELL:0000937C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,17)
[00:00]                 NAME - Base -> [0C000D6E] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]               Above errors were found in :[REFR:12005901] (places [0C000D6E] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior04 [CELL:0000939D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,16))
[00:00]                 NAME - Base -> [0C00A17C] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]               Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C999E5E] (places [0C00A17C] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior04 [CELL:0000939D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,16))
[00:00]                 NAME - Base -> [0C00969B] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]               Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C9400D8] (places [0C00969B] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior04 [CELL:0000939D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,16))
[00:00]                 NAME - Base -> [0C00864C] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]               Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C9400D5] (places [0C00864C] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior04 [CELL:0000939D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,16))
[00:00]                 NAME - Base -> [0C00969B] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]               Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C940047] (places [0C00969B] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior04 [CELL:0000939D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,16))
[00:00]                 NAME - Base -> [0C00969B] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]               Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C940045] (places [0C00969B] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior04 [CELL:0000939D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,16))
[00:00]                 NAME - Base -> [0C00969B] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]               Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C940044] (places [0C00969B] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior04 [CELL:0000939D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,16))
[00:00]             Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior04 [CELL:0000939D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,16)
[00:00]           Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of MorthalExterior04 [CELL:0000939D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,16)
[00:00]         Above errors were found in :GRUP Exterior Cell Sub-Block 2, -2
[00:00]       Above errors were found in :GRUP Exterior Cell Block 0, -1
[00:00]     Above errors were found in :GRUP World Children of Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C]
[00:00]   Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "WRLD"
[00:00]           XCAS - Acoustic Space -> [13002353] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]         Above errors were found in :DeadCroneRock01 "Dead Crone Rock" [CELL:00015295]
[00:00]       Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 7
[00:00]     Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Block 7
[00:00]           XCAS - Acoustic Space -> [13002447] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]         Above errors were found in :RiftenRatway01 "The Ratway" [CELL:0003B698]
[00:00]       Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 5
[00:00]           XCAS - Acoustic Space -> [130023F0] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]         Above errors were found in :WolfSkullCave02 "Wolfskull Ruins" [CELL:000AC5D2]
[00:00]       Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 0
[00:00]     Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Block 2
[00:00]           XCAS - Acoustic Space -> [13002445] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]         Above errors were found in :NchuandZel05 "Nchuand-Zel Quarters" [CELL:00058B4D]
[00:00]       Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 4
[00:00]           XCAS - Acoustic Space -> [130012DA] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]         Above errors were found in :Angarvunde01 "Angarvunde" [CELL:000152C1]
[00:00]       Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 2
[00:00]           XCAS - Acoustic Space -> [130012D9] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]         Above errors were found in :LostEchoCave01 "Lost Echo Cave" [CELL:00015253]
[00:00]       Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 1
[00:00]     Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Block 1
[00:00]           XCAS - Acoustic Space -> [130012DA] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]         Above errors were found in :SunderstoneGorge01 "Sunderstone Gorge" [CELL:0008B84D]
[00:00]       Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 6
[00:00]           XCAS - Acoustic Space -> [130012DA] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]         Above errors were found in :HalldirsCairn01 "Halldir's Cairn" [CELL:00015265]
[00:00]       Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 2
[00:00]     Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Block 9
[00:00]           XCAS - Acoustic Space -> [13002353] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]         Above errors were found in :WindhelmHalloftheDead "Hall of the Dead" [CELL:00016786]
[00:00]       Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 3
[00:00]           XCAS - Acoustic Space -> [130012DA] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]         Above errors were found in :BrittleShinPass01 "Brittleshin Pass" [CELL:00081DEC]
[00:00]       Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 4
[00:00]     Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Block 8
[00:00]               XLRL - Location Reference -> [0F300831] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]                 Navigation Mesh -> [0F300D69] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]               Above errors were found in :XNDP - Navigation Door Link
[00:00]             Above errors were found in :[REFR:1130343C] (places TrapdoorLadder02 "Door" [DOOR:0005AD3B] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of SSewersSolitude03 "Solitude Sewers, Cloaca Maxima" [CELL:11300043])
[00:00]           Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Persistent Children of SSewersSolitude03 "Solitude Sewers, Cloaca Maxima" [CELL:11300043]
[00:00]         Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of SSewersSolitude03 "Solitude Sewers, Cloaca Maxima" [CELL:11300043]
[00:00]           XEZN - Encounter Zone -> [0F302E43] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]           XLCN - Location -> [0F300831] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]         Above errors were found in :SSewersSolitude03 "Solitude Sewers, Cloaca Maxima" [CELL:11300043]
[00:00]       Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 9
[00:00]           XCAS - Acoustic Space -> [13002353] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]         Above errors were found in :SilentMoonsCamp01 "Silent Moons Camp" [CELL:00015211]
[00:00]       Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 4
[00:00]           XCAS - Acoustic Space -> [130012DA] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]         Above errors were found in :BrokenFangCave01 "Broken Fang Cave" [CELL:000152B1]
[00:00]       Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 0
[00:00]           XCAS - Acoustic Space -> [13002444] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]         Above errors were found in :Alftand02 "Alftand Animonculory" [CELL:00056C1B]
[00:00]       Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 5
[00:00]           XCAS - Acoustic Space -> [13001DA1] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]         Above errors were found in :SoljundsSinkhole01 "Soljund's Sinkhole" [CELL:000151F3]
[00:00]       Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 1
[00:00]     Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Block 5
[00:00]           XCAS - Acoustic Space -> [130012D9] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]         Above errors were found in :LiarsRetreat01 "Liar's Retreat" [CELL:000AA20C]
[00:00]       Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 4
[00:00]     Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Block 4
[00:00]           XCAS - Acoustic Space -> [13002445] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]         Above errors were found in :NchuandZel02 "Nchuand-Zel" [CELL:00055215]
[00:00]       Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 9
[00:00]           XCAS - Acoustic Space -> [130012DA] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]         Above errors were found in :GeirmundsHall01 "Geirmund's Hall" [CELL:000A5A71]
[00:00]       Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 1
[00:00]     Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Block 3
[00:00]           XCAS - Acoustic Space -> [13002444] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]         Above errors were found in :Mzinchaleft02 "Mzinchaleft Depths" [CELL:000BE46A]
[00:00]       Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 7
[00:00]           XCAS - Acoustic Space -> [130012D9] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]         Above errors were found in :TolvaldsCave03 "Tolvald's Crossing" [CELL:000275D8]
[00:00]       Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 4
[00:00]           XCAS - Acoustic Space -> [13002447] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00]         Above errors were found in :RiftenEsbernsVault "The Ratway Warrens" [CELL:0003B696]
[00:00]       Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 5
[00:00]     Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Block 0
[00:00]   Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "CELL"
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[12] REGS Merge wo renumbering.esp

I have tried with renumbering FormIDs and without, and the error results are the same. I have posted on the mods nexus thread, however, the author is currently irritated (assumes I am merging masters  :dry: ), and has yet to respond to my follow up response, whenever that might be.
I would really appreciate some help  ::):
Edited by MadWizard25

3 answers to this question

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Ok, an update.


I have gotten rid of the errors. Apparently, the merge script is sensitive to load order of the plugins to be merged in regards to their masters. All plugins to be merged MUST be moved after the last master they reference. By manually moving everything below 3DNPC.esp, the last master in the list of REGS patches, I merged the patches with Renumbering FormIDs, and hey presto, no unresolved references. In this case BOSS is not the answer.


Unfortunately, this information was not available on the mods nexus description and instructions. All credits go to noobzor on the nexus forums for figuring this out. I have no idea why it happens, but its solved. 

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Posted (edited)

So I'm bumping this topic, as it might help some other people too. I was pulling my hair out trying to figure out why nearly all the plugins I tried to merge came up with these errors, and this seems to be why.


What I would do is: run LOOT so it would position the plugins in the correct order, and then select only the plugins I wanted to merge in TES5Edit. This made sense to me logically, since you're supposed to have the plugins in the correct load order before you merge them. The only caveat is, like MadWizard25 said, you must have the plugins loaded after all the masters they reference, and the way LOOT (or BOSS) orders things will move some of the plugins you're merging before the masters of the other plugins to be used in the merge.


So basically: if you're having this problem just move all the plugins you're going to merge to the bottom of your load order and then merge them. Just make sure they're still in the correct order.

Edited by Arkaedius
  • 0

There is a known "bug" that is because of non-contingous plugins.


For Example:


A(being merged)

B(not being merged)

C(being merged)


you'll notice that there will be several broken references.

When merging its a must that you move all the plugins that are not being merged to the top of the LO.


To 'fix' the example above, use this LO






This is still a bug in the Merge Plugins Standalone PreAlpha #504, major believes his new method will eliminate this issue.

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