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What's up with my grass?

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Those are landscape textures that are not compatible with FixParallaxTerrain=true I think. It should disappear if you set FixParallaxTerrain to false, but you'll lose out on the parallax effects of landscape textures that do support it. That, or identify the texture and replace it with a terrain parallax supported one.

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Those are landscape textures that are not compatible with FixParallaxTerrain=true I think. It should disappear if you set FixParallaxTerrain to false, but you'll lose out on the parallax effects of landscape textures that do support it. That, or identify the texture and replace it with a terrain parallax supported one.

Do you or anyone else have it? I followed the guide to the absolute letter so I'm at a loss

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I don't remember, I'm running a slightly different setup. But I suspect everyone then has it. Landscape textures from Vivid Landscapes are compatible with ENB's terrain parallax, but they do not replace all landscape textures in the game. The rest are probably provided by Noble Skyrim, and perhaps those aren't made with FixParallaxTerrain in mind (it was like that with SRO, before Noble Skyrim was added to the guide). This causes the distortion.


A set of parallax landscape textures that complements Vivid Landscapes is Skyrim HD - Terrain Parallax Tribute. It's by the same author and while you may argue not all textures blend in well, it looks pretty good and should cover most of Skyrim in combination with Vivid Landscapes. I suggest using the 1k option, it looks nearly as good as 2k.

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I have the same issue with that same texture when parallax is enabled. So don't worry, not just you.


Not sure which mod is providing that texture or why it's bugged, but I don't think it's vivid landscapes or noble skyrim. The texture is still distorted even with those disabled.


Maybe a vanilla texture?

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Something that wasn't covered by the two you mentioned? I wonder if someone got a grass mod and removed 'only' the files that aren't conflicted by those two would the problem go away.


Or am I just talking outta my bum bum. Either way I'm actually playing CTD free game of Skyrim that looks and play effin wonderful. I won't be doing any more pullin and pokin!

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