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[Solved] Close to having 2.2.8 installed NO ADS.esp



Vanilla install.

The STEP core patch is giving me the following message that I am unable to find the mod for.  Given the prevalence of ADS.esp when searching, I am seem to be missing something frequently installed though I've been through core twice now and am unable to figure out where ADS.esp is supposed to come from.




As an aside, ConsistentPriests and SPTConsistentOlderPeople are dependencies within STEP Core Patch 2.2.8 though they also pull in BYOD which is not a part of core.

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Thank you!  Odd behavior.  Just reinstalling  Smooth Blade and Sheath WITHOUT installing the optional patch gave me ADS.esp.


Thoughts on where to get SPTConsistentOlderPeople.esp?


I tried to edit STEP Core Patch.esp in the creator kit to remove the dependency though the kit dies at launch which I suspect would take me down a different rabbit hole...

S.T.E.P 2.2.8 says:

Use the "Consistent Older People 18 All NPCs Loose Assets" optional file. (Or use "Consistent Older People 18 All NPCs BOYD compatible Loose Assets" if using Bring Out Your Dead.)


This did not work for me.


I had to use "Consistent Older People 18" and then choose:

"10 Plugin All"

"20 Assets All Loose"




As part of the DiversePriests patch install.

Unselect "DiversePriests_BringOutYourDeadPatch.esp"

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The STEP Core Patch, Diverse Priests, and Consistent older people do not need BYOD if you use the correct versions. I just rechecked everything and you may have the wrong version of some mods.


Not clear on the Consistent older people problem... the optional file is fine.

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Because there are a lot of files in the Consistent Older People nexus page you just checked against the following two files (nothing else from that page):

Consistent Older People 18 All NPCs

(from under the optional section)

Consistent Older People 18 All NPCs Loose Assets


When installing in the above order, should ...Loose Assets merge or replace?

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Ah! Found the issue! Thank You


Must Right Click on the mod / Information, "Optional ESPs"

and then "arrow" the file down. The esp is NOT installed by default.


Here is what I did in detail.


So I tested by uninstalling Consistent Older People and then just installing:

Consistent Older People 18 All NPCs Loose Assets


from file:

Consistent Older People 18 All NPCs Loose Assets-19730-1-8.7z


In the "mods" pane of MO "Consistent Older People" is grayed out with a "No valid game data" red X next to it.

The esp does not appear to be installed.


I then:

Right Clicked on the mod / Information, "Optional ESPs"

and then "arrow" the file down. The esp is NOT installed by default.

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When you install mods that aren't in the correct format you need to select a data directory. In the case of Consistent Older People that means when you double click the file in the right pane and the pop up shows you  the mod files, that you need to right click the correct folder that will act as the data directory. In the case of this mod you choose Data.

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  On 2/16/2014 at 4:26 AM, EssArrBee said:

It is from smooth blade draw and sheath.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Thank you SO much! This is one of those annoying issues because searching for references to a plugin by it's filename isn't always successful.

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