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Thank you STEP, Wrye and TES5edit!!



A big, hearty thanks to you all at STEP! I put this in the Wrye Support section for a reason; after many years of modded TES gaming (Skyrim being the most prominent), I've referred to the STEP Wiki innumerable times.


Recently, as I creep toward the 1.5k hours played mark with Skyrim, I've become increasingly disenchanted with both Mod Organizer and Nexus Mod Manager. Great tools, yes, but I find myself tinkering with them far too often, and even more frustrating, those two have been the culprit for broken games on more than one occasion!


Enter Wrye and Tes5Edit. Powerful tools I've been using for some time for patching and such. I knew very little about either one, other than the aforementioned functions. Shied away from learning more primarily because it took effort to learn MO and NMM, and frankly, MO and NMM did the dirty work for me. Mostly. And inconsistently, as it turned out on various occasions.


So, I decided to cut the apron strings and ditch them. Honestly, NMM drove the final nail in the coffin; I've spent way too much of my gaming time dealing with issues stemming from the last couple of NMM updates. 'Nough said.


With the help of STEP and this forum, I've restarted a fresh game, replete with ENB, about a 100 of my favorite mods, using nothing but Wrye, TES5Edit and Loot to manage it. I'm twenty game hours into a play through, every mod working as expected, have not had a single crash yet (knock on my thick wooden head!!) And I am simply amazed at how simple this has all become.


Yes, there was a few hour investment up front, Wrye is not as prettily dressed up as MO or NMM and doesn't do a lot of hand holding for you. Thanks to STEP and this forum, I got up and running on a short Saturday morning and a couple cups of coffee.


Thanks again folks, could not have done it without the gold mine of knowledge here!!

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