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Skyrim Revisited Legendary Post INI Tweak Discrepency



The Post skyrimprefs.ini tweak says to put 





This tweak is labeled as CPU dependent. 


I understand that this is due to SkyMills/Skyfalls. I asked Prod80 about this (author of the fog patch for COT who recommends to put it at 2500.) 


He said to me:



"8000!???! that's nuts... your PC wont be able to handle more than 3000 anyway unless you run SLI Titans lol


Then dont change a thing



PS. what mod author got it in their heads to allow 8K particles?? My fog with ENB will drop a GTX670 to under 20 FPS and that's just ~1000-1200 particles (on heavy modded game though)


the tweak is GPU dependant.


Particles run on the GPU, not CPU.


You cant run 8000 particles, your system would melt. Its very heavily exaggerated. author should know how many extra particles spawn, but for certain its nowhere near 8000. 8000 is a ridiculous amount of particles."



I am confused because I notice NO FPS decrease when putting particles to 8,000 with RW2 and Skyfalls. I do not have SLI Titans. Neovalan, can you comment on this? Or Salvador?

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Just because you increase the MAX limit does not mean that 8000 particles are used... if they where they would kill anything not a super computer who had time to think about it.


I believe we already did cover this in a pm too bro ?

That part I understand. And yes, we did cover that. The part that I am wondering, is as to whether this is a GPU-related tweak or a CPU-related tweak. Salvador claims CPU. Prod80 claims GPU. Both are reputable and great mod authors so I'm 'interested' to see which it is. I guess I just have too much time on my hands. 
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Both could be right, you can pre render a particle system so it can run on both CPU and GPU respectively. Guess it is a bit of both worlds. The way I think about it is the following.


You can add more and more particle systems via the CK. Depending on a number of things, then perhaps the CPU can get into trouble first since it has to load all the objects into the game. Or perhaps the GPU will get into trouble because it has to render it all once loaded.

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Both could be right, you can pre render a particle system so it can run on both CPU and GPU respectively. Guess it is a bit of both worlds. The way I think about it is the following.


You can add more and more particle systems via the CK. Depending on a number of things, then perhaps the CPU can get into trouble first since it has to load all the objects into the game. Or perhaps the GPU will get into trouble because it has to render it all once loaded.

Makes sense. Could be that it depends on the CPU. Maybe if you have a weaker CPU, it puts the load on the GPU. Kind of like using Physx on an AMD card. It's supposed to be processed by the GPU but since AMD doesnt' support Physx, it ends up putting it on the CPU which handles it WAY WAY worse.
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Look, first - I dont like it when you copy-paste PM into a public post. They are called "PRIVATE" messages for a reason. It's OK to start to make a post about it, but I really hate it when you simply copy/paste words over. Besides you leave important pieces out... like putting your game at a max of 8K particles while the max ever in your screen wont exceed 1.5K... of course there is NO drop in performance then.


Second, what you want to know can easily be tested. I dont see what is so challenging about calling a fog weather of my patch in game and monitoring your system meanwhile.

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I apologize then. The mods can remove this entire thread if you'd like. I didn't think your messages were disrespectful or incorrect. they just seemed straight forward and had good information so that is why I thought it was okay to post them. Next time a situation like this arises, I will paraphrase it instead. Again, I apologize for posting our private conversation and if you'd like, I'm sure a mod would be more than happy to remove the thread. I am a great fan of your mods and I will be more respectful and aware in the future.

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