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Hello all, I have an issue with DynDoLod Texgen64. I have getting an error

Fatal: Could not open registry key: \SOFTWARE\Bethesda\Skyrim\

I have tried to put the -sse in the command line, however, when I right click DynDoLOD.exe and the 64.exe version and select properties there is no command line for me to edit. I get no tab that gives me access to the Start In line.

I have the DyndoLOD Standalone version of the TechAngel85 STEP guide. 


I have dropped the DyDoLOD folder into my SkyrimSE and I still get the same entry, I have pulled all of the files out of the DynDoLOD folder and put them in the same directory, it still gives me the error. 

Is the standalone version, for some reason, not the one I need. Mod Organizer 2 recognizes it and I have a quick access link that I can 'RUN' if from the drop down window in MO. but I get same error on all of the .exe's for DynDoLOD.



Thank you all for your patience and time on this issue.




9 answers to this question

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  • 0
Posted (edited)

See ..\DynDOLOD\Docs\DynDOLOD-Shortcut.txt how to create a Windows shortcut to add command line parameters or how to add command line parameters MO executable drop downs.


Start the games launcher once, so the registry settings for the game are set or updated.


In addition pay attention to the installation instructions: From the DynDOLOD Standalone archive copy the content of the 'DynDOLOD' folder which contains the files DynDOLOD.exe, TexGen.exe, DynDOLOD_QuickStart.html and the sub folders 'Docs' and 'Edit Scripts' with all their content into a new 'DynDOLOD' folder outside of special OS folders like 'Programs Files' or 'Program Files (x86)', the SteamApps or game folders and Mod Organizers virtual file structure.

Edited by sheson
  • 0
Hello and thanks for all the work put into this as its always a game changer.


I am still getting the same fatal error after using the SSE launcher and verifying through steam and have followed your steps and suggestions. I made a post here on step in MO support at 



I tried to take things a step further by experimienting with adding my DynDOLOD directory contents in through MO overwrite to see what would happen. After activing the files in MO I no longer get the fatal error.  MO reports process completion but nothing happens TexGen does not pop up. However I noticed the six optional ESP's available now Overwrite.esl, esm, esp, RNAM.esl, RNAM.esm, RNAM.esp. 


Is there another guide to follow explaining if playing with these files will help? Otherwise I suppose I will have to install the related files manually into my vanilla directory in order to get the tools to work. Then remove and paste into Overwrite. Or I could wait for updates and fixes. I suppose I should mention I am aware Vortex is on the way so MO support is what it is right now.


Thanks again

  • 0

Without the full log it is rather hard to guess all the other possible things that could go wrong. It seems the requirements to use DynDOLOD are not met.


There really should be no confusion whatsoever about the plugins that are part of a bug report in the docs folder.


I suggest to carefully read and follow the install instruction in the included manual and watch the embed/linked videos.

  • 0
Once trying to launch it without MO logs generated the following.


  Reveal hidden contents




[00:00:00.000] TexGen based on xEdit x64 starting session 2018-02-13 21:32:02

[00:00:00.003] Using Skyrim Special Edition Data Path: S:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\

[00:00:00.006] Using ini: C:\Users\Tim\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\Skyrim.ini

[00:00:00.009] Using save path: C:\Users\Tim\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\Saves\

[00:00:00.012] Using plugin list: C:\Users\Tim\AppData\Local\Skyrim Special Edition\Plugins.txt

[00:00:00.016] Using settings file: C:\Users\Tim\AppData\Local\Skyrim Special Edition\DynDOLOD_settings.ini

[00:00:00.023] Loading active plugin list: C:\Users\Tim\AppData\Local\Skyrim Special Edition\Plugins.txt

[00:00:00.050] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp"

[00:00:00.069] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "ApachiiHair.esm"

[00:00:00.074] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "ApachiiHairFemales.esm"

[00:00:00.079] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "SGHairPackBase.esm"

[00:00:00.085] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Apachii_DivineEleganceStore.esm"

[00:00:00.096] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "daymoyl.esm"

[00:00:00.103] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "SkyUI_SE.esp"

[00:00:00.148] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "FNIS.esp"

[00:00:00.157] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "SGEyebrows.esp"

[00:00:00.164] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "EnhancedLightsandFX.esp"

[00:00:00.173] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "RelightingSkyrim_SSE.esp"

[00:00:00.181] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "NexusSkyrimOverhaul.esp"

[00:00:00.190] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Palaces Castles Enhanced.esp"

[00:00:00.199] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "ELFX - Exteriors.esp"

[00:00:00.208] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "LegacyoftheDragonborn.esp"

[00:00:00.219] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "NexusSkyrimOverhaul_Magic.esp"

[00:00:00.229] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp"

[00:00:00.240] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods.esp"

[00:00:00.250] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "ELFXEnhancer.esp"

[00:00:00.261] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Book of UUNP Iron And Steel.esp"

[00:00:00.271] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "WhiterunHoldForest.esp"

[00:00:00.282] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "OBIS SE.esp"

[00:00:00.293] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Book of UUNP - Textures.esp"

[00:00:00.304] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Book of UUNP with Summermyst.esp"

[00:00:00.315] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "EEKs Bannered Mare SSE.esp"

[00:00:00.356] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "ELFX - Weathers.esp"

[00:00:00.371] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "SPTConsistentOlderPeopleSE.esp"

[00:00:00.386] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "OpulentOutfits_2017-SSE AIO.esp"

[00:00:00.401] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "BijinAIO_SSE-3.1.1-SV.esp"

[00:00:00.432] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "SGHairPackAIO.esp"

[00:00:00.447] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "SGHairPackBase.esp"

[00:00:00.462] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "SimplyBiggerTreesSE.esp"

[00:00:00.477] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Potions.esp"

[00:00:00.493] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "DBM_NexusSkyrimOverhaul_Patch.esp"

[00:00:00.508] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "OBIS Loot SE.esp"

[00:00:00.524] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "NSO OBIS Patch.esp"

[00:00:00.539] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Extra Guards.esp"

[00:00:00.555] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "more idle markers.esp"

[00:00:00.570] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Immersive Patrols II.esp"

[00:00:00.585] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Trees in Cities.esp"

[00:00:00.600] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Immersive Wenches.esp"

[00:00:00.616] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "waterplants.esp"

[00:00:00.647] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "DraugrRace.esp"

[00:00:00.664] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "DragonPriestNude.esp"

[00:00:00.679] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Hateful Wenches.esp"

[00:00:00.695] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "DraugrSkirts.esp"

[00:00:00.711] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Apachii_DivineEleganceStore_Patch.esp"

[00:00:00.728] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Solar.esp"

[00:00:00.743] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "TheAmazingWorldOfBikiniArmor.esp"

[00:00:00.758] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Draugnarok.esp"

[00:00:00.774] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "mihaildragonling.esp"

[00:00:00.805] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "OBIS SE Patrols Addon.esp"

[00:00:00.820] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Uriellefollower.esp"

[00:00:00.850] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "ForgottenMagic_Redone.esp"

[00:00:00.866] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp"

[00:00:00.881] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Forgotten Wenches.esp"

[00:00:00.897] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Deadly Wenches.esp"

[00:00:00.912] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Legionettes SE.esp"

[00:00:00.928] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Judgment Wenches.esp"

[00:00:00.943] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "KS Hairdo's.esp"

[00:00:00.958] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Immersive Wenches -SG&KS hairs- Patch.esp"

[00:00:00.974] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "CreatureSizeVariants.esp"

[00:00:00.990] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Veydosebrom - Grasses and Groundcover.esp"

[00:00:01.005] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Celtic_Music_In_Skyrim_SE.esp"

[00:00:01.021] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Celtic_Music_In_Skyrim_SE_Dungeon.esp"

[00:00:01.036] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "SJs_InvHelms_Eng_Main_AHelm_A.esp"

[00:00:01.052] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "SJs_InvHelms_Eng_Plugin_DLC1_AHelm_A.esp"

[00:00:01.068] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "SJs_InvHelms_Eng_Plugin_DLC2_AHelm_A.esp"

[00:00:01.098] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Spells Emit Light.esp"

[00:00:01.129] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "OBIS SE - No Spiders.esp"

[00:00:01.144] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "ASIS-Dependency.esp"

[00:00:01.160] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Starting Spell Choice.esp"

[00:00:01.175] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "VioLens SE.esp"

[00:00:01.190] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "VioLens SE - Book Menu.esp"

[00:00:01.205] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Cassandra Frost Witch.esp"

[00:00:01.221] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Toccata as Elisif.esp"

[00:00:01.236] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "JoP - The Book of UUNP Patch.esp"

[00:00:01.251] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Tiwa44_SpiceGear_UNPB.esp"

[00:00:01.267] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Maevan2EyeBrows.esp"

[00:00:01.374] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "00FacialExpressions.esp"

[00:00:01.391] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "XPMSSE.esp"

[00:00:01.406] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Facelight.esp"

[00:00:01.421] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp"

[00:00:01.437] Note: Active plugin List contains nonexisting file "Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp"

[00:00:01.453] [skyrim.esm] Loading file

[00:00:01.464] [update.esm] Loading file

[00:00:01.464] [Dawnguard.esm] Loading file

[00:00:01.465] [HearthFires.esm] Loading file

[00:00:01.465] [Dragonborn.esm] Loading file

[00:00:01.480] Background Loader: starting...

[00:00:01.481] Background Loader: [skyrim - Misc.bsa] Loading Resources.

[00:00:01.501] Background Loader: [skyrim - Shaders.bsa] Skipping Resources.

[00:00:01.501] Background Loader: [skyrim - Interface.bsa] Loading Resources.

[00:00:01.502] Background Loader: [skyrim - Animations.bsa] Skipping Resources.

[00:00:01.502] Background Loader: [skyrim - Meshes0.bsa] Loading Resources.

[00:00:01.523] Background Loader: [skyrim - Meshes1.bsa] Loading Resources.

[00:00:01.537] Background Loader: [skyrim - Sounds.bsa] Skipping Resources.

[00:00:01.537] Background Loader: [skyrim - Voices_en0.bsa] Skipping Resources.

[00:00:01.537] Background Loader: [skyrim - Textures0.bsa] Loading Resources.

[00:00:01.542] Background Loader: [skyrim - Textures1.bsa] Loading Resources.

[00:00:01.543] Background Loader: [skyrim - Textures2.bsa] Loading Resources.

[00:00:01.545] Background Loader: [skyrim - Textures3.bsa] Loading Resources.

[00:00:01.548] Background Loader: [skyrim - Textures4.bsa] Loading Resources.

[00:00:01.550] Background Loader: [skyrim - Textures5.bsa] Loading Resources.

[00:00:01.556] Background Loader: [skyrim - Textures6.bsa] Loading Resources.

[00:00:01.566] Background Loader: [skyrim - Textures7.bsa] Loading Resources.

[00:00:01.572] Background Loader: [skyrim - Textures8.bsa] Loading Resources.

[00:00:01.572] Background Loader: [skyrim - Patch.bsa] Loading Resources.

[00:00:01.574] Background Loader: [skyrim - Animations.bsa] Skipping Resources.

[00:00:01.574] Background Loader: [skyrim - Shaders.bsa] Skipping Resources.

[00:00:01.574] Background Loader: [skyrim - Sounds.bsa] Skipping Resources.

[00:00:01.574] Background Loader: [skyrim - Voices_en0.bsa] Skipping Resources.

[00:00:01.574] Background Loader: [s:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\] Setting Resource Path.

[00:00:01.574] Background Loader: [skyrim.esm] Loading file

[00:00:03.520] Background Loader: [skyrim.esm] Warning: File contains duplicated top level group: GRUP Top "HAZD"

[00:00:03.520] Background Loader: [skyrim.Hardcoded.keep.this.with.the.exe.and.otherwise.ignore.it.I.really.mean.it.dat] Loading file

[00:00:03.530] Background Loader: [skyrim.Hardcoded.keep.this.with.the.exe.and.otherwise.ignore.it.I.really.mean.it.dat] Adding master "Skyrim.esm"

[00:00:03.530] Background Loader: [update.esm] Loading file

[00:00:03.531] Background Loader: [update.esm] Adding master "Skyrim.esm"

[00:00:03.580] Background Loader: [Dawnguard.esm] Loading file

[00:00:03.580] Background Loader: [Dawnguard.esm] Adding master "Skyrim.esm"

[00:00:03.580] Background Loader: [Dawnguard.esm] Adding master "Update.esm"

[00:00:03.798] Background Loader: [HearthFires.esm] Loading file

[00:00:03.799] Background Loader: [HearthFires.esm] Adding master "Skyrim.esm"

[00:00:03.799] Background Loader: [HearthFires.esm] Adding master "Update.esm"

[00:00:03.839] Background Loader: [Dragonborn.esm] Loading file

[00:00:03.839] Background Loader: [Dragonborn.esm] Adding master "Skyrim.esm"

[00:00:03.839] Background Loader: [Dragonborn.esm] Adding master "Update.esm"

[00:00:04.328] Background Loader: finished

[00:00:05.383] DynDOLOD TexGen 2.35 (1) by Sheson, starting...


[00:00:11.034] Script terminated itself, Result=2

[00:00:13.440] Saving: Settings

[00:00:13.458] Saving: Logs


[00:00:00.000] TexGen based on xEdit x64 starting session 2018-02-14 15:23:43

[00:00:00.002] Using Skyrim Special Edition Data Path: 

[00:00:00.005] Using ini: 

[00:00:00.007] Fatal: Could not find ini

[00:00:01.418] Saving: Settings

[00:00:01.421] Saving: Logs




[00:00:00.000] DynDOLOD based on xEdit x64 starting session 2018-02-14 14:17:23

[00:00:00.002] Using Skyrim Data Path: 

[00:00:00.005] Using ini: 

[00:00:00.007] Fatal: Could not find ini

[00:00:01.225] Saving: Settings

[00:00:01.228] Saving: Logs




[00:00:00.000] TexGen based on xEdit x64 starting session 2018-02-13 21:20:36

[00:00:00.002] Using Skyrim Data Path: 

[00:00:00.005] Using ini: 

[00:00:00.008] Fatal: Could not find ini

[00:00:07.062] Saving: Settings

[00:00:07.065] Saving: Logs


  • 0


I suggest you continue this in just one thread, either here or the MO one but not both.

As stated in the other thread posting a log of what happens when you do not use MO is not going to be helpful in troubleshooting your problem since it is to do with both DynDoLOD and MO.

  • 0
What is the version of MO2?




What is the installation path of MO2? 


X:\Storage\Game Resources\Skyrim SE\Mods\Mod Organizer


What is the installation path of DynDOLOD?


X:\Storage\Game Resources\Skyrim SE\Tools\DYNLODODSSE\Dyndolod


Test if DynDOLOD 2.36 beta is any different.


Ok. Same error.


What happens when xEdit is started from MO2?


Thats odd. It stopped working but was fine yesterday.


xEdit has been installed on


X:\Storage\Game Resources\Skyrim SE\Tools\SSEEdit\SSEEdit.exe


it was working until I just tested it.



Thanks for help I was a bit on the fence where to post. Perhaps a tad over my head here. I hope any of this was useful.

  • 0
Posted (edited)

OK, installation paths etc all seems in order.


Fix or undo whatever it is that happened between last time xEdit worked and now. Could be 3rd party stuff, like antivirus.


Also reboot to clear up any hung file processes or other background things that can prevent access.


Check manually if the registry entry actually exists and is correct. Should be HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\Bethseda Softworks\Skyrim Special Edition\Installed Path

Edited by sheson

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