With some great help from the folks from the REGS thread, I have already done a little bit of troubleshooting, but as of yet the problem remains unresolved. I decided to post a new thread on the issue since the subject was a little off topic for the REGS thread.
The script seems to have installed fine (tried twice already), it executes fine, and my Tes5edit is up to date.
Currently I am trying to merge these mods, none which are masters and are therefore technically safe to merge;
ETaC - Complete LoS Patch.esp
ETaC - BFT Patch.esp
REGS Patch - NSutR.esp
REGS Patch - CRF.esp
REGS Patch - ORS.esp
REGS Patch - STEP Extended.esp
REGS Patch - 3DNPC.esp
The merge works fine. However, when reloading the merged plugin via tes5edit, and checking for errors, I get quite a few unresolved reference errors;
Reveal hidden contents
Checking for Errors in [12] REGS Merge wo renumbering.esp
[00:00] Door -> [0F301192] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :Door Triangle #4
[00:00] Above errors were found in :Door Triangles
[00:00] Above errors were found in :NVNM - Geometry
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[NAVM:0004B66C] (in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of WindhelmCandlehearthHallExterior [CELL:00038382] (in WindhelmWorld "Windhelm" [WRLD:0001691D] at 32,8))
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of WindhelmCandlehearthHallExterior [CELL:00038382] (in WindhelmWorld "Windhelm" [WRLD:0001691D] at 32,8)
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of WindhelmCandlehearthHallExterior [CELL:00038382] (in WindhelmWorld "Windhelm" [WRLD:0001691D] at 32,8)
[00:00] Door -> [151F1109] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :Door Triangle #4
[00:00] Above errors were found in :Door Triangles
[00:00] Above errors were found in :NVNM - Geometry
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[NAVM:000660C6] (in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:00038381] (in WindhelmWorld "Windhelm" [WRLD:0001691D] at 32,9))
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:00038381] (in WindhelmWorld "Windhelm" [WRLD:0001691D] at 32,9)
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of [CELL:00038381] (in WindhelmWorld "Windhelm" [WRLD:0001691D] at 32,9)
[00:00] Door -> [0F301191] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :Door Triangle #2
[00:00] Above errors were found in :Door Triangles
[00:00] Above errors were found in :NVNM - Geometry
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[NAVM:000ED015] (in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of WindhelmPalaceOfTheKingsExterior [CELL:00038380] (in WindhelmWorld "Windhelm" [WRLD:0001691D] at 32,10))
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of WindhelmPalaceOfTheKingsExterior [CELL:00038380] (in WindhelmWorld "Windhelm" [WRLD:0001691D] at 32,10)
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of WindhelmPalaceOfTheKingsExterior [CELL:00038380] (in WindhelmWorld "Windhelm" [WRLD:0001691D] at 32,10)
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Exterior Cell Sub-Block 1, 4
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Exterior Cell Block 0, 1
[00:00] Door -> [0F301193] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :Door Triangle #1
[00:00] Above errors were found in :Door Triangles
[00:00] Above errors were found in :NVNM - Geometry
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[NAVM:000F7797] (in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of WindhelmMarketplaceExterior [CELL:00052580] (in WindhelmWorld "Windhelm" [WRLD:0001691D] at 31,8))
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of WindhelmMarketplaceExterior [CELL:00052580] (in WindhelmWorld "Windhelm" [WRLD:0001691D] at 31,8)
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of WindhelmMarketplaceExterior [CELL:00052580] (in WindhelmWorld "Windhelm" [WRLD:0001691D] at 31,8)
[00:00] Door -> [0F301194] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :Door Triangle #1
[00:00] Above errors were found in :Door Triangles
[00:00] Above errors were found in :NVNM - Geometry
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[NAVM:0002E50F] (in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:00038385] (in WindhelmWorld "Windhelm" [WRLD:0001691D] at 31,9))
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:00038385] (in WindhelmWorld "Windhelm" [WRLD:0001691D] at 31,9)
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of [CELL:00038385] (in WindhelmWorld "Windhelm" [WRLD:0001691D] at 31,9)
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Exterior Cell Sub-Block 1, 3
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Exterior Cell Block 0, 0
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP World Children of WindhelmWorld "Windhelm" [WRLD:0001691D]
[00:00] NAME - Base -> [0C00969B] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[REFR:000D6825] (places [0C00969B] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DawnstarExterior08 [CELL:00008EB6] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 6,25))
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DawnstarExterior08 [CELL:00008EB6] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 6,25)
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of DawnstarExterior08 [CELL:00008EB6] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 6,25)
[00:00] NAME - Base -> [0C00912A] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C99D5C1] (places [0C00912A] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Dawnstar03Exterior [CELL:00008EB5] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 7,25))
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Dawnstar03Exterior [CELL:00008EB5] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 7,25)
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of Dawnstar03Exterior [CELL:00008EB5] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 7,25)
[00:00] NAME - Base -> [0C009694] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C99D5D5] (places [0C009694] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DawnstarExterior04 [CELL:00008E96] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 7,26))
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DawnstarExterior04 [CELL:00008E96] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 7,26)
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of DawnstarExterior04 [CELL:00008E96] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 7,26)
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Exterior Cell Sub-Block 3, 0
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Exterior Cell Block 0, 0
[00:00] Door -> [0F302259] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :XTEL - Teleport Destination
[00:00] NAME - Base -> [0F301B1B] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[REFR:1130225B] (places [0F301B1B] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:00000D74] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 0,0))
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:00000D74] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 0,0)
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of [CELL:00000D74] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 0,0)
[00:00] NAME - Base -> [0D002985] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[ACHR:0F002986] (places [0D002985] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of IvarsteadExterior01 [CELL:000097A0] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 18,-16))
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of IvarsteadExterior01 [CELL:000097A0] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 18,-16)
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of IvarsteadExterior01 [CELL:000097A0] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 18,-16)
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Exterior Cell Sub-Block -2, 2
[00:00] Door -> [0F019AB0] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :Door Triangle #1
[00:00] Door -> [0F100016] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :Door Triangle #0
[00:00] Above errors were found in :Door Triangles
[00:00] Above errors were found in :NVNM - Geometry
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[NAVM:000A3449] (in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of WhiterunExterior15 [CELL:0000963B] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 3,-4))
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of WhiterunExterior15 [CELL:0000963B] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 3,-4)
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of WhiterunExterior15 [CELL:0000963B] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 3,-4)
[00:00] Door -> [0F100017] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :Door Triangle #1
[00:00] Door -> [0F100003] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :Door Triangle #0
[00:00] Above errors were found in :Door Triangles
[00:00] Above errors were found in :NVNM - Geometry
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[NAVM:000B8335] (in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of WhiterunExterior16 [CELL:0000963A] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 4,-4))
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of WhiterunExterior16 [CELL:0000963A] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 4,-4)
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of WhiterunExterior16 [CELL:0000963A] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 4,-4)
[00:00] Door -> [0F301B1C] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :Door Triangle #0
[00:00] Above errors were found in :Door Triangles
[00:00] Above errors were found in :NVNM - Geometry
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[NAVM:000EA098] (in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of WhiterunExterior04 [CELL:000095FC] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 4,-2))
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of WhiterunExterior04 [CELL:000095FC] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 4,-2)
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of WhiterunExterior04 [CELL:000095FC] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 4,-2)
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Exterior Cell Sub-Block -1, 0
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Exterior Cell Block -1, 0
[00:00] NAME - Base -> [0C000D62] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[REFR:00077E31] (places [0C000D62] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior02 [CELL:000093BD] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -9,15))
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior02 [CELL:000093BD] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -9,15)
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of MorthalExterior02 [CELL:000093BD] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -9,15)
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Exterior Cell Sub-Block 1, -2
[00:00] NAME - Base -> [0C00A17A] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[REFR:12005902] (places [0C00A17A] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior03 [CELL:0000939C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -9,16))
[00:00] NAME - Base -> [0C000D6D] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C94122C] (places [0C000D6D] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior03 [CELL:0000939C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -9,16))
[00:00] NAME - Base -> [0C00912B] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C94122B] (places [0C00912B] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior03 [CELL:0000939C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -9,16))
[00:00] NAME - Base -> [0C008BC6] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C94122A] (places [0C008BC6] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior03 [CELL:0000939C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -9,16))
[00:00] NAME - Base -> [0C00912A] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C941229] (places [0C00912A] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior03 [CELL:0000939C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -9,16))
[00:00] NAME - Base -> [0C008BC6] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C941228] (places [0C008BC6] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior03 [CELL:0000939C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -9,16))
[00:00] NAME - Base -> [0C00864C] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C941227] (places [0C00864C] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior03 [CELL:0000939C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -9,16))
[00:00] NAME - Base -> [0C00912B] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C941226] (places [0C00912B] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior03 [CELL:0000939C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -9,16))
[00:00] NAME - Base -> [0C00912B] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C941225] (places [0C00912B] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior03 [CELL:0000939C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -9,16))
[00:00] NAME - Base -> [0C008BC5] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C9400D9] (places [0C008BC5] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior03 [CELL:0000939C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -9,16))
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior03 [CELL:0000939C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -9,16)
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of MorthalExterior03 [CELL:0000939C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -9,16)
[00:00] NAME - Base -> [0C00A197] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[REFR:12005904] (places [0C00A197] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior05 [CELL:0000937C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,17))
[00:00] NAME - Base -> [0C00A192] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[REFR:12005903] (places [0C00A192] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior05 [CELL:0000937C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,17))
[00:00] NAME - Base -> [0C00A195] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[REFR:0E00A194] (places [0C00A195] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior05 [CELL:0000937C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,17))
[00:00] NAME - Base -> [0C00969B] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C9409F1] (places [0C00969B] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior05 [CELL:0000937C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,17))
[00:00] NAME - Base -> [0C0080E3] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C9409F0] (places [0C0080E3] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior05 [CELL:0000937C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,17))
[00:00] NAME - Base -> [0C009129] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C9409EA] (places [0C009129] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior05 [CELL:0000937C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,17))
[00:00] NAME - Base -> [0C000D6D] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C9409E9] (places [0C000D6D] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior05 [CELL:0000937C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,17))
[00:00] NAME - Base -> [0C008BC5] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[REFR:00077EAE] (places [0C008BC5] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior05 [CELL:0000937C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,17))
[00:00] NAME - Base -> [0C002313] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[REFR:00077E2E] (places [0C002313] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior05 [CELL:0000937C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,17))
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior05 [CELL:0000937C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,17)
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of MorthalExterior05 [CELL:0000937C] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,17)
[00:00] NAME - Base -> [0C000D6E] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[REFR:12005901] (places [0C000D6E] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior04 [CELL:0000939D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,16))
[00:00] NAME - Base -> [0C00A17C] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C999E5E] (places [0C00A17C] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior04 [CELL:0000939D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,16))
[00:00] NAME - Base -> [0C00969B] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C9400D8] (places [0C00969B] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior04 [CELL:0000939D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,16))
[00:00] NAME - Base -> [0C00864C] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C9400D5] (places [0C00864C] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior04 [CELL:0000939D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,16))
[00:00] NAME - Base -> [0C00969B] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C940047] (places [0C00969B] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior04 [CELL:0000939D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,16))
[00:00] NAME - Base -> [0C00969B] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C940045] (places [0C00969B] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior04 [CELL:0000939D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,16))
[00:00] NAME - Base -> [0C00969B] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[REFR:0C940044] (places [0C00969B] <Error: Could not be resolved> in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior04 [CELL:0000939D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,16))
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of MorthalExterior04 [CELL:0000939D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,16)
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of MorthalExterior04 [CELL:0000939D] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -10,16)
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Exterior Cell Sub-Block 2, -2
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Exterior Cell Block 0, -1
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP World Children of Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C]
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "WRLD"
[00:00] XCAS - Acoustic Space -> [13002353] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :DeadCroneRock01 "Dead Crone Rock" [CELL:00015295]
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 7
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Block 7
[00:00] XCAS - Acoustic Space -> [13002447] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :RiftenRatway01 "The Ratway" [CELL:0003B698]
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 5
[00:00] XCAS - Acoustic Space -> [130023F0] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :WolfSkullCave02 "Wolfskull Ruins" [CELL:000AC5D2]
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 0
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Block 2
[00:00] XCAS - Acoustic Space -> [13002445] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :NchuandZel05 "Nchuand-Zel Quarters" [CELL:00058B4D]
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 4
[00:00] XCAS - Acoustic Space -> [130012DA] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :Angarvunde01 "Angarvunde" [CELL:000152C1]
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 2
[00:00] XCAS - Acoustic Space -> [130012D9] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :LostEchoCave01 "Lost Echo Cave" [CELL:00015253]
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 1
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Block 1
[00:00] XCAS - Acoustic Space -> [130012DA] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :SunderstoneGorge01 "Sunderstone Gorge" [CELL:0008B84D]
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 6
[00:00] XCAS - Acoustic Space -> [130012DA] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :HalldirsCairn01 "Halldir's Cairn" [CELL:00015265]
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 2
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Block 9
[00:00] XCAS - Acoustic Space -> [13002353] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :WindhelmHalloftheDead "Hall of the Dead" [CELL:00016786]
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 3
[00:00] XCAS - Acoustic Space -> [130012DA] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :BrittleShinPass01 "Brittleshin Pass" [CELL:00081DEC]
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 4
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Block 8
[00:00] XLRL - Location Reference -> [0F300831] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Navigation Mesh -> [0F300D69] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :XNDP - Navigation Door Link
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[REFR:1130343C] (places TrapdoorLadder02 "Door" [DOOR:0005AD3B] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of SSewersSolitude03 "Solitude Sewers, Cloaca Maxima" [CELL:11300043])
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Persistent Children of SSewersSolitude03 "Solitude Sewers, Cloaca Maxima" [CELL:11300043]
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of SSewersSolitude03 "Solitude Sewers, Cloaca Maxima" [CELL:11300043]
[00:00] XEZN - Encounter Zone -> [0F302E43] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] XLCN - Location -> [0F300831] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :SSewersSolitude03 "Solitude Sewers, Cloaca Maxima" [CELL:11300043]
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 9
[00:00] XCAS - Acoustic Space -> [13002353] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :SilentMoonsCamp01 "Silent Moons Camp" [CELL:00015211]
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 4
[00:00] XCAS - Acoustic Space -> [130012DA] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :BrokenFangCave01 "Broken Fang Cave" [CELL:000152B1]
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 0
[00:00] XCAS - Acoustic Space -> [13002444] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :Alftand02 "Alftand Animonculory" [CELL:00056C1B]
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 5
[00:00] XCAS - Acoustic Space -> [13001DA1] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :SoljundsSinkhole01 "Soljund's Sinkhole" [CELL:000151F3]
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 1
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Block 5
[00:00] XCAS - Acoustic Space -> [130012D9] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :LiarsRetreat01 "Liar's Retreat" [CELL:000AA20C]
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 4
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Block 4
[00:00] XCAS - Acoustic Space -> [13002445] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :NchuandZel02 "Nchuand-Zel" [CELL:00055215]
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 9
[00:00] XCAS - Acoustic Space -> [130012DA] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GeirmundsHall01 "Geirmund's Hall" [CELL:000A5A71]
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 1
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Block 3
[00:00] XCAS - Acoustic Space -> [13002444] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :Mzinchaleft02 "Mzinchaleft Depths" [CELL:000BE46A]
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 7
[00:00] XCAS - Acoustic Space -> [130012D9] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :TolvaldsCave03 "Tolvald's Crossing" [CELL:000275D8]
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 4
[00:00] XCAS - Acoustic Space -> [13002447] <Error: Could not be resolved>
[00:00] Above errors were found in :RiftenEsbernsVault "The Ratway Warrens" [CELL:0003B696]
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 5
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Block 0
[00:00] Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "CELL"
[00:00] Above errors were found in :[12] REGS Merge wo renumbering.esp
I have tried with renumbering FormIDs and without, and the error results are the same. I have posted on the mods nexus thread, however, the author is currently irritated (assumes I am merging masters ), and has yet to respond to my follow up response, whenever that might be.
I am currently trying to merge mods using the Merge Plugins TES5Edit Script v1.6 by Mator.
With some great help from the folks from the REGS thread, I have already done a little bit of troubleshooting, but as of yet the problem remains unresolved. I decided to post a new thread on the issue since the subject was a little off topic for the REGS thread.
The script seems to have installed fine (tried twice already), it executes fine, and my Tes5edit is up to date.
Currently I am trying to merge these mods, none which are masters and are therefore technically safe to merge;
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