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Can not copy [REFR:00033DCB] (places ShrineOfAzura01 [STAT:00033DCA



Hi All, I'm getting an error when I try to finish the setup for DynDOLOD. I'm running the exe using the -sse command and keep getting an error "Exception in unit process line 87: Can not copy [REFR:00033DCB] (places ShrineOfAzura01 [sTAT:00033DCA] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:00000D74] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C]) at 27,19) from Elizabeth's Tower - Azura Shrine.esp into DynDOLOD.esp Assertion failure (C:\Delphi\projects\DynDOLOD\wbImplementation.pas, line 14062)"


Here is the full bug. Any suggestions or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

date/time          : 2020-07-05, 10:38:31, 903ms
computer name      : SANCTUARY-HOME
user name          : Adam <admin>
registered owner   : Adam
operating system   : Windows 10 x64 build 19041
system language    : English
system up time     : 2 days
program up time    : 2 minutes 7 seconds
processors         : 12x AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor
physical memory    : 23263/32683 MB (free/total)
free disk space    : (C:) 403.75 GB (A:) 1155.08 GB
display mode       : 1920x1080, 32 bit
process id         : $2940
allocated memory   : 1.34 GB
largest free block : 131025.96 GB
command line       : "A:\Programs\DynDOLOD\DynDOLODx64.exe" -sse
executable         : DynDOLODx64.exe
exec. date/time    : 2020-07-03 18:00
version            :
compiled with      : Delphi 10.2 Tokyo
madExcept version  : 5.0.0
callstack crc      : $66172e17, $0fd75740, $b8c02f29
count              : 2
exception number   : 1
exception class    : Exception
exception message  : Can not copy [REFR:00033DCB] (places ShrineOfAzura01 [STAT:00033DCA] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:00000D74] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C]) at 27,19) from Elizabeth's Tower - Azura Shrine.esp into DynDOLOD.esp Assertion failure (C:\Delphi\projects\DynDOLOD\wbImplementation.pas, line 14062).

main thread ($37e4):
015b7e85 +0de5 DynDOLODx64.exe wbScriptAdapterDynDOLOD  3834  +63 CopyOverrideToFile
015c8557 +01d7 DynDOLODx64.exe wbScriptAdapterDynDOLOD  5668   +1 DisableNeverfade
015df85a +37da DynDOLODx64.exe wbScriptAdapterDynDOLOD  9086 +450 DynDOLODProcessReference
015e6250 +1450 DynDOLODx64.exe wbScriptAdapterDynDOLOD  9964  +98 DynDOLODFindREFRs
0160b34e +04fe DynDOLODx64.exe wbScriptAdapterDynDOLOD 14083  +24 Dyn_DynDOLODFindREFRs
013ee45f +00bf DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            4316  +10 GetFun
013eee7b +031b DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            4514  +96 TJvInterpreterAdapter.GetValue
013f551c +009c DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            6277   +4 TJvInterpreterExpression.GetValue
013f665e +00ae DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            6568  +17 TJvInterpreterFunction.GetValue
013fc315 +0045 DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            8277   +1 TJvInterpreterUnit.GetValue
013f4640 +0260 DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            6062  +31 TJvInterpreterExpression.InternalGetValue
013f7c2e +007e DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            6979   +8 TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretIdentifier
013f6860 +00e0 DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            6606   +6 TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretStatement
013f7df1 +0111 DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            7015  +19 TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretBegin
013f6439 +0059 DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            6517  +11 TJvInterpreterFunction.InFunction
013fc908 +00d8 DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            8368  +14 TJvInterpreterUnit.ExecFunction
013fc514 +0244 DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            8308  +32 TJvInterpreterUnit.GetValue
013f4640 +0260 DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            6062  +31 TJvInterpreterExpression.InternalGetValue
013f7c2e +007e DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            6979   +8 TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretIdentifier
013f6860 +00e0 DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            6606   +6 TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretStatement
013f7df1 +0111 DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            7015  +19 TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretBegin
013f68af +012f DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            6616  +16 TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretStatement
013f7ee6 +0066 DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            7037   +8 TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretIf
013f68b9 +0139 DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            6618  +18 TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretStatement
013f7df1 +0111 DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            7015  +19 TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretBegin
013f68af +012f DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            6616  +16 TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretStatement
013f9a83 +0103 DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            7580  +24 TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretTry
013f68f3 +0173 DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            6632  +32 TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretStatement
013f7df1 +0111 DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            7015  +19 TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretBegin
013f68af +012f DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            6616  +16 TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretStatement
013f7ee6 +0066 DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            7037   +8 TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretIf
013f68b9 +0139 DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            6618  +18 TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretStatement
013f9a83 +0103 DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            7580  +24 TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretTry
013f68f3 +0173 DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            6632  +32 TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretStatement
013f7df1 +0111 DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            7015  +19 TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretBegin
013f6439 +0059 DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            6517  +11 TJvInterpreterFunction.InFunction
013fc908 +00d8 DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            8368  +14 TJvInterpreterUnit.ExecFunction
013fc514 +0244 DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            8308  +32 TJvInterpreterUnit.GetValue
013f4640 +0260 DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            6062  +31 TJvInterpreterExpression.InternalGetValue
013f26f9 +04d9 DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            5620  +14 Expression
013f2fd2 +0db2 DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            5738 +132 Expression
013f371f +005f DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            5830   +5 TJvInterpreterExpression.Expression1
013f3849 +0039 DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            5852   +4 TJvInterpreterExpression.Expression2
013f7eb0 +0030 DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            7031   +2 TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretIf
013f68b9 +0139 DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            6618  +18 TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretStatement
013f7df1 +0111 DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            7015  +19 TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretBegin
013f68af +012f DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            6616  +16 TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretStatement
013f8606 +02a6 DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            7197  +34 TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretFor
013f68d7 +0157 DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            6626  +26 TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretStatement
013f7df1 +0111 DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            7015  +19 TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretBegin
013f68af +012f DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            6616  +16 TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretStatement
013f7f2f +00af DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            7052  +23 TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretIf
013f68b9 +0139 DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            6618  +18 TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretStatement
013f9a83 +0103 DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            7580  +24 TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretTry
013f68f3 +0173 DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            6632  +32 TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretStatement
013f7df1 +0111 DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            7015  +19 TJvInterpreterFunction.InterpretBegin
013f6439 +0059 DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            6517  +11 TJvInterpreterFunction.InFunction
013fc908 +00d8 DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            8368  +14 TJvInterpreterUnit.ExecFunction
013fcdf2 +0222 DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            8427  +27 TJvInterpreterUnit.CallFunctionEx
013fcb6b +00eb DynDOLODx64.exe JvInterpreter            8390   +1 TJvInterpreterUnit.CallFunction
0153845e +019e DynDOLODx64.exe frmViewMain              7985  +10 TfrmMain.ApplyScript$ActRec.$0$Body
0156a038 +0268 DynDOLODx64.exe frmViewMain             14038  +30 TfrmMain.PerformLongAction
0153a4b4 +0724 DynDOLODx64.exe frmViewMain              7974  +74 TfrmMain.ApplyScript
01525466 +02c6 DynDOLODx64.exe frmViewMain              4753  +25 TfrmMain.DoRunScript
0157b3bb +004b DynDOLODx64.exe frmViewMain             16626   +8 TfrmMain.tmrGeneratorTimer
00788cd0 +0020 DynDOLODx64.exe Vcl.ExtCtrls                       TTimer.Timer
00788af8 +0038 DynDOLODx64.exe Vcl.ExtCtrls                       TTimer.WndProc
005e4963 +0023 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Classes                     StdWndProc
7ffc1a56 +0254 USER32.dll                                         DispatchMessageW
00844a5e +012e DynDOLODx64.exe Vcl.Forms                          TApplication.ProcessMessage
00844ad3 +0013 DynDOLODx64.exe Vcl.Forms                          TApplication.HandleMessage
00844f21 +00e1 DynDOLODx64.exe Vcl.Forms                          TApplication.Run
0164484e +00ce DynDOLODx64.exe DynDOLOD                  162  +18 initialization
7ffc1bdb +000e KERNEL32.DLL                                       BaseThreadInitThunk
7ffc1c2b +001b ntdll.dll                                          RtlUserThreadStart

main thread ($37e4), inner exception level 1:
>> EAssertionFailed, Assertion failure (C:\Delphi\projects\DynDOLOD\wbImplementation.pas, line 14062)
00c2af57 +217 DynDOLODx64.exe wbImplementation 14064  +9 TwbGroupRecord.Create
7ffc1a58 +027 USER32.dll                                 GetMessageW
004fbd19 +409 DynDOLODx64.exe madExcept                  HandleException
00507f02 +072 DynDOLODx64.exe madExcept                  InterceptAHandleExcept
00788b11 +051 DynDOLODx64.exe Vcl.ExtCtrls               TTimer.WndProc
005e4963 +023 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Classes             StdWndProc
7ffc1a56 +254 USER32.dll                                 DispatchMessageW
00844a5e +12e DynDOLODx64.exe Vcl.Forms                  TApplication.ProcessMessage
00844ad3 +013 DynDOLODx64.exe Vcl.Forms                  TApplication.HandleMessage
00844f21 +0e1 DynDOLODx64.exe Vcl.Forms                  TApplication.Run
0164484e +0ce DynDOLODx64.exe DynDOLOD           162 +18 initialization
7ffc1bdb +00e KERNEL32.DLL                               BaseThreadInitThunk
7ffc1c2b +01b ntdll.dll                                  RtlUserThreadStart

thread $23cc:
7ffc1a58 +97 USER32.dll    MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx
7ffc1bdb +0e KERNEL32.DLL  BaseThreadInitThunk
7ffc1c2b +1b ntdll.dll     RtlUserThreadStart

thread $36b8:
7ffc19e3 +87 KERNELBASE.dll                                     WaitForSingleObjectEx
0085bb0e +2e DynDOLODx64.exe VirtualTrees.WorkerThread  155  +4 TWorkerThread.Execute
005df1e0 +40 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Classes                     ThreadProc
00428126 +76 DynDOLODx64.exe BrainMM                   2540 +14 BrainMMThreadProxy
0041128a +3a DynDOLODx64.exe System                             ThreadWrapper
00508909 +49 DynDOLODx64.exe madExcept                          ThreadExceptFrame
7ffc1bdb +0e KERNEL32.DLL                                       BaseThreadInitThunk
7ffc1c2b +1b ntdll.dll                                          RtlUserThreadStart

thread $378c:
7ffc1bdb +0e KERNEL32.DLL  BaseThreadInitThunk
7ffc1c2b +1b ntdll.dll     RtlUserThreadStart

thread $1c44:
7ffc1bdb +0e KERNEL32.DLL  BaseThreadInitThunk
7ffc1c2b +1b ntdll.dll     RtlUserThreadStart

thread $27a4:
7ffc19e3 +087 KERNELBASE.dll                            WaitForSingleObjectEx
0048e844 +004 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitForSyncWaitObj
0048ea18 +028 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitOrSignalObj
0040f88e +07e DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
0040f921 +021 DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
00b2d2f3 +263 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Threading          TThreadPool.TQueueWorkerThread.Execute
005df1e0 +040 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Classes            ThreadProc
00428126 +076 DynDOLODx64.exe BrainMM          2540 +14 BrainMMThreadProxy
0041128a +03a DynDOLODx64.exe System                    ThreadWrapper
00508909 +049 DynDOLODx64.exe madExcept                 ThreadExceptFrame
7ffc1bdb +00e KERNEL32.DLL                              BaseThreadInitThunk
7ffc1c2b +01b ntdll.dll                                 RtlUserThreadStart

thread $1fac:
7ffc19e3 +087 KERNELBASE.dll                            WaitForSingleObjectEx
0048e844 +004 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitForSyncWaitObj
0048ea18 +028 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitOrSignalObj
0040f88e +07e DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
0040f921 +021 DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
00b2d2f3 +263 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Threading          TThreadPool.TQueueWorkerThread.Execute
005df1e0 +040 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Classes            ThreadProc
00428126 +076 DynDOLODx64.exe BrainMM          2540 +14 BrainMMThreadProxy
0041128a +03a DynDOLODx64.exe System                    ThreadWrapper
00508909 +049 DynDOLODx64.exe madExcept                 ThreadExceptFrame
7ffc1bdb +00e KERNEL32.DLL                              BaseThreadInitThunk
7ffc1c2b +01b ntdll.dll                                 RtlUserThreadStart

thread $2d0c:
7ffc19e3 +087 KERNELBASE.dll                            WaitForSingleObjectEx
0048e844 +004 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitForSyncWaitObj
0048ea18 +028 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitOrSignalObj
0040f88e +07e DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
0040f921 +021 DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
00b2d2f3 +263 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Threading          TThreadPool.TQueueWorkerThread.Execute
005df1e0 +040 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Classes            ThreadProc
00428126 +076 DynDOLODx64.exe BrainMM          2540 +14 BrainMMThreadProxy
0041128a +03a DynDOLODx64.exe System                    ThreadWrapper
00508909 +049 DynDOLODx64.exe madExcept                 ThreadExceptFrame
7ffc1bdb +00e KERNEL32.DLL                              BaseThreadInitThunk
7ffc1c2b +01b ntdll.dll                                 RtlUserThreadStart

thread $1be8:
7ffc19e3 +087 KERNELBASE.dll                            WaitForSingleObjectEx
0048e844 +004 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitForSyncWaitObj
0048ea18 +028 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitOrSignalObj
0040f88e +07e DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
0040f921 +021 DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
00b2d2f3 +263 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Threading          TThreadPool.TQueueWorkerThread.Execute
005df1e0 +040 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Classes            ThreadProc
00428126 +076 DynDOLODx64.exe BrainMM          2540 +14 BrainMMThreadProxy
0041128a +03a DynDOLODx64.exe System                    ThreadWrapper
00508909 +049 DynDOLODx64.exe madExcept                 ThreadExceptFrame
7ffc1bdb +00e KERNEL32.DLL                              BaseThreadInitThunk
7ffc1c2b +01b ntdll.dll                                 RtlUserThreadStart

thread $2180:
7ffc19e3 +087 KERNELBASE.dll                            WaitForSingleObjectEx
0048e844 +004 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitForSyncWaitObj
0048ea18 +028 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitOrSignalObj
0040f88e +07e DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
0040f921 +021 DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
00b2d2f3 +263 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Threading          TThreadPool.TQueueWorkerThread.Execute
005df1e0 +040 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Classes            ThreadProc
00428126 +076 DynDOLODx64.exe BrainMM          2540 +14 BrainMMThreadProxy
0041128a +03a DynDOLODx64.exe System                    ThreadWrapper
00508909 +049 DynDOLODx64.exe madExcept                 ThreadExceptFrame
7ffc1bdb +00e KERNEL32.DLL                              BaseThreadInitThunk
7ffc1c2b +01b ntdll.dll                                 RtlUserThreadStart

thread $14e0:
7ffc19e3 +087 KERNELBASE.dll                            WaitForSingleObjectEx
0048e844 +004 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitForSyncWaitObj
0048ea18 +028 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitOrSignalObj
0040f88e +07e DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
0040f921 +021 DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
00b2d2f3 +263 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Threading          TThreadPool.TQueueWorkerThread.Execute
005df1e0 +040 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Classes            ThreadProc
00428126 +076 DynDOLODx64.exe BrainMM          2540 +14 BrainMMThreadProxy
0041128a +03a DynDOLODx64.exe System                    ThreadWrapper
00508909 +049 DynDOLODx64.exe madExcept                 ThreadExceptFrame
7ffc1bdb +00e KERNEL32.DLL                              BaseThreadInitThunk
7ffc1c2b +01b ntdll.dll                                 RtlUserThreadStart

thread $21cc:
7ffc19e3 +087 KERNELBASE.dll                            WaitForSingleObjectEx
0048e844 +004 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitForSyncWaitObj
0048ea18 +028 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitOrSignalObj
0040f88e +07e DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
0040f921 +021 DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
00b2d2f3 +263 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Threading          TThreadPool.TQueueWorkerThread.Execute
005df1e0 +040 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Classes            ThreadProc
00428126 +076 DynDOLODx64.exe BrainMM          2540 +14 BrainMMThreadProxy
0041128a +03a DynDOLODx64.exe System                    ThreadWrapper
00508909 +049 DynDOLODx64.exe madExcept                 ThreadExceptFrame
7ffc1bdb +00e KERNEL32.DLL                              BaseThreadInitThunk
7ffc1c2b +01b ntdll.dll                                 RtlUserThreadStart

thread $3f60:
7ffc19e3 +087 KERNELBASE.dll                            WaitForSingleObjectEx
0048e844 +004 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitForSyncWaitObj
0048ea18 +028 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitOrSignalObj
0040f88e +07e DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
0040f921 +021 DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
00b2d2f3 +263 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Threading          TThreadPool.TQueueWorkerThread.Execute
005df1e0 +040 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Classes            ThreadProc
00428126 +076 DynDOLODx64.exe BrainMM          2540 +14 BrainMMThreadProxy
0041128a +03a DynDOLODx64.exe System                    ThreadWrapper
00508909 +049 DynDOLODx64.exe madExcept                 ThreadExceptFrame
7ffc1bdb +00e KERNEL32.DLL                              BaseThreadInitThunk
7ffc1c2b +01b ntdll.dll                                 RtlUserThreadStart

thread $3150:
7ffc19e3 +087 KERNELBASE.dll                            WaitForSingleObjectEx
0048e844 +004 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitForSyncWaitObj
0048ea18 +028 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitOrSignalObj
0040f88e +07e DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
0040f921 +021 DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
00b2d2f3 +263 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Threading          TThreadPool.TQueueWorkerThread.Execute
005df1e0 +040 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Classes            ThreadProc
00428126 +076 DynDOLODx64.exe BrainMM          2540 +14 BrainMMThreadProxy
0041128a +03a DynDOLODx64.exe System                    ThreadWrapper
00508909 +049 DynDOLODx64.exe madExcept                 ThreadExceptFrame
7ffc1bdb +00e KERNEL32.DLL                              BaseThreadInitThunk
7ffc1c2b +01b ntdll.dll                                 RtlUserThreadStart

thread $1e34:
7ffc19e3 +087 KERNELBASE.dll                            WaitForSingleObjectEx
0048e844 +004 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitForSyncWaitObj
0048ea18 +028 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitOrSignalObj
0040f88e +07e DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
0040f921 +021 DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
00b2d2f3 +263 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Threading          TThreadPool.TQueueWorkerThread.Execute
005df1e0 +040 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Classes            ThreadProc
00428126 +076 DynDOLODx64.exe BrainMM          2540 +14 BrainMMThreadProxy
0041128a +03a DynDOLODx64.exe System                    ThreadWrapper
00508909 +049 DynDOLODx64.exe madExcept                 ThreadExceptFrame
7ffc1bdb +00e KERNEL32.DLL                              BaseThreadInitThunk
7ffc1c2b +01b ntdll.dll                                 RtlUserThreadStart

thread $32e8:
7ffc19e3 +087 KERNELBASE.dll                            WaitForSingleObjectEx
0048e844 +004 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitForSyncWaitObj
0048ea18 +028 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitOrSignalObj
0040f88e +07e DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
0040f921 +021 DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
00b2d2f3 +263 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Threading          TThreadPool.TQueueWorkerThread.Execute
005df1e0 +040 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Classes            ThreadProc
00428126 +076 DynDOLODx64.exe BrainMM          2540 +14 BrainMMThreadProxy
0041128a +03a DynDOLODx64.exe System                    ThreadWrapper
00508909 +049 DynDOLODx64.exe madExcept                 ThreadExceptFrame
7ffc1bdb +00e KERNEL32.DLL                              BaseThreadInitThunk
7ffc1c2b +01b ntdll.dll                                 RtlUserThreadStart

thread $3ac8:
7ffc19e3 +087 KERNELBASE.dll                            WaitForSingleObjectEx
0048e844 +004 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitForSyncWaitObj
0048ea18 +028 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitOrSignalObj
0040f88e +07e DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
0040f921 +021 DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
00b2d2f3 +263 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Threading          TThreadPool.TQueueWorkerThread.Execute
005df1e0 +040 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Classes            ThreadProc
00428126 +076 DynDOLODx64.exe BrainMM          2540 +14 BrainMMThreadProxy
0041128a +03a DynDOLODx64.exe System                    ThreadWrapper
00508909 +049 DynDOLODx64.exe madExcept                 ThreadExceptFrame
7ffc1bdb +00e KERNEL32.DLL                              BaseThreadInitThunk
7ffc1c2b +01b ntdll.dll                                 RtlUserThreadStart

thread $24b8:
7ffc19e3 +087 KERNELBASE.dll                            WaitForSingleObjectEx
0048e844 +004 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitForSyncWaitObj
0048ea18 +028 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitOrSignalObj
0040f88e +07e DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
0040f921 +021 DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
00b2d2f3 +263 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Threading          TThreadPool.TQueueWorkerThread.Execute
005df1e0 +040 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Classes            ThreadProc
00428126 +076 DynDOLODx64.exe BrainMM          2540 +14 BrainMMThreadProxy
0041128a +03a DynDOLODx64.exe System                    ThreadWrapper
00508909 +049 DynDOLODx64.exe madExcept                 ThreadExceptFrame
7ffc1bdb +00e KERNEL32.DLL                              BaseThreadInitThunk
7ffc1c2b +01b ntdll.dll                                 RtlUserThreadStart

thread $10f4:
7ffc19e3 +087 KERNELBASE.dll                            WaitForSingleObjectEx
0048e844 +004 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitForSyncWaitObj
0048ea18 +028 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitOrSignalObj
0040f88e +07e DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
0040f921 +021 DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
00b2d2f3 +263 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Threading          TThreadPool.TQueueWorkerThread.Execute
005df1e0 +040 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Classes            ThreadProc
00428126 +076 DynDOLODx64.exe BrainMM          2540 +14 BrainMMThreadProxy
0041128a +03a DynDOLODx64.exe System                    ThreadWrapper
00508909 +049 DynDOLODx64.exe madExcept                 ThreadExceptFrame
7ffc1bdb +00e KERNEL32.DLL                              BaseThreadInitThunk
7ffc1c2b +01b ntdll.dll                                 RtlUserThreadStart

thread $9e4:
7ffc19e3 +087 KERNELBASE.dll                            WaitForSingleObjectEx
0048e844 +004 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitForSyncWaitObj
0048ea18 +028 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitOrSignalObj
0040f88e +07e DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
0040f921 +021 DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
00b2d2f3 +263 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Threading          TThreadPool.TQueueWorkerThread.Execute
005df1e0 +040 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Classes            ThreadProc
00428126 +076 DynDOLODx64.exe BrainMM          2540 +14 BrainMMThreadProxy
0041128a +03a DynDOLODx64.exe System                    ThreadWrapper
00508909 +049 DynDOLODx64.exe madExcept                 ThreadExceptFrame
7ffc1bdb +00e KERNEL32.DLL                              BaseThreadInitThunk
7ffc1c2b +01b ntdll.dll                                 RtlUserThreadStart

thread $688:
7ffc19e3 +087 KERNELBASE.dll                            WaitForSingleObjectEx
0048e844 +004 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitForSyncWaitObj
0048ea18 +028 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitOrSignalObj
0040f88e +07e DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
0040f921 +021 DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
00b2d2f3 +263 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Threading          TThreadPool.TQueueWorkerThread.Execute
005df1e0 +040 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Classes            ThreadProc
00428126 +076 DynDOLODx64.exe BrainMM          2540 +14 BrainMMThreadProxy
0041128a +03a DynDOLODx64.exe System                    ThreadWrapper
00508909 +049 DynDOLODx64.exe madExcept                 ThreadExceptFrame
7ffc1bdb +00e KERNEL32.DLL                              BaseThreadInitThunk
7ffc1c2b +01b ntdll.dll                                 RtlUserThreadStart

thread $2698:
7ffc19e3 +087 KERNELBASE.dll                            WaitForSingleObjectEx
0048e844 +004 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitForSyncWaitObj
0048ea18 +028 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitOrSignalObj
0040f88e +07e DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
0040f921 +021 DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
00b2d2f3 +263 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Threading          TThreadPool.TQueueWorkerThread.Execute
005df1e0 +040 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Classes            ThreadProc
00428126 +076 DynDOLODx64.exe BrainMM          2540 +14 BrainMMThreadProxy
0041128a +03a DynDOLODx64.exe System                    ThreadWrapper
00508909 +049 DynDOLODx64.exe madExcept                 ThreadExceptFrame
7ffc1bdb +00e KERNEL32.DLL                              BaseThreadInitThunk
7ffc1c2b +01b ntdll.dll                                 RtlUserThreadStart

thread $20e8:
7ffc19e3 +087 KERNELBASE.dll                            WaitForSingleObjectEx
0048e844 +004 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitForSyncWaitObj
0048ea18 +028 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitOrSignalObj
0040f88e +07e DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
0040f921 +021 DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
00b2d2f3 +263 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Threading          TThreadPool.TQueueWorkerThread.Execute
005df1e0 +040 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Classes            ThreadProc
00428126 +076 DynDOLODx64.exe BrainMM          2540 +14 BrainMMThreadProxy
0041128a +03a DynDOLODx64.exe System                    ThreadWrapper
00508909 +049 DynDOLODx64.exe madExcept                 ThreadExceptFrame
7ffc1bdb +00e KERNEL32.DLL                              BaseThreadInitThunk
7ffc1c2b +01b ntdll.dll                                 RtlUserThreadStart

thread $2d54:
7ffc19e3 +087 KERNELBASE.dll                            WaitForSingleObjectEx
0048e844 +004 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitForSyncWaitObj
0048ea18 +028 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitOrSignalObj
0040f88e +07e DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
0040f921 +021 DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
00b2d2f3 +263 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Threading          TThreadPool.TQueueWorkerThread.Execute
005df1e0 +040 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Classes            ThreadProc
00428126 +076 DynDOLODx64.exe BrainMM          2540 +14 BrainMMThreadProxy
0041128a +03a DynDOLODx64.exe System                    ThreadWrapper
00508909 +049 DynDOLODx64.exe madExcept                 ThreadExceptFrame
7ffc1bdb +00e KERNEL32.DLL                              BaseThreadInitThunk
7ffc1c2b +01b ntdll.dll                                 RtlUserThreadStart

thread $2c80:
7ffc19e3 +087 KERNELBASE.dll                            WaitForSingleObjectEx
0048e844 +004 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitForSyncWaitObj
0048ea18 +028 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitOrSignalObj
0040f88e +07e DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
0040f921 +021 DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
00b2d2f3 +263 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Threading          TThreadPool.TQueueWorkerThread.Execute
005df1e0 +040 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Classes            ThreadProc
00428126 +076 DynDOLODx64.exe BrainMM          2540 +14 BrainMMThreadProxy
0041128a +03a DynDOLODx64.exe System                    ThreadWrapper
00508909 +049 DynDOLODx64.exe madExcept                 ThreadExceptFrame
7ffc1bdb +00e KERNEL32.DLL                              BaseThreadInitThunk
7ffc1c2b +01b ntdll.dll                                 RtlUserThreadStart

thread $242c:
7ffc19e3 +087 KERNELBASE.dll                            WaitForSingleObjectEx
0048e844 +004 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitForSyncWaitObj
0048ea18 +028 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitOrSignalObj
0040f88e +07e DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
0040f921 +021 DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
00b2d2f3 +263 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Threading          TThreadPool.TQueueWorkerThread.Execute
005df1e0 +040 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Classes            ThreadProc
00428126 +076 DynDOLODx64.exe BrainMM          2540 +14 BrainMMThreadProxy
0041128a +03a DynDOLODx64.exe System                    ThreadWrapper
00508909 +049 DynDOLODx64.exe madExcept                 ThreadExceptFrame
7ffc1bdb +00e KERNEL32.DLL                              BaseThreadInitThunk
7ffc1c2b +01b ntdll.dll                                 RtlUserThreadStart

thread $27e0:
7ffc19e3 +087 KERNELBASE.dll                            WaitForSingleObjectEx
0048e844 +004 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitForSyncWaitObj
0048ea18 +028 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitOrSignalObj
0040f88e +07e DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
0040f921 +021 DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
00b2d2f3 +263 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Threading          TThreadPool.TQueueWorkerThread.Execute
005df1e0 +040 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Classes            ThreadProc
00428126 +076 DynDOLODx64.exe BrainMM          2540 +14 BrainMMThreadProxy
0041128a +03a DynDOLODx64.exe System                    ThreadWrapper
00508909 +049 DynDOLODx64.exe madExcept                 ThreadExceptFrame
7ffc1bdb +00e KERNEL32.DLL                              BaseThreadInitThunk
7ffc1c2b +01b ntdll.dll                                 RtlUserThreadStart

thread $2b10:
7ffc19e3 +087 KERNELBASE.dll                            WaitForSingleObjectEx
0048e844 +004 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitForSyncWaitObj
0048ea18 +028 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitOrSignalObj
0040f88e +07e DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
0040f921 +021 DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
00b2d2f3 +263 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Threading          TThreadPool.TQueueWorkerThread.Execute
005df1e0 +040 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Classes            ThreadProc
00428126 +076 DynDOLODx64.exe BrainMM          2540 +14 BrainMMThreadProxy
0041128a +03a DynDOLODx64.exe System                    ThreadWrapper
00508909 +049 DynDOLODx64.exe madExcept                 ThreadExceptFrame
7ffc1bdb +00e KERNEL32.DLL                              BaseThreadInitThunk
7ffc1c2b +01b ntdll.dll                                 RtlUserThreadStart

thread $1424:
7ffc19e3 +087 KERNELBASE.dll                            WaitForSingleObjectEx
0048e844 +004 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitForSyncWaitObj
0048ea18 +028 DynDOLODx64.exe System.SysUtils           WaitOrSignalObj
0040f88e +07e DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
0040f921 +021 DynDOLODx64.exe System                    TMonitor.Wait
00b2d2f3 +263 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Threading          TThreadPool.TQueueWorkerThread.Execute
005df1e0 +040 DynDOLODx64.exe System.Classes            ThreadProc
00428126 +076 DynDOLODx64.exe BrainMM          2540 +14 BrainMMThreadProxy
0041128a +03a DynDOLODx64.exe System                    ThreadWrapper
00508909 +049 DynDOLODx64.exe madExcept                 ThreadExceptFrame
7ffc1bdb +00e KERNEL32.DLL                              BaseThreadInitThunk
7ffc1c2b +01b ntdll.dll                                 RtlUserThreadStart

thread $20a8:
7ffc1bdb +0e KERNEL32.DLL  BaseThreadInitThunk
7ffc1c2b +1b ntdll.dll     RtlUserThreadStart

00400000 DynDOLODx64.exe            A:\Programs\DynDOLOD
7ffbf87a MSFTEDIT.DLL           10.0.19041.153      C:\Windows\SYSTEM32
7ffc01e2 mpr.dll                10.0.19041.1        C:\Windows\SYSTEM32
7ffc0453 dataexchange.dll       10.0.19041.264      C:\Windows\system32
7ffc05e0 dbgcore.DLL            10.0.19041.1        C:\Windows\SYSTEM32
7ffc05e6 dbghelp.dll            10.0.19041.1        C:\Windows\SYSTEM32
7ffc06da netapi32.dll           10.0.19041.1        C:\Windows\SYSTEM32
7ffc0ab7 FaultRep.dll           10.0.19041.329      C:\Windows\SYSTEM32
7ffc0b1f oleacc.dll             7.2.19041.1         C:\Windows\SYSTEM32
7ffc0b26 winspool.drv           10.0.19041.1        C:\Windows\SYSTEM32
7ffc0b2f COMCTL32.dll           6.10.19041.1        C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.19041.1_none_b555e41d4684ddec
7ffc0bd9 wininet.dll            11.0.19041.117      C:\Windows\SYSTEM32
7ffc0d01 DWrite.dll             10.0.19041.264      C:\Windows\SYSTEM32
7ffc0d4d winmm.dll              10.0.19041.1        C:\Windows\SYSTEM32
7ffc0e9b textinputframework.dll 10.0.19041.1        C:\Windows\SYSTEM32
7ffc0f33 gdiplus.dll            10.0.19041.329      C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.1.19041.329_none_faf0a1297612f139
7ffc123b WindowsCodecs.dll      10.0.19041.207      C:\Windows\SYSTEM32
7ffc12c3 twinapi.appcore.dll    10.0.19041.264      C:\Windows\system32
7ffc12e4 version.dll            10.0.19041.1        C:\Windows\SYSTEM32
7ffc1333 oledlg.dll             10.0.19041.1        C:\Windows\SYSTEM32
7ffc1450 SHFolder.dll           10.0.19041.1        C:\Windows\SYSTEM32
7ffc1457 TextShaping.dll                            C:\Windows\SYSTEM32
7ffc1562 d3d11.dll              10.0.19041.1        C:\Windows\system32
7ffc15f1 wintypes.dll           10.0.19041.329      C:\Windows\SYSTEM32
7ffc1607 dcomp.dll              10.0.19041.264      C:\Windows\system32
7ffc1634 propsys.dll            7.0.19041.1         C:\Windows\system32
7ffc167c CoreUIComponents.dll   10.0.19041.1        C:\Windows\System32
7ffc16bc CoreMessaging.dll      10.0.19041.264      C:\Windows\System32
7ffc16e5 wtsapi32.dll           10.0.19041.1        C:\Windows\SYSTEM32
7ffc16e7 apphelp.dll            10.0.19041.1        C:\Windows\SYSTEM32
7ffc172a wsock32.dll            10.0.19041.1        C:\Windows\SYSTEM32
7ffc173d uxtheme.dll            10.0.19041.1        C:\Windows\system32
7ffc175b DWMAPI.DLL             10.0.19041.1        C:\Windows\SYSTEM32
7ffc1797 kernel.appcore.dll     10.0.19041.1        C:\Windows\SYSTEM32
7ffc17b7 windows.storage.dll    10.0.19041.329      C:\Windows\SYSTEM32
7ffc1834 dxgi.dll               10.0.19041.1        C:\Windows\system32
7ffc1873 ntmarta.dll            10.0.19041.1        C:\Windows\SYSTEM32
7ffc187a WINSTA.dll             10.0.19041.1        C:\Windows\SYSTEM32
7ffc18ea NETUTILS.DLL           10.0.19041.1        C:\Windows\SYSTEM32
7ffc1944 Wldp.dll               10.0.19041.1        C:\Windows\SYSTEM32
7ffc1988 SspiCli.dll            10.0.19041.1        C:\Windows\SYSTEM32
7ffc1990 profapi.dll            10.0.19041.1        C:\Windows\SYSTEM32
7ffc199c ucrtbase.dll           10.0.19041.1        C:\Windows\System32
7ffc19ac bcrypt.dll             10.0.19041.1        C:\Windows\System32
7ffc19af CFGMGR32.dll           10.0.19041.1        C:\Windows\System32
7ffc19d0 gdi32full.dll          10.0.19041.329      C:\Windows\System32
7ffc19e1 KERNELBASE.dll         10.0.19041.292      C:\Windows\System32
7ffc1a0e msvcp_win.dll          10.0.19041.1        C:\Windows\System32
7ffc1a18 bcryptPrimitives.dll   10.0.19041.264      C:\Windows\System32
7ffc1a2b win32u.dll             10.0.19041.329      C:\Windows\System32
7ffc1a2e SHLWAPI.dll            10.0.19041.1        C:\Windows\System32
7ffc1a45 WS2_32.dll             10.0.19041.1        C:\Windows\System32
7ffc1a4c sechost.dll            10.0.19041.1        C:\Windows\System32
7ffc1a56 USER32.dll             10.0.19041.264      C:\Windows\System32
7ffc1a8b GDI32.dll              10.0.19041.1        C:\Windows\System32
7ffc1a8e ole32.dll              10.0.19041.153      C:\Windows\System32
7ffc1aa1 SHELL32.dll            10.0.19041.329      C:\Windows\System32
7ffc1b15 oleaut32.dll           10.0.19041.329      C:\Windows\System32
7ffc1b22 clbcatq.dll            2001.12.10941.16384 C:\Windows\System32
7ffc1b2d advapi32.dll           10.0.19041.1        C:\Windows\System32
7ffc1b38 MSCTF.dll              10.0.19041.329      C:\Windows\System32
7ffc1b4a comdlg32.dll           10.0.19041.329      C:\Windows\System32
7ffc1b58 msvcrt.dll             7.0.19041.1         C:\Windows\System32
7ffc1b6a RPCRT4.dll             10.0.19041.1        C:\Windows\System32
7ffc1b84 IMM32.DLL              10.0.19041.1        C:\Windows\System32
7ffc1b87 PSAPI.dll              10.0.19041.1        C:\Windows\System32
7ffc1b88 shcore.dll             10.0.19041.264      C:\Windows\System32
7ffc1bda KERNEL32.DLL           10.0.19041.292      C:\Windows\System32
7ffc1bed combase.dll            10.0.19041.329      C:\Windows\System32
7ffc1c27 ntdll.dll              10.0.19041.207      C:\Windows\SYSTEM32

0000 Idle                              0 0   0
0004 System                            0 0   0
0094 Registry                          0 0   0
01fc smss.exe                          0 0   0
02ec csrss.exe                         0 0   0
0324 wininit.exe                       0 0   0
0374 services.exe                      0 0   0
0384 lsass.exe                         0 0   0
01ec svchost.exe                       0 0   0
0240 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
0354 fontdrvhost.exe                   0 0   0
0408 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
0440 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
0578 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
0580 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
05ac svchost.exe                       0 0   0
0604 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
066c svchost.exe                       0 0   0
06bc svchost.exe                       0 0   0
06fc svchost.exe                       0 0   0
0740 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
0798 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
07b0 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
07e0 NVDisplay.Container.exe           0 0   0
0280 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
05e0 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
0860 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
0868 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
0870 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
08b4 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
08fc Memory Compression                0 0   0
0910 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
0958 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
0978 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
0980 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
09d0 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
09f8 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
0a5c svchost.exe                       0 0   0
0bbc svchost.exe                       0 0   0
09b0 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
0a1c svchost.exe                       0 0   0
0bd8 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
0c6c spoolsv.exe                       0 0   0
0cc0 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
0ce4 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
0d14 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
0dbc svchost.exe                       0 0   0
0e40 armsvc.exe                        0 0   0
0e48 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
0e50 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
0e58 AsSysCtrlService.exe              0 0   0
0e60 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
0e6c atkexComSvc.exe                   0 0   0
0e78 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
0e80 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
0e88 RazerCentralService.exe           0 0   0
0e98 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
0ea8 RzSDKService.exe                  0 0   0
0eb0 RtkAudUService64.exe              0 0   0
0ec4 NahimicService.exe                0 0   0
0ebc svchost.exe                       0 0   0
0ed0 GameManagerService.exe            0 0   0
0ed8 AsusFanControlService.exe         0 0   0
0ee4 RzSDKServer.exe                   0 0   0
0ef4 LightingService.exe               0 0   0
0f4c MsMpEng.exe                       0 0   0
0f68 OfficeClickToRun.exe              0 0   0
0fc4 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
0fdc svchost.exe                       0 0   0
1278 WmiPrvSE.exe                      0 0   0
14b4 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
1664 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
1718 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
17cc Razer Synapse Service.exe         0 0   0
18fc NisSrv.exe                        0 0   0
1a08 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
1b84 SearchIndexer.exe                 0 0   0
0b98 GoogleCrashHandler.exe            0 0   0
03a4 GoogleCrashHandler64.exe          0 0   0
0b9c unsecapp.exe                      0 0   0
22b0 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
1dec dllhost.exe                       0 0   0
1f7c SecurityHealthService.exe         0 0   0
2b5c steamcmd.exe                      0 0   0
2b68 conhost.exe                       0 0   0
21e0 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
0938 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
0680 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
08dc svchost.exe                       0 0   0
31c0 SgrmBroker.exe                    0 0   0
3224 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
325c svchost.exe                       0 0   0
263c svchost.exe                       0 0   0
2b04 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
1048 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
0898 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
35a4 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
2a9c svchost.exe                       0 0   0
3d4c svchost.exe                       0 0   0
2920 csrss.exe                         4 0   0
3ed0 winlogon.exe                      4 0   0
14ec fontdrvhost.exe                   4 0   0
29c4 dwm.exe                           4 0   0
3640 NVDisplay.Container.exe           4 0   0
1d94 Razer Synapse Service Process.exe 4 24  35  normal       C:\Program Files (x86)\Razer\Synapse3\UserProcess
3b1c sihost.exe                        4 0   7   normal       C:\Windows\System32
3bf8 svchost.exe                       4 0   1   normal       C:\Windows\System32
03e4 svchost.exe                       4 0   4   normal       C:\Windows\System32
2ee4 taskhostw.exe                     4 8   6   normal       C:\Windows\System32
3534 GpuFanHelper.exe                  4 58  20  below normal C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\AI Suite III\DIP4
05f8 explorer.exe                      4 718 574 normal       C:\Windows
3714 AISuite3.exe                      4 819 143 below normal C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\AI Suite III
2580 EzUpdt.exe                        4 94  40  below normal C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\AI Suite III\EZ Update
117c DipAwayMode.exe                   4 86  55  below normal C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\AI Suite III\DIP4\DIPAwayMode
1c7c svchost.exe                       4 0   8   normal       C:\Windows\System32
2ed0 GPUTweakII.exe                    4 649 631 below normal C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\GPU TweakII
2890 dllhost.exe                       4 0   4   normal       C:\Windows\System32
18b0 StartMenuExperienceHost.exe       4 0   13  normal       C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.Windows.StartMenuExperienceHost_cw5n1h2txyewy
17f4 RuntimeBroker.exe                 4 40  1   normal       C:\Windows\System32
1d70 SearchApp.exe                     4 17  92  normal       C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.Windows.Search_cw5n1h2txyewy
0de8 RuntimeBroker.exe                 4 43  17  normal       C:\Windows\System32
376c SettingSyncHost.exe               4 0   4   below normal C:\Windows\System32
0ccc ctfmon.exe                        4 2   24  high         C:\Windows\System32
3c18 RuntimeBroker.exe                 4 0   1   normal       C:\Windows\System32
2708 unsecapp.exe                      4 0   3   normal       C:\Windows\System32\wbem
3894 TextInputHost.exe                 4 0   25  normal       C:\Windows\SystemApps\MicrosoftWindows.Client.CBS_cw5n1h2txyewy\InputApp
31f8 RuntimeBroker.exe                 4 0   1   normal       C:\Windows\System32
0210 ASUSGPUFanServiceEx.exe           4 69  2   below normal C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\GPU TweakII
15e8 conhost.exe                       4 10  9   below normal C:\Windows\System32
3884 svchost.exe                       0 0   0
1984 SecurityHealthSystray.exe         4 7   5   normal       C:\Windows\System32
2a98 RtkAudUService64.exe              4 7   5   normal       C:\Windows\System32
0934 OneDrive.exe                      4 99  62  normal       C:\Users\Adam\AppData\Local\Microsoft\OneDrive
0c88 Razer Synapse 3.exe               4 26  28  normal       C:\Program Files (x86)\Razer\Synapse3\WPFUI\Framework\Razer Synapse 3 Host
05b8 Razer Central.exe                 4 44  66  normal       C:\Program Files (x86)\Razer\Razer Services\Razer Central
0e3c CefSharp.BrowserSubprocess.exe    4 5   9   normal       C:\Program Files (x86)\Razer\Razer Services\Razer Central
3b5c Discord.exe                       4 27  41  normal       C:\Users\Adam\AppData\Local\Discord\app-0.0.306
2f98 Discord.exe                       4 5   10  normal       C:\Users\Adam\AppData\Local\Discord\app-0.0.306
23c4 Discord.exe                       4 0   1   normal       C:\Users\Adam\AppData\Local\Discord\app-0.0.306
3e48 CefSharp.BrowserSubprocess.exe    4 0   1   normal       C:\Program Files (x86)\Razer\Razer Services\Razer Central
14e4 Amazon Music Helper.exe           4 0   5   normal       C:\Users\Adam\AppData\Local\Amazon Music
17b0 Discord.exe                       4 0   4   normal       C:\Users\Adam\AppData\Local\Discord\app-0.0.306
0250 Discord.exe                       4 5   16  idle         C:\Users\Adam\AppData\Local\Discord\app-0.0.306
0338 Discord.exe                       4 0   1   normal       C:\Users\Adam\AppData\Local\Discord\app-0.0.306
0d28 SystemSettings.exe                4 11  32  normal       C:\Windows\ImmersiveControlPanel
1a20 ApplicationFrameHost.exe          4 75  42  normal       C:\Windows\System32
2dc8 chrome.exe                        4 72  75  normal       C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
3d60 chrome.exe                        4 0   3   normal       C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
1c24 chrome.exe                        4 24  32  above normal C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
25f4 chrome.exe                        4 0   1   normal       C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
08d8 chrome.exe                        4 0   0   normal       C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
39f0 chrome.exe                        4 0   0   normal       C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
0d2c chrome.exe                        4 0   0   normal       C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
0abc chrome.exe                        4 0   0   normal       C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
1e28 chrome.exe                        4 0   0   normal       C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
319c chrome.exe                        4 0   0   normal       C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
1adc WinStore.App.exe                  4 0   19  normal       C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.WindowsStore_12006.1001.1.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe
1e90 chrome.exe                        4 0   0   idle         C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
366c chrome.exe                        4 0   1   normal       C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
098c CompPkgSrv.exe                    4 0   1   normal       C:\Windows\System32
1d10 svchost.exe                       4 0   1   normal       C:\Windows\System32
29e4 chrome.exe                        4 0   1   normal       C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
10c0 steam.exe                         4 429 141 normal       A:\Programs\Steam
1f94 steamwebhelper.exe                4 24  37  normal       A:\Programs\Steam\bin\cef\cef.win7
3efc SteamService.exe                  0 0   0
1270 steamwebhelper.exe                4 0   4   normal       A:\Programs\Steam\bin\cef\cef.win7
3e9c steamwebhelper.exe                4 6   15  normal       A:\Programs\Steam\bin\cef\cef.win7
2498 steamwebhelper.exe                4 0   1   normal       A:\Programs\Steam\bin\cef\cef.win7
2a74 steamwebhelper.exe                4 0   0   above normal A:\Programs\Steam\bin\cef\cef.win7
3278 steamwebhelper.exe                4 0   0   normal       A:\Programs\Steam\bin\cef\cef.win7
1440 steamwebhelper.exe                4 0   0   normal       A:\Programs\Steam\bin\cef\cef.win7
2bf4 XboxApp.exe                       4 0   14  normal       C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.XboxApp_48.65.22001.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe
2978 Calculator.exe                    4 0   21  normal       C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.WindowsCalculator_10.2005.23.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe
29a0 chrome.exe                        4 0   0   idle         C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
16f4 chrome.exe                        4 0   0   idle         C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
00ac Microsoft.Photos.exe              4 0   8   normal       C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.Windows.Photos_2020.19111.24110.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe
1ccc RuntimeBroker.exe                 4 37  6   normal       C:\Windows\System32
1e4c dllhost.exe                       4 0   3   normal       C:\Windows\System32
38fc chrome.exe                        4 0   0   idle         C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
3654 chrome.exe                        4 0   0   normal       C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
1fe4 chrome.exe                        4 0   0   idle         C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
0f04 NexusClient.exe                   4 226 186 normal       A:\Programs\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Nexus Mod Manager
1fb0 7zFM.exe                          4 84  44  normal       C:\Program Files\7-Zip
2e38 chrome.exe                        4 0   0   idle         C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
0f18 chrome.exe                        4 0   0   idle         C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
2680 chrome.exe                        4 0   0   idle         C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
2d80 chrome.exe                        4 0   0   idle         C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
0f00 ShellExperienceHost.exe           4 6   30  normal       C:\Windows\SystemApps\ShellExperienceHost_cw5n1h2txyewy
234c RuntimeBroker.exe                 4 40  4   normal       C:\Windows\System32
17d4 chrome.exe                        4 0   0   idle         C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
341c chrome.exe                        4 0   0   idle         C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
2744 chrome.exe                        4 0   0   idle         C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
3f68 chrome.exe                        4 0   0   idle         C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
2030 chrome.exe                        4 0   0   idle         C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
07dc chrome.exe                        4 0   0   idle         C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
3360 chrome.exe                        4 0   0   idle         C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
364c chrome.exe                        4 0   0   idle         C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
2a68 chrome.exe                        4 0   0   idle         C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
1444 chrome.exe                        4 0   0   idle         C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
2ccc chrome.exe                        4 0   0   idle         C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
2764 chrome.exe                        4 0   0   idle         C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
0ac4 chrome.exe                        4 0   0   idle         C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
3220 chrome.exe                        4 0   0   idle         C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
3a44 chrome.exe                        4 0   0   idle         C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
3e6c chrome.exe                        4 0   0   idle         C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
2df0 chrome.exe                        4 0   0   idle         C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
315c svchost.exe                       0 0   0
25c8 audiodg.exe                       0 0   0
0f20 WmiPrvSE.exe                      0 0   0
236c chrome.exe                        4 0   0   normal       C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
23ec chrome.exe                        4 0   0   idle         C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application
13e0 smartscreen.exe                   4 0   4   normal       C:\Windows\System32
2940 DynDOLODx64.exe                   4 198 107 normal       A:\Programs\DynDOLOD

+ {1750f915-5639-497c-966c-3a65acecfcb6}
  - Razer 0306 Device (driver 10.0.15063.0)
  - Razer Control Device (driver 10.0.15063.0)
  - Razer Control Device (driver 10.0.15063.0)
  - Razer Control Device (driver 10.0.15063.0)
+ {1ed2bbf9-11f0-4084-b21f-ad83a8e6dcdc}
  - Fax
  - Microsoft Print to PDF
  - Microsoft XPS Document Writer
  - OneNote (Desktop)
  - OneNote for Windows 10
  - Root Print Queue
+ {36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000}
  - AMD USB 3.10 eXtensible Host Controller - 1.10 (Microsoft)
  - AMD USB 3.10 eXtensible Host Controller - 1.10 (Microsoft)
  - ASMedia USB 3.1 eXtensible Host Controller - 1.10 (Microsoft)
  - NVIDIA USB 3.10 eXtensible Host Controller - 1.10 (Microsoft)
  - NVIDIA USB Type-C Port Policy Controller (driver 1.38.831.832)
  - USB Composite Device
  - USB Composite Device
  - USB Composite Device
  - USB Root Hub (USB 3.0)
  - USB Root Hub (USB 3.0)
  - USB Root Hub (USB 3.0)
  - USB Root Hub (USB 3.0)
+ {4d36e966-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
  - ACPI x64-based PC
+ {4d36e967-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
  - Samsung SSD 850 EVO 500GB
  - Samsung SSD 850 EVO M.2 500GB
+ {4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
  - NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 (driver
+ {4d36e96a-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
  - Standard SATA AHCI Controller
  - Standard SATA AHCI Controller
  - Standard SATA AHCI Controller
+ {4d36e96b-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
  - HID Keyboard Device
  - HID Keyboard Device
  - HID Keyboard Device (driver 10.0.15063.0)
  - Razer Basilisk V2 (driver 10.0.15063.0)
  - Razer BlackWidow (driver 10.0.15063.0)
+ {4d36e96c-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
  - NVIDIA High Definition Audio (driver
  - Realtek(R) Audio (driver
  - USB Live Camera audio
+ {4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
  - Generic PnP Monitor
  - Generic PnP Monitor
+ {4d36e96f-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
  - HID-compliant mouse (driver 10.0.15063.0)
  - Razer Basilisk V2 (driver 10.0.15063.0)
  - Razer BlackWidow (driver 10.0.15063.0)
+ {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
  - Intel(R) I211 Gigabit Network Connection (driver
  - Microsoft Kernel Debug Network Adapter
+ {4d36e978-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
  - Communications Port (COM1)
+ {4d36e97b-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
  - Microsoft Storage Spaces Controller
  - Standard NVM Express Controller
+ {4d36e97d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
  - ACPI Fixed Feature Button
  - ACPI Power Button
  - AMD GPIO Controller (driver
  - AMD GPIO Controller (driver
  - AMD PCI (driver
  - AMD PCI (driver
  - AMD SMBus (driver
  - Composite Bus Enumerator
  - Direct memory access controller
  - High Definition Audio Controller
  - High Definition Audio Controller
  - High precision event timer
  - Microsoft ACPI-Compliant Embedded Controller
  - Microsoft ACPI-Compliant System
  - Microsoft Basic Display Driver
  - Microsoft Basic Render Driver
  - Microsoft Hyper-V Virtualization Infrastructure Driver
  - Microsoft System Management BIOS Driver
  - Microsoft Virtual Drive Enumerator
  - Microsoft Windows Management Interface for ACPI
  - Microsoft Windows Management Interface for ACPI
  - Microsoft Windows Management Interface for ACPI
  - Motherboard resources
  - Motherboard resources
  - Motherboard resources
  - Motherboard resources
  - Motherboard resources
  - Motherboard resources
  - NDIS Virtual Network Adapter Enumerator
  - PCI Express Root Complex
  - PCI standard host CPU bridge
  - PCI standard host CPU bridge
  - PCI standard host CPU bridge
  - PCI standard host CPU bridge
  - PCI standard host CPU bridge
  - PCI standard host CPU bridge
  - PCI standard host CPU bridge
  - PCI standard host CPU bridge
  - PCI standard host CPU bridge
  - PCI standard host CPU bridge
  - PCI standard host CPU bridge
  - PCI standard host CPU bridge
  - PCI standard host CPU bridge
  - PCI standard host CPU bridge
  - PCI standard host CPU bridge
  - PCI standard host CPU bridge
  - PCI standard ISA bridge
  - PCI-to-PCI Bridge
  - PCI-to-PCI Bridge
  - PCI-to-PCI Bridge
  - PCI-to-PCI Bridge
  - PCI-to-PCI Bridge
  - PCI-to-PCI Bridge
  - PCI-to-PCI Bridge
  - PCI-to-PCI Bridge
  - PCI-to-PCI Bridge
  - PCI-to-PCI Bridge
  - PCI-to-PCI Bridge
  - PCI-to-PCI Bridge
  - Plug and Play Software Device Enumerator
  - Programmable interrupt controller
  - Remote Desktop Device Redirector Bus
  - System board
  - System CMOS/real time clock
  - System speaker
  - System timer
  - UMBus Root Bus Enumerator
  - Volume Manager
+ {50127dc3-0f36-415e-a6cc-4cb3be910b65}
  - AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor
  - AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor
  - AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor
  - AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor
  - AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor
  - AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor
  - AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor
  - AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor
  - AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor
  - AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor
  - AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor
  - AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor
+ {533c5b84-ec70-11d2-9505-00c04f79deaf}
  - Generic volume shadow copy
  - Generic volume shadow copy
  - Generic volume shadow copy
  - Generic volume shadow copy
+ {5c4c3332-344d-483c-8739-259e934c9cc8}
  - A-Volute Nh3 Audio Effects Component (driver
  - Realtek Asio Component (driver
  - Realtek Audio Effects Component (driver 11.0.6000.676)
  - Realtek Audio Universal Service (driver
  - Realtek Hardware Support Application (driver 11.0.6000.174)
+ {62f9c741-b25a-46ce-b54c-9bccce08b6f2}
  - Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth
  - Microsoft Radio Device Enumeration Bus
+ {745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da}
  - HID-compliant consumer control device (driver 10.0.15063.0)
  - HID-compliant consumer control device
  - HID-compliant consumer control device
  - HID-compliant consumer control device
  - HID-compliant consumer control device (driver 10.0.15063.0)
  - HID-compliant consumer control device
  - HID-compliant consumer control device
  - HID-compliant consumer control device (driver 10.0.15063.0)
  - HID-compliant device
  - HID-compliant device
  - HID-compliant device
  - HID-compliant device
  - HID-compliant device (driver 10.0.15063.0)
  - HID-compliant device
  - HID-compliant device (driver 10.0.15063.0)
  - HID-compliant system controller
  - HID-compliant system controller
  - Razer Basilisk V2 (driver 10.0.15063.0)
  - Razer Basilisk V2 (driver 6.2.9200.16473)
  - Razer Basilisk V2 (driver 10.0.15063.0)
  - Razer BlackWidow (driver 6.2.9200.16473)
  - Razer BlackWidow (driver 10.0.15063.0)
  - USB Input Device
  - USB Input Device
+ {c166523c-fe0c-4a94-a586-f1a80cfbbf3e}
  - G237HL (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)
  - G237HL (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)
  - Microphone (USB Live Camera audio)
  - Realtek Digital Output (Realtek(R) Audio)
  - Speakers (Realtek(R) Audio)
+ {ca3e7ab9-b4c3-4ae6-8251-579ef933890f}
  - USB  Live camera

cpu registers:
rax = 00000000072acf40
rbx = 00000000000003e8
rcx = 0000000000000000
rdx = 0000000000000000
rsi = 0000000000000000
rdi = 0000000001d9be40
rip = 00000000015b7d8c
rsp = 0000000001d9bcd0
rbp = 0000000001d9bcd0
r8  = 0000000000000000
r9  = 0000000000000000
r10 = 0000000000000000
r11 = 0000000000000000
r12 = 0000000000000000
r13 = 00000000000003e8
r14 = 0000000000000000
r15 = 0000000000000000

stack dump:
01d9bcd0  e0 c5 fc 03 00 00 00 00 - e0 c5 fc 03 00 00 00 00  ................
01d9bce0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - a0 c4 d9 01 00 00 00 00  ................
01d9bcf0  4b 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 9c 27 30 0b fc 7f 00 00  K........'0.....
01d9bd00  e0 c5 fc 03 00 00 00 00 - e0 c5 fc 03 00 00 00 00  ................
01d9bd10  05 0a 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 67 0d 30 0b fc 7f 00 00  ........g.0.....
01d9bd20  10 c3 d9 01 00 00 00 00 - 06 0a 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
01d9bd30  86 4e cf 9c 23 60 00 00 - 58 c3 d9 01 00 00 00 00  .N..#`..X.......
01d9bd40  96 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 06 56 42 0b fc 7f 00 00  .........VB.....
01d9bd50  c4 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
01d9bd60  00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
01d9bd70  c4 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 94 1c 30 0b fc 7f 00 00  ..........0.....
01d9bd80  c4 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 80 be d9 01 00 00 00 00  ................
01d9bd90  05 0a 00 00 00 00 00 00 - e0 c5 fc 03 00 00 00 00  ................
01d9bda0  07 0a 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 3b 02 00 00 00 00  ..........;.....
01d9bdb0  d0 be d9 01 00 00 00 00 - 00 be d9 01 00 00 00 00  ................
01d9bdc0  04 be d9 01 00 00 00 00 - 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
01d9bdd0  6a 26 03 09 00 00 00 00 - 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  j&..............
01d9bde0  f0 be d9 01 00 00 00 00 - f3 e6 5a 14 fc 7f 00 00  ..........Z.....
01d9bdf0  84 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - f0 be d9 01 00 00 00 00  ................
01d9be00  02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 80 c1 d9 01 19 00 00 00  ................

00c2af3b         jnz     loc_c2af57
00c2af3d         lea     rcx, [$c2b3ec]
00c2af44         lea     rdx, [$c2b41c]
00c2af4b         mov     r8d, $36ee
00c2af52         call    -$819d37 ($411220)     ; System.@Assert
00c2af57 14064 > mov     eax, [rbp+$d8]
00c2af5d         cmp     eax, 7
00c2af60         jg      loc_c2af7f
00c2af62         cmp     eax, 7
00c2af65         jz      loc_c2b111
00c2af6b         sub     eax, 1

1 answer to this question

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Posted (edited)

If you read suggestions and check the FAQ you would find:


Q: DynDOLOD.exe: Can not copy xxxx from xxxx.esp into xxx.esp
A: Often caused by a broken bashed patch. Use a newer Wrye Bash version to create the patch or do not use the merge patches option. 
A: There is a plugin in the load order with errors. Check the load order for errors with xEdit.exe before generating LOD. Fix all errors. See this video for help. 
If you search the forum for the "can not copy" error message you will find that it is often caused by a broken Bashed Patch. If removing the Bashed Patch lets the process continue, delete it and create a new one with the latest Wrye Bash.
Edited by sheson

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