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  1. I don't think I can edit. Apparently updating drivers forced my textures to "low" ingame which had that result, turning it back up fixed it, sorry for the useless posts :p
  2. I've been using this guide when I had a 970, started a game and it worked fine. I just installed a 1080 and now this happens https://i.imgur.com/WmGdWFo.jpg any idea what could be breaking it ? Several other games (like Fallout 4, Warframe, Path of Exile) all work fine, I uninstalled the drivers with DDU and reinstalled clean ones, tried the 28/10 hotfix as well just in case, I'm out of ideas.
  3. Latest versions of the Mod Manager don't work for me and other people, we get some strange error message the mod creator hasnt managed to fix yet, and I can't find any older versions, could anybody upload a version before 0.6 ? 0.5.1 is the one on Neovalen's guide for example. Alternatively, any idea what could be causing ""This Windows version (6.3.9600) does not support the required Bluetooth API. Consider updating to a more recent Windows (10.0.10586 or above)." It's a known bug in PyQT version 5.10 but the mod creator tried reverting it to 5.9.2 and it still happens.
  4. Ok I might have resolved the issue. On the "mod merge" section of Neovalen's guide toward the end, you're never specifically instructed to manually uncheck the ESPs you're merging. Since I didn't need the room and I wasn't told to do so, I didn't change anything, so I ended up with my NSUTR-Merged patch.esp being checked, as well as all the individual esps that were merged within said patch. As a result, I suppose they both loaded twice(?) and that somehow bungled something. Manually unchecking all the individual No-Snow-Under-The-Roof related ESPs except for the merged patch allowed me to follow the path to high hrothgar without crashing. However, I now get a warning next to my dyndolod esp, saying I'm missing 2 masters (2 of the ones I disabled, although they should technically still work under the merged patch). Can anybody confirm that this will fix my game without leading to other issues ?
  5. https://forum.step-project.com/topic/10431-area-specific-ctd-game-crashes-when-approaching-a-certain-location-azuras-shrine/?hl=%2Bstatue&do=findComment&comment=164118 This appears a similar issue to this, but I'm confused, https://wiki.step-project.com/index.php?title=User:Neovalen/Skyrim_Revisited_-_Legendary_Edition#Stunning_Statues_of_Skyrim I checked and all my files/folders are named correctly. If I understand it correctly this is a Worldplace cell that is loading the vanilla skyrim statue (000018483) (that's what's under the "name" section corresponding to formID 000BFC6D on the left column of TES5Edit and is conflicting the NSUTR's modded meshes, but I'm not sure how to solve it. PS : On the second screen, the NAME - Base line has the following values : StatueTalos01Snow [sTAT:00018483] Prom_StatueTalos01Snow [sTAT:2400B7DE] Prom_StatueTalos01Snow [sTAT:AF00B7DE]
  6. looking for AF00B7DE and 000BFC6D on TES5Edit I find this https://i.imgur.com/8N5lV4s.jpg and https://i.imgur.com/rzCqkju.jpg @paul666root : for some reason I forgot to add the 000 at the beginning of one of the formIDs , sorry
  7. "skyrim has crashed because an object reference with form ID 0xBFC6D, base form ID 0xAF00B7DE and type 0x22 failed to produce loaded node most likely due to corrupted mesh or other reason" Getting this error message. Teleporting to High Hrothgar (coc highhrothgar) works, but when I leave by taking the door directly behind me I get the same crash. I assume there's something between Emblem VII and High Hrothgar itself that my game is very unhappy about. Any idea ?
  8. Welp I just had to run skse_loader and MO as administrator, such a silly thing to forget. Not sure how to delete this thread !
  9. I'm using Neovalen's guide https://wiki.step-project.com/index.php?title=User:Neovalen/Skyrim_Revisited_-_Legendary_EditionI ****ed it up the first time, but now I'm sure I've done just about everything right, but now when I launch MO and launch the SKSE loader ( https://i.imgur.com/BkGnavQ.png ) instead of launching the game directly, it shows the launcher (with play/data files/tech support...), the data files showing are thesehttps://imgur.com/a/FP4KT And as I launch the game, I do get the ENB message on the top left, but it's the vanilla helgen start, pressing escape doesn't show the MCM options, etc... no racemenu, shortcuts brought by mods don't work... basically a vanilla game for the most part as far as I can tell... I did start up the game as the guide said before doing all the modding process etc etc. If anybody has any idea I'm pretty desperate now, I spent 2 full days modding skyrim for nothing :( If it helps here's an album of my ESP files : changes from Neovalen's base setup is Apocalypse and Ordinator, with the compatibility patches and the special uncapper from https://wiki.step-project.com/User:Darth_mathias/SRLE_Extended_Legacy_of_The_Dragonborn
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