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ne1 have this? Weird texture POV line shenanigans


Posted (edited)

[EDIT] My problem was a Shadow Line Render Issue. 

This is indeed a shadow issue. If you have the power to run your shadowdistance at 12000.000 or higher, you will not see this line anymore.

ENB Series Works Wonders on shadows lines and many other things.  From Skylighting to SSAO.
I had to use the .0004 also with my build for compatibility.

Backup/EDiT  SkyrimPrefs.ini
Under [Display] section change fshadowdistance=10000.0000
You probably don't need the .0000 (ten thousanths) place mark. 

Salvador said 12000 or higher. If your PC can handle it.
fNearDistance=19.0000 or any number from 15.0000-23.0000 is another fix I found

Also this Might interest someone:

Distance of 3000 makes the shadows real nice up close. But also draws that ugly line closer. Setting it higher pushes that line further away, but again, makes the shadows less nice. Do you use ENB. you can use ENBoost and activate the shadows only with little performance impact. Makes it possible to set the shadowdistance higher without the shadows becoming noticably ugly. Also ENB makes shadows better in general. Set bDrawLandShadows=1 if you use ENB as well as bFloatPointRenderTarget=1. I'm not sure if there is a preset only enabling shadows, but it should be easy to make it yourself.

Edit: indoor a distance of 4000 is my personal sweet spot (just find your personal flavor Wink). no need to go higher. Higher only for outdoor.

Thank You STEP Community.

Original Post.  Didn't think I should delete it.  Maybe it should:

Here's the problem:

This video doesn't do it justice.  Its really Pronounce.  Not Game Breaking but quite annoying.

Sweetfx makes it more pronounce but I still have it without injectors.
I have gone to default and back again.  Same thing.

i5 3570k
HD7770 1GB
MSI z77a-GD65  with VirtuMVP enabled. but its the same with/without
16GB Gskill
1TB Hdd


Edited by Greg
Corrected bbcode

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update: I fixed my problem for this post.  I used the generic v0004 for Nvidia Optimus on ENB dev website.


and oh yea...since running ENB:

My Wierd POV Line shadow shenanigans are pretty much gone. lol.

Thanks guys.



original ENB post:




I'm having a rough time with Shift+Enter. Had it up earlier but now I don't. It was an older enb like 192 something... I want The Wilds enb preset.

BUT can't access the in game GUI by shift+enter No Matter what EnB version/preset I choose.


enblocal.ini says default for the keybindings. 


ENB version msg. appears Top Left of Main Menu (in White font)

red letters right after enb version msg says: "Graphic Modification disabled" with the speed hack enabled.

but where Yellow letters say something like "shift+enter for GUI" Does NOT come up.




installed manually a few times. now I am using ENB manager.

What is hanging me up is this blue ENB in game GUI.

I have the ENB configurator. but I want the ingame gui so I can see whats a performance hog and what is not.

I am following the STEP ENB install guide. gunna keep searching dif. search terms that have to do with the in game GUI and ENB.


I am using ENB v224 Injector version.

I'll try the wrapper to see If I get the GUI with that.


Any help would be appreciated but no big deal. I'll figure it out eventually.





Thank You Aiyen and Salvador for the info and being patient with me:D 

Haha, no problem,


Glad you solved it!

Happy gaming!

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