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Skill books not giving skill points? And minus skill points in lock picking.



Would anyone be able to suggest which type of mods could be causing this to happen? I know that it has been a problem for one or two people in vanilla at some point in time and it doesn't necessarily bother me too much but I have the following suspicions for the book issue: 


- Books, Books, Books

- Classic Classes and Birthsigns by Kearsage



ALSO: I have -35 in lockpicking. I open locks by using the 'open lock spell' which comes with Lock Overhaul. I'm wondering if it is an intended part of that mod? I tried looking it up but I can't find any information.


ALSO 2: While I am here can someone tell me the radiant quest requirements for the 'Blacksmithing tutorial' side mission? Up until now, every time I played on the xBox I got the option to ask Alvor if he needed a hand at the forge. I know another two blacksmiths can do this quest but I couldn't ask Adrienne either. Hopefully it will let me after I do the delivery quest for her?

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I have no clue I'm afraid but for your first ALSO! do you mean is sending the skill negative like that a feature of Lock Overhaul? No, it can't be, surely.

Alvor always let me help him out and I think her in Whiterun let me too one time but with Alvor that's right at the start so there can't be requirements for that!?

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Do you use BYOG (ACE plugin) mod? Or in fact any other mod that slows down levelling rate? This may be a cause for skillbooks not working (i.e. it does not raise skill because the background "points" you get from reading the book are not enough to take the skill to next level).


Not sure about -35 lockpicking skill. I use LO and I never came across this problem, so it shouldn't be this mod.


Economics of Skyrim is the only mod that I know that would touch blacksmithing tutorial quests, due to workstation rental functionality it introduces.

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[Do you use BYOG (ACE plugin) mod? Or in fact any other mod that slows down levelling rate?]

Aside from Skyrim Uncapper, no.


Ah sugar, I was liking Economics of Skyrim too. Guess I'll have to either go without or pick an alternative.

Are you using custom uncapper ini file or did you change the default one? I am not sure how changing levelling rate via uncapper ini  will affect the skillbook skillpoints - but it may be the reason.


Still, there is no explanation for negative lockpicking skill value.

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I can't remember with the Uncapper but I had to start over because I hadn't been following the safety routines right, etc. Got the save I was on but prob will just start anew.


ANYWAY: found the likely culprit for the minus skill points:


"selyb 11 kudos157 posts

[sDeden, on 9 March 2013 11:38:45, said:

Is it normal that I have a bunch of skills that start way in the negatives and my other skills started more around level 10/15/20 rather than 25 as the description says?]


Only if you use this with another mod that changes starting values like Character Creation Overhaul."

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