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VEGA Extended

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Good evening,


ASIS is unstable (along others spawning mods) as far as I know but a real good one on the same time. It makes the engine calculate more often thus CTDs more often.

Although it is a great mod, it seems hard to add it along with the VEGA Extended Pack which is in a frozen state (am I right?) at the moment.

Obviously this is only my opinion.


Edit: A patch is available for SkyRe to run along Apocalypse Spell Package, did someone try it?

Edit 2: Will try it anyway.

Edit 3: I guess Nearox is working on updating the pack, thanks if so. I didn't see your work commitments, some posts before, sorry.

Edit 4: I already use Realistic Room Rental enhanced version instead. Do I still have to install the basic version (thus removing the REGS' one)?

Edit 5: I will install this pack anyway and report anything relevant;).

Edit 6: BOSS doesn't recognize the basic version of RRR as the proper one for the BQO Patch. I suggest to rename the esp as the bsa has already been unpacked OR to not check the BQO Patch.



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